Milton Friedman Destroys the Idea of "Greed" and Iniquality.

??? There's good and bad gov't intervention, obviously. The Constitution, Congress, the Bill of Rights ARE gov't intervention. Ay caramba.
??? There's good and bad gov't intervention, obviously. The Constitution, Congress, the Bill of Rights ARE gov't intervention. Ay caramba.

1) Congress is govt as defined by Constitution, it is not intervention
2) Bill of Rights is part of Constitution, it is not intervention
3) Constitution is exclusively designed to limit the evil intervention of govt.
4) Liberals want unlimited always growing anti American govt intervention because they lack the IQ to understand the Constitution or how freedom works.

Now you know why liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin and elected Obama after he voted to left of Bernie Sanders, an open libcommie.

Get thee to college. No need for your illiterate dupe dupe grunting response.
The Constitution INTERVENES against Monarchy, you idiot. So does the Bill of Rights and everything else the founders started. I have a masters in history. duh. They were liberals. Who never spied for Hitler lol.
The Constitution INTERVENES against Monarchy, you idiot..

no dear, against liberalism in general. Hitler Stalin Mao Caesar Franco FDR Castro were not Kingly monarchs but they were made illegal here by our Founders because they wanted strong central govt. The rationale for the strong central govt did not matter to our founders. In fact libcommieism is worse than monarchy and so certainly would have been hated by our founders

here are quotes from Jefferson and Madison that talk about big liberal govt not monarchy. Catching on now??

13)"The path we have to pursue[when Jefferson was President ] is so quiet that we have nothing scarcely to propose to our Legislature."

-14)The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not.

-15)The natural progress of things is for liberty to yield and government to gain ground.( note he says govt not monarchy!!!!)

“I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.”
James Madison

you should ask questions here but not make assertions until you have been to college!! MA??? Total BS. Who do you think you're fooling with that??
They were liberals. .

dear, you mean classical liberals or modern conservatives who wanted very very tiny govt. Here are their quotes to prove it. Get thee to college!!

I own that I am not a friend to a very energetic government. It is always oppressive.

I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them.

My reading of history convinces me that bad government results from too much government.

Our country is now taking so steady a course as to show by what road it will pass to destruction, to wit: by consolidation of power first, and then corruption, its necessary consequence.

Sometimes it is said that man cannot be trusted with the government of himself. Can he, then be trusted with the government of others? Or have we found angels in the form of kings to govern him? Let history answer this question.

The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive.

Most bad government has grown out of too much government.
??? There's good and bad gov't intervention, obviously. The Constitution, Congress, the Bill of Rights ARE gov't intervention. Ay caramba.

Wrong. There is no good government intervention. The Bill of rights and the Constitution protect you from the government, not private business, numskull.
??? There's good and bad gov't intervention, obviously. The Constitution, Congress, the Bill of Rights ARE gov't intervention. Ay caramba.

yes but minimal govt interventions severely limited for the Founder's purpose of maintaining individual liberty. Liberals treasonously oppose limited interventions, and instead want massive interventions like Obamalibcommiecare and Obama's Positive Bill of Rights to create the right to ever growing welfare entitlements.
Hey Einstein, what is "Iniquality"? Is it a critique of belly buttons?
Ignorant hater dupes....ay caramba...

ah there it is, the dupe dupe grunting again when the illiterate has lost yet another debate. Dear, try college. Even a liberal college is better than nothing.

Show some character dear and tell us if liberals would say what Jefferson and Madison said??
U of R Masters vs Rush Limbaugh College of BS Propaganda....later much, dupe.

Actually dear Jefferson and Madison were before Rush. Get thee to college!!

Show some character dear and tell us if liberals would say what Jefferson and Madison said??
Yup- obviously, if you think Mao or Hitler were liberals, you are a brainwashed ignorant functional ignoramus.
Greed and inequality are massive problems, sorry that you want to ignore them.

As per Friedman, show us today where greed and income inequality is not in the UK, Nigeria, China, Russia, or Cuba? The best way to address an income gap is through opportunity. Who has more opportunity? A US citizen or Cuban citizen? Are individuals in search of closing the income gap going to have a better opportunity in the US or China?

As for greed, let's be specific, Leftists like to call it Corporate Greed. What about Political Greed? How does turning over more and more power to a true 1 percent promising "fairness" while pursuing failed economic models that stifle individual opportunity?

True Capitalism affords more individual freedom and opportunity vs. any other system.
Greed and inequality are massive problems, sorry that you want to ignore them.

As per Friedman, show us today where greed and income inequality is not in the UK, Nigeria, China, Russia, or Cuba? The best way to address an income gap is through opportunity. Who has more opportunity? A US citizen or Cuban citizen? Are individuals in search of closing the income gap going to have a better opportunity in the US or China?

As for greed, let's be specific, Leftists like to call it Corporate Greed. What about Political Greed? How does turning over more and more power to a true 1 percent promising "fairness" while pursuing failed economic models that stifle individual opportunity?

True Capitalism affords more individual freedom and opportunity vs. any other system.
We're worse than any other advanced country in opportunity and fairness, thanks to 30 years of pander to the bloated rich Reaganism- see sig. When you have to compare us to a corrupt oligarchy like Russia or 3rd world countries, you lose.
The only reason conservatives like this quack is because he speaks in absolutes. Conservatives NEED the security of absolutes.

His ideas have been proven false all through history. You only need to look at European nations today to find their people are healthier and have a better standard of life because although they are generally 'controlled capitalism', they also provide for the good of all. They've been in existence for millennia longer than America which is an ignorant adolescent in human affairs.

And its easy to find HUGE accomplishments and advancements that were only possible because of the gigantic investment of money and resources by the government. NASA, the CDC, grants and government research into medicine, energy, physics...

Reality is the antidote to conservative manic flight.
Yup- obviously, if you think Mao or Hitler were liberals, you are a brainwashed ignorant functional ignoramus.

dear Hitler Stalin and Mao were liberals which is why our liberals spied for Hitler and Stalin. I assume they didn't spied for Mao because of racism.

Very interesting that you claim Mao and Hitler were not liberals but provide no reasoning. A liberal is actually too stupid to know that reasoning is necessary.

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