Milton Friedman Destroys the Idea of "Greed" and Iniquality.

The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.
? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

100% liberal and stupid of course. How do 30 million corporations, all competing against each other to please us, control the govt. If they control the govt why do 10,000 go bankrupt each month?

Give us most obvious example of corporations controlling govt or admit to being obvious idiot libcommie
? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

100% liberal and stupid of course. How do 30 million corporations, all competing against each other to please us, control the govt. If they control the govt why do 10,000 go bankrupt each month?

Give us most obvious example of corporations controlling govt or admit to being obvious idiot libcommie
Socialists have to say that because they need a scape goat to blame for all the evil shit that government does.
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
Socialists have to say that because they need a scape goat to blame for all the evil shit that government does.

Maybe, but I think its mostly that they have been brainwashed by 19th century Marxism which was formulated long before the USSR, Red China, Cuba, East Germany, and 100 other Marxist states failed and before America got so rich under capitalism that it has far more registered passenger cars than drivers.

Or, it might be that the liberal evolved as a simple dumb animal genetically looking for a herd or pack to follow, much like a wild horse, buffalo, or wolve, and as such they are not suited to the idea of individual liberty. After all, looking for and following the leader of the pack is not necessarily a bad genetic strategy. We see echos of this in the way humans worship business, entertainment, and sports figures who, in their way, are genetic leaders of the pack.
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?
? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

100% liberal and stupid of course. How do 30 million corporations, all competing against each other to please us, control the govt. If they control the govt why do 10,000 go bankrupt each month?

Give us most obvious example of corporations controlling govt or admit to being obvious idiot libcommie
Socialists have to say that because they need a scape goat to blame for all the evil shit that government does.
I can rant for days about the evils done by corporations, tell me if you want to.
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?
If corporations controlled the gov't then why has the gov't instituted enormous burdensome regulations across most industries? THey would have blocked all those regulations if they really had control.
? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

100% liberal and stupid of course. How do 30 million corporations, all competing against each other to please us, control the govt. If they control the govt why do 10,000 go bankrupt each month?

Give us most obvious example of corporations controlling govt or admit to being obvious idiot libcommie
Socialists have to say that because they need a scape goat to blame for all the evil shit that government does.
I can rant for days about the evils done by corporations, tell me if you want to.

Give us single most obvious example of corporations controlling govt or admit to being a libcommie without the IQ to defend what he says
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?
If corporations controlled the gov't then why has the gov't instituted enormous burdensome regulations across most industries? THey would have blocked all those regulations if they really had control.

yes they control govt but still 10,000 go bankrupt each month. I guess the the govt controlled them and forced them into bankruptcy and it had nothing to do with control by their displeased or non existent customers!!
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?

The fact is that politicians in Washington shake down corporations for campaign donations all the time. For example, they have special tax provisions designed especially for this purpose. There may be a tax provision that exempts some industry from paying taxes, but it expires every two to four years, right during campaign season. Of course, the corporations donate by the bucket load to keep the tax exemption in place.

There's a book on this subject by Peter Schweizer named "Extortion: how politicians extract your money, buy votes and line their own pockets."

Read it so you won't be so damn gullible.
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?

The fact is that politicians in Washington shake down corporations for campaign donations all the time. For example, they have special tax provisions designed especially for this purpose. There may be a tax provision that exempts some industry from paying taxes, but it expires every two to four years, right during campaign season. Of course, the corporations donate by the bucket load to keep the tax exemption in place.

There's a book on this subject by Peter Schweizer named "Extortion: how politicians extract your money, buy votes and line their own pockets."

Read it so you won't be so damn gullible.
Corporations "buy" politicans to serve there interests, look at things like the TPP, what clinton did...
You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?

The fact is that politicians in Washington shake down corporations for campaign donations all the time. For example, they have special tax provisions designed especially for this purpose. There may be a tax provision that exempts some industry from paying taxes, but it expires every two to four years, right during campaign season. Of course, the corporations donate by the bucket load to keep the tax exemption in place.

There's a book on this subject by Peter Schweizer named "Extortion: how politicians extract your money, buy votes and line their own pockets."

Read it so you won't be so damn gullible.
Corporations "buy" politicans to serve there interests, look at things like the TPP, what clinton did...

Corporations pay extortion to politicians. I would think a smart guy like you would understand that the ones receiving the extortion money are in charge, not the ones paying it.
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.See sig

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.
Paul Krugman. The most failed economist in history.
Link? You did hear that Friedmen's Voodoo has killed the country over the last 30 years. See sig. He should STFU.
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?

The fact is that politicians in Washington shake down corporations for campaign donations all the time. For example, they have special tax provisions designed especially for this purpose. There may be a tax provision that exempts some industry from paying taxes, but it expires every two to four years, right during campaign season. Of course, the corporations donate by the bucket load to keep the tax exemption in place.

There's a book on this subject by Peter Schweizer named "Extortion: how politicians extract your money, buy votes and line their own pockets."

Read it so you won't be so damn gullible.
So how do the campaign funds get in politician's pockets? I think their wealth comes from insider trading of sorts independant of that. Or explain.....
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.See sig

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.
Paul Krugman. The most failed economist in history.
Link? You did hear that Friedmen's Voodoo has killed the country over the last 30 years. See sig. He should STFU.
Eat a bag of dicks, you hater dupe.
"It's only the other fellow who's greedy." Brilliant, Dr Friedman!

Agree 100% that Friedman was brilliant. I have a dog-eared copy of "Capitalism and Freedom" in my library along with "The Road To Serfdom", written by his Austrian mentor Hayek.

Friedman correctly predicted that postwar Keynesianism would stall, and that there was no long term trade off between inflation and unemployment, and that eventually government stimulus would lead to inflation and unemployment.

The main problem I have with uncle Milty is that he has blood on his hands RE Pinochet, the torturous Chilean dictator whom he advised. There were rivers of blood in Chili, as capitalism was imposed in series of violent shocks. This was completely contrary to his promise that capitalism was always consistent with freedom.

Worse. He always talked about the ability of capitalism to lift the poor, yet his active writing & speaking years took place almost wholly inside the era of New Deal Capitalism where Liberal policies provided safety nets for the poor, wage & benefit support to Labor, and, finally, affordable education and generous public services to the middle class - in short everything he was against. Fast forward 30 years after Reaganomics crushed the New Deal, and you have exploding poverty side by side with an unprecedented concentration of weath, which doesn't seem to be trickling down as Friedman predicted.

This is not to say that Friedman wasn't a genuinely brilliant economist - especially when it came to consumer behavior or the unintended consequences of governmental activism - it is only to suggest that it is dangerous to consume him uncritically.
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The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.

You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?

The fact is that politicians in Washington shake down corporations for campaign donations all the time. For example, they have special tax provisions designed especially for this purpose. There may be a tax provision that exempts some industry from paying taxes, but it expires every two to four years, right during campaign season. Of course, the corporations donate by the bucket load to keep the tax exemption in place.

There's a book on this subject by Peter Schweizer named "Extortion: how politicians extract your money, buy votes and line their own pockets."

Read it so you won't be so damn gullible.

You gotta stop posting this moronic shit. It's getting boring.

Halliburton isn't fleeced by government; it staffs the Vice Presidency. Goldman Sachs staffs the Fed (which has more power than government to control the economy).

Look at the corporations Rumsfeld was connected to - seriously, it's a fucking joke.

There is an underground tunnel between corporate lobbying firms and big government. Senators and House members are promised lucrative lobbying jobs when they leave office. This is why Fannie and Freddie hired Gingrich to influence housing policies during the Bush era, and its why Lefty Tom Daschle was hired to lobby his old Senator buddies on behalf of mega health insurance firms during Obama's first term. Both sides of the aisle work for big business, not the other way around.

AIG and Goldman don't take orders from Government. They own government. They get bailed out by government no matter how criminal their behavior. Ely Lilly doesn't take orders from Government. To the contrary, it gets no-bid contracts to supply Bush's Medicare Part D with drugs, which effectively locks the taxpayer into above market costs for drugs.

Government and big business have merged. This was Reagan's dream - to have business not brownshirts run Washington. This is why Halliburton and Bechtel get paid trillions to ceaselessly rebuild shit that Lockheed blows up in Iraq.

If you don't understand the degree to which business staffs and runs government, than you are either a victim of rightwing propaganda, or you are a benefactor or operative of the current system.
You proved Krugman is stupid, not Friedman. Almost all claims about so-called "market failure" are just government propaganda designed to justify government interference in the market.
Government propaganda? Are you truly that stupid? Who do you think controls the government? The corporations.

Wrong. It's precisely the other way around. The theory that corporations control the government is utterly ludicrous.
You can't honestly believe that, have any evidence?

The fact is that politicians in Washington shake down corporations for campaign donations all the time. For example, they have special tax provisions designed especially for this purpose. There may be a tax provision that exempts some industry from paying taxes, but it expires every two to four years, right during campaign season. Of course, the corporations donate by the bucket load to keep the tax exemption in place.

There's a book on this subject by Peter Schweizer named "Extortion: how politicians extract your money, buy votes and line their own pockets."

Read it so you won't be so damn gullible.

You gotta stop posting this moronic shit. It's getting boring.

Halliburton isn't fleeced by government; it staffs the Vice Presidency. Goldman Sachs staffs the Fed (which has more power than government to control the economy).

Look at the corporations Rumsfeld was connected to - seriously, it's a fucking joke.

There is an underground tunnel between corporate lobbying firms and big government. Senators and House members are promised lucrative lobbying jobs when they leave office. This is why Fannie and Freddie hired Gingrich to influence housing policies during the Bush era, and its why Lefty Tom Daschle was hired to lobby his old Senator buddies on behalf of mega health insurance firms during Obama's first term. Both sides of the aisle work for big business, not the other way around.

AIG and Goldman don't take orders from Government. They own government. They get bailed out by government no matter how criminal their behavior. Ely Lilly doesn't take orders from Government. To the contrary, it gets no-bid contracts to supply Bush's Medicare Part D with drugs, which effectively locks the taxpayer into above market costs for drugs.

Government and big business have merged. This was Reagan's dream - to have business not brownshirts run Washington. This is why Halliburton and Bechtel get paid trillions to ceaselessly rebuild shit that Lockheed blows up in Iraq.

If you don't understand the degree to which business staffs and runs government, than you are either a victim of rightwing propaganda, or you are a benefactor or operative of the current system.
The Origin Of 'The World's Dumbest Idea': Milton Friedman

Friedman's 'shareholder value' theories have been debunked by CEO's and economists.See sig

What can be said about Friedman - "he slipped all too easily into claiming both that markets always work and that only markets work. It's extremely hard to find cases in which Friedman acknowledged the possibility that markets could go wrong, or that government intervention could serve a useful purpose."

Paul Krugman.
Paul Krugman. The most failed economist in history.
Link? You did hear that Friedmen's Voodoo has killed the country over the last 30 years. See sig. He should STFU.
Eat a bag of dicks, you hater dupe.
Vulgar hateful, and moronic. The hater dupe trifecta...

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