Minn. Jewish leaders Take Stand Against Conservative Christians


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
St. Paul, Minn. — Rabbis representing Jewish congregations from Duluth to Rochester say they're taking a stand against the ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage in the state.

Thirty-five rabbis from the Minnesota Rabbinical Association have signed onto a statement opposing the proposed constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this fall. The group represents conservative, reform and reconstructionist clergy from 15 congregations around the state.

Lynn Liberman, a rabbi at the Beth Jacob congregation in Mendota Heights, co-chairs the group and said the ballot initiative reminds the rabbis of historical discrimination against the Jewish people.

"All the rights that are afforded to all families should not be denied to some," she said. "That's been a principal of Jews and Judaism for hundreds of years, where we felt the challenges of discrimination and do not want to see that perpetuated in our state."

It wasn't easy getting all parties of differing opinions to come together on a single issue, Liberman said.

"But we all really understood the significance of Kavod HaBriyot, of honoring the individual, and of really seeing the rights of all people preserved," she said.

The statement, though, didn't include support from any orthodox clergy.

Minn. Jewish leaders oppose marriage amendment | Minnesota Public Radio News
St. Paul, Minn. — Rabbis representing Jewish congregations from Duluth to Rochester say they're taking a stand against the ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage in the state.

Thirty-five rabbis from the Minnesota Rabbinical Association have signed onto a statement opposing the proposed constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this fall. The group represents conservative, reform and reconstructionist clergy from 15 congregations around the state.

Lynn Liberman, a rabbi at the Beth Jacob congregation in Mendota Heights, co-chairs the group and said the ballot initiative reminds the rabbis of historical discrimination against the Jewish people.

"All the rights that are afforded to all families should not be denied to some," she said. "That's been a principal of Jews and Judaism for hundreds of years, where we felt the challenges of discrimination and do not want to see that perpetuated in our state."

It wasn't easy getting all parties of differing opinions to come together on a single issue, Liberman said.

"But we all really understood the significance of Kavod HaBriyot, of honoring the individual, and of really seeing the rights of all people preserved," she said.

The statement, though, didn't include support from any orthodox clergy.

Minn. Jewish leaders oppose marriage amendment | Minnesota Public Radio News
Leave it to the Jews to figure out that The United States Constitution is based on the premise of LIMITED GOVERNMENT, a doctrine where you never want to tell a certain segment of the population what they CAN NOT do and always want to tell the government what it CAN NOT DO.
Unbelievable that with all the financial problems we face as a nation there are still morons that are worried about gay folks loving each other.
Good for them, but it's a little tough to figure out. The Old Testament speaks against homosexuality multiple times and the New Testament never does, yet this kind of stuff takes place.
Good for them, but it's a little tough to figure out. The Old Testament speaks against homosexuality multiple times and the New Testament never does, yet this kind of stuff takes place.

They were not speaking as Jewish theologians, but as advocates for civil liberty. The laws of man are not the laws of God, and are to be judged by a different standard.
Good for them, but it's a little tough to figure out. The Old Testament speaks against homosexuality multiple times and the New Testament never does, yet this kind of stuff takes place.

They were not speaking as Jewish theologians, but as advocates for civil liberty. The laws of man are not the laws of God, and are to be judged by a different standard.

Well i would think those men who follow those laws would want their laws to align with the laws given to them by their god.

I'm a non-believer so I dont' care about that stuff, just saying it seems a little weird how this takign place.
Well i would think those men who follow those laws would want their laws to align with the laws given to them by their god.

Actually that's a matter of serious dispute in Israel. But in America, Jews live as a religious minority, so the question doesn't arise. The laws in the Torah are not for everyone, they're for Jews. What often concerns Jews w/r/t the laws of the land in this country is not their compliance with Jewish law but their protection of the rights of minorities -- like the Jews themselves.
Well i would think those men who follow those laws would want their laws to align with the laws given to them by their god.

Actually that's a matter of serious dispute in Israel. But in America, Jews live as a religious minority, so the question doesn't arise. The laws in the Torah are not for everyone, they're for Jews. What often concerns Jews w/r/t the laws of the land in this country is not their compliance with Jewish law but their protection of the rights of minorities -- like the Jews themselves.

which is why most jews are liberals. we have a natural tendency to distrust any system which victimizes minorities and will oppose such things even to our own detriment. we also tend to thrive in moderate systems of government and tend to get walloped by anything too far left or right.
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Well i would think those men who follow those laws would want their laws to align with the laws given to them by their god.

Actually that's a matter of serious dispute in Israel. But in America, Jews live as a religious minority, so the question doesn't arise. The laws in the Torah are not for everyone, they're for Jews. What often concerns Jews w/r/t the laws of the land in this country is not their compliance with Jewish law but their protection of the rights of minorities -- like the Jews themselves.

which is why most jews are liberals. we have a natural tendency to distrust any system which victimizes minorities and will oppose such things even to our own detriment. we also tend to thrive in moderate systems of government and tend to get walloped by anything too far left or right.

Got no problem victimizing Catholics though... liberals, not Jews.
Actually that's a matter of serious dispute in Israel. But in America, Jews live as a religious minority, so the question doesn't arise. The laws in the Torah are not for everyone, they're for Jews. What often concerns Jews w/r/t the laws of the land in this country is not their compliance with Jewish law but their protection of the rights of minorities -- like the Jews themselves.

which is why most jews are liberals. we have a natural tendency to distrust any system which victimizes minorities and will oppose such things even to our own detriment. we also tend to thrive in moderate systems of government and tend to get walloped by anything too far left or right.

Got no problem victimizing Catholics though... liberals, not Jews.

i don't see catholics as being victimized. if i did, i'd say something. i also think they'll work out whatever issues exist, like the white house said they would.

you have a problem with jews having to pay parking meters on saturday? on stores being closed on sunday? :eusa_whistle:

so i'd ramp down the hysteria a bit. because no one's religion should be law of the land.

i'd also point out that extremes on both sides need to be kept on a tighter rein. they've become too emboldened over the last dozen years.
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Got no problem victimizing Catholics though... liberals, not Jews.

So clarify this for us: the new health-care law requires Catholics to use birth control against their consciences? What penalties are imposed if they don't?

(You do know that there's a conceptual difference between "Catholics" and "the Catholic Church," right? And that only one of those constitutes individuals protected by the Bill of Rights?)

EDIT: Just to express a curiosity -- I stress that you are under NO obligation to answer this -- I wonder if you, yourself, use artificial birth control?
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which is why most jews are liberals. we have a natural tendency to distrust any system which victimizes minorities and will oppose such things even to our own detriment. we also tend to thrive in moderate systems of government and tend to get walloped by anything too far left or right.

Got no problem victimizing Catholics though... liberals, not Jews.

i don't see catholics as being victimized. if i did, i'd say something. i also think they'll work out whatever issues exist, like the white house said they would.

you have a problem with jews having to pay parking meters on saturday? on stores being closed on sunday? :eusa_whistle:

so i'd ramp down the hysteria a bit. because no one's religion should be law of the land.

All the Church is asking for is that the government allow insurance companies to offer policies that do not include contraception.... and, given that family planning services are offered free in vast numbers across the country.... I don't see that that is too much to ask... given that it is against our core beliefs to fund those.

You trivialize murdering children all you want by comparing them to parking meters and store opening hours. I won't.
Got no problem victimizing Catholics though... liberals, not Jews.

So clarify this for us: the new health-care law requires Catholics to use birth control against their consciences? What penalties are imposed if they don't?

(You do know that there's a conceptual difference between "Catholics" and "the Catholic Church," right? And that only one of those constitutes individuals protected by the Bill of Rights?)

EDIT: Just to express a curiosity -- I stress that you are under NO obligation to answer this -- I wonder if you, yourself, use artificial birth control?

Random side question, are condoms viewed as artificial birth control?
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Got no problem victimizing Catholics though... liberals, not Jews.

i don't see catholics as being victimized. if i did, i'd say something. i also think they'll work out whatever issues exist, like the white house said they would.

you have a problem with jews having to pay parking meters on saturday? on stores being closed on sunday? :eusa_whistle:

so i'd ramp down the hysteria a bit. because no one's religion should be law of the land.

All the Church is asking for is that the government allow insurance companies to offer policies that do not include contraception.... and, given that family planning services are offered free in vast numbers across the country.... I don't see that that is too much to ask... given that it is against our core beliefs to fund those.

You trivialize murdering children all you want by comparing them to parking meters and store opening hours. I won't.

contraception is murdering children?

chica, really?
First I want to say I am pro-gay marriage!

That said, stupid Jews, don't we have enough battles to fight and few allies on our side? Conservative Christians are great friends to the Jews! The left are NOT! Stupid rabbis don't know that they are being used as pawns against they Christian BIGOTRY (yep they have bigotry and intollerance against Christians - isn't that ironic). The new wave of antisemitism isn't coming from the racist on the far right (it's still there but much smaller and less powerful than advertised) is coming entirely from the left. The Jewish 9/11 conspiracies and Jewish Bankers Caused the Great Recession conspiracies being screamed loudest by the left. The Occupy Wall Street LEFTIST movement became a hotbed for antisemitism.

Yet American Christians donate more money to Israel than ANY OTHER GROUP! They donate more money than all the Jews around the world including in Israel combined! They stand up for Israel even when self-hating Jewish leftist try to tear it down. They visit Israel and spend more money their than any other group.

They protect Jews here in America more than anyone essence. They stand up to Catholics and Muslims, that regularly demonize Jews!

Gay marriage is a problem with them. OK your against it, but they are your friends. You don't always have to agree with whatever your friends do. So you don't have to support them, but for god sake don't take your enemies side and attack them!

I don't agree with the anti-gay marriage stance, but I will NEVER talk bad about the American Evangelical Christians ever. Other than gays (who they are not taking about persecuting, beating, bashing or imprisoning, only disallowing them to marry in the sense a man and a women can marry), they are the most tolerant, kind, charity, accepting, gentle and good natured people out there. They give FAR more in charity than anyone. They do far more charitable work in Africa, South America and other desperate places than anyone. Doctors without Borders is primarily filled with Evangelicals. I grew up with Evangelicals my entire life, went to many youth outings with my Christian friends and been to church with my Christian friends many times. They always preach tolerance, acceptance and peace. They are good people and friends of the Jews!
i don't see catholics as being victimized. if i did, i'd say something. i also think they'll work out whatever issues exist, like the white house said they would.

you have a problem with jews having to pay parking meters on saturday? on stores being closed on sunday? :eusa_whistle:

so i'd ramp down the hysteria a bit. because no one's religion should be law of the land.

All the Church is asking for is that the government allow insurance companies to offer policies that do not include contraception.... and, given that family planning services are offered free in vast numbers across the country.... I don't see that that is too much to ask... given that it is against our core beliefs to fund those.

You trivialize murdering children all you want by comparing them to parking meters and store opening hours. I won't.

contraception is murdering children?

chica, really?

Abortion is. And that's what you are trying to force me to accept. Where is this 'freedom of choice' y'all claim to be so damned passionate about?

Why can we not be allowed insurance policies that do not fund that which is outside of our core beliefs? Don't deflect with bullshit, Jillian.... just tell me straight. Do you support freedom of choice - even when it's hard for you as an individual or not?
Prime example of a Leftist extremist antisemite (has stated he would like to see another holocaust, but ironically denies the first one took place :eek:) like TS420 using the Jews to promote his agenda. He would stab the same Jews through the heart if he had the chance!

St. Paul, Minn. — Rabbis representing Jewish congregations from Duluth to Rochester say they're taking a stand against the ballot measure that would ban same-sex marriage in the state.

Thirty-five rabbis from the Minnesota Rabbinical Association have signed onto a statement opposing the proposed constitutional amendment that will be on the ballot this fall. The group represents conservative, reform and reconstructionist clergy from 15 congregations around the state.

Lynn Liberman, a rabbi at the Beth Jacob congregation in Mendota Heights, co-chairs the group and said the ballot initiative reminds the rabbis of historical discrimination against the Jewish people.

"All the rights that are afforded to all families should not be denied to some," she said. "That's been a principal of Jews and Judaism for hundreds of years, where we felt the challenges of discrimination and do not want to see that perpetuated in our state."

It wasn't easy getting all parties of differing opinions to come together on a single issue, Liberman said.

"But we all really understood the significance of Kavod HaBriyot, of honoring the individual, and of really seeing the rights of all people preserved," she said.

The statement, though, didn't include support from any orthodox clergy.

Minn. Jewish leaders oppose marriage amendment | Minnesota Public Radio News
Prime example of a Leftist extremist antisemite (has stated he would like to see another holocaust, but ironically denies the first one took place :eek:) like TS420 using the Jews to promote his agenda. He would stab the same Jews through the heart if he had the chance!

yeah, he's a loser. but that doesn't really have anything to do with this particular thread. frankly, i wasn't even paying attention to who started it.

i do see lots of rightwingnut fauxrage, though.

and never forget, the extremists on the right hate you just as much as extremists on the left.
This is the prime reason I would never join a temple! Temples always have to push a leftist agenda (that and I can't stand going to temple :eusa_angel:). Can't you stick to religion teachings and leave the politics at home?

Also try to liven up the service and more young people will come!

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