Minneapolis cops again.

Only from Slovenia, eh?
Somilia is a backward, pirate-breeding, war ravaged backwater with very few highly educated people who would benefit America

if there are any somsli’s with above average qualifications they are welcome.

but as for the rest who are illiterate and unskilled and wish to get come here through chain immigrstion no, they do not belong

Maybe if we minded our own business and would quit destroying their country they wouldn't have to come here.

The Trump Administration's Air Strikes in Somalia Are On the Rise Again—and Civilians Are Paying the Price
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.
Only from Slovenia, eh?
Somilia is a backward, pirate-breeding, war ravaged backwater with very few highly educated people who would benefit America

if there are any somsli’s with above average qualifications they are welcome.

but as for the rest who are illiterate and unskilled and wish to get come here through chain immigrstion no, they do not belong

Maybe if we minded our own business and would quit destroying their country they wouldn't have to come here.

The Trump Administration's Air Strikes in Somalia Are On the Rise Again—and Civilians Are Paying the Price
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.

We had no business being there. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
You don’t even realize how many Transgender people they assault, beat and kill. It’s way worse than black people!!!!!
Black transgender people get the worst of it. Several high-profile murders.
Black trans women have a very short lifespan. It might have something to do with the way black men feel about fucking another man.
I tend to hire nice Latinos only or nerdy whites !!
The Establishment in Vegas is predominantly white and Mormon: the big bosses are white, straight out of Salt Lake City, but Nevada, and especially southern Nevada, is part of the Latino or spanish-speaking territory the U.S. took over from Mexico in the Mexican-American War.
Minneapolis is closer to 20 percent black
Minneapolis is heavily Finnish. Finns have historically tended to be friendlier to blacks than southern whites -- perhaps because they suffer some of the same discrimination as blacks do -- just as Huckleberry Finn and Negro Jim from the Tom Sawyer series by Mark Twain. It’s a carryover from an older system of apartheid in Sweden, Norway, and Finland where only Swedes and Norwegians (like the Danes, Germans and Swiss etc.) were considered first-class white citizens, while Finns were considered second-class, and Saami were considered third-class, not quite welcome as members of the pure Aryan white race despite their mostly white skin.
And Mexico stole from the Indians !!
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
....you don't get it..I've explained it all before:
..people kill THEMSLEVES ''accidentally'''..........highly trained military kill their own .....very intelligent high IQ people kill hundreds ''accidentally'' = pilots.......it's going to happen--that's just human nature
.....MOST of the blacks killed by cops is because of the BLACK'S fault--not cops
...CRIMINALS resisting!!! DUH
Only from Slovenia, eh?
Somilia is a backward, pirate-breeding, war ravaged backwater with very few highly educated people who would benefit America

if there are any somsli’s with above average qualifications they are welcome.

but as for the rest who are illiterate and unskilled and wish to get come here through chain immigrstion no, they do not belong

Maybe if we minded our own business and would quit destroying their country they wouldn't have to come here.

The Trump Administration's Air Strikes in Somalia Are On the Rise Again—and Civilians Are Paying the Price
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.

We had no business being there. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
It is unfortunate that we were there on a humanitarian mission getting food and medical supplies to the villages. Let them die. It's none of our business
Only from Slovenia, eh?
Somilia is a backward, pirate-breeding, war ravaged backwater with very few highly educated people who would benefit America

if there are any somsli’s with above average qualifications they are welcome.

but as for the rest who are illiterate and unskilled and wish to get come here through chain immigrstion no, they do not belong

Maybe if we minded our own business and would quit destroying their country they wouldn't have to come here.

The Trump Administration's Air Strikes in Somalia Are On the Rise Again—and Civilians Are Paying the Price
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.

We had no business being there. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
It is unfortunate that we were there on a humanitarian mission getting food and medical supplies to the villages. Let them die. It's none of our business

We always lie and say it was humanitarian. We said we invaded Syria because Assad was killing his own people. We ended up killing the very same people.

We lie.
Only from Slovenia, eh?
Somilia is a backward, pirate-breeding, war ravaged backwater with very few highly educated people who would benefit America

if there are any somsli’s with above average qualifications they are welcome.

but as for the rest who are illiterate and unskilled and wish to get come here through chain immigrstion no, they do not belong

Maybe if we minded our own business and would quit destroying their country they wouldn't have to come here.

The Trump Administration's Air Strikes in Somalia Are On the Rise Again—and Civilians Are Paying the Price
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.

We had no business being there. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
It is unfortunate that we were there on a humanitarian mission getting food and medical supplies to the villages. Let them die. It's none of our business

We always lie and say it was humanitarian. We said we invaded Syria because Assad was killing his own people. We ended up killing the very same people.

We lie.
We didn't invade Syria. Shitstain obama invaded Syria for one reason. Assad protected the Christians from the violent muslims.
Only from Slovenia, eh?
Somilia is a backward, pirate-breeding, war ravaged backwater with very few highly educated people who would benefit America

if there are any somsli’s with above average qualifications they are welcome.

but as for the rest who are illiterate and unskilled and wish to get come here through chain immigrstion no, they do not belong

Maybe if we minded our own business and would quit destroying their country they wouldn't have to come here.

The Trump Administration's Air Strikes in Somalia Are On the Rise Again—and Civilians Are Paying the Price
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.

We had no business being there. When you do stupid things, bad things will happen.
It is unfortunate that we were there on a humanitarian mission getting food and medical supplies to the villages. Let them die. It's none of our business

We always lie and say it was humanitarian. We said we invaded Syria because Assad was killing his own people. We ended up killing the very same people.

We lie.
We didn't invade Syria. Shitstain obama invaded Syria for one reason. Assad protected the Christians from the violent muslims.

We invaded Syria.
They all are just wonderful, law abiding , tax paying citizens!!
You leftist insects live in a fantasy world
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.
And that is exactly how white medieval Eruopean doctors practice medicine in the United States to this day.
They all are just wonderful, law abiding , tax paying citizens!!
You leftist insects live in a fantasy world
After what the Somalis did to Americans the land should be sterilized. Dismember the people, tie the body parts to car bumpers and drag THAT through the streets.
And that is exactly how white medieval Eruopean doctors practice medicine in the United States to this day.
Good thing you may seek out whatever form of medical practice you desire.
Good thing you may seek out whatever form of medical practice you desire.
  1. I am seeking first of all to quash the unwanted medical services that are being practiced on me against my will.
  2. Second, all remaining doctors who have not partaken or participated in those sins need to be re-educated somehow.
  3. Third, the mainstream medieval European medical Establishment both in practice and at the “cutting edge” of research must be destroyed.
  4. Fourth, medical practices in general must be purged of evil works and bad operations of routine mayhem and mass murder that cater to vice, plastic surgery, mayhem and abortion.
  5. Fifth, institutions of medicine must be rebuilt from the ground up, on fundamental principles of washing, regeneration, and new birth, as preached by Protestant Reformer Dr. Martin Luther.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Are you thinking we should start burning some shit down?
Should we find us a David Dorn to smoke?
"A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"



Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.
The two groups you are comparing overlap considerably. Quite a few cops in this country are Black themselves.

I do not like the idea being pushed by some of these fellow Whites here that “cops” are allowed to possess and carry firearms to shoot and kill “criminals” who are not allowed to possess and carry such firearms. That is not the way the Law works in a civilized nation. The righteousness of the Law is not that which is told as lies and slander on background checks or brought to bear with such overwhelming firepower and excessive force. These particular Whites are thieves in law, called «воры в законе» in Russian, and when they go to church they are called thieves of grace or «armonvarkaat» in Finnish, that they are thieves all the same, whether they are under the law in the back seat of the police car or under grace listening to the sermon in church on Sunday.

What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.

The only fool is you fool. Black criminals commit crimes, just like white criminals commit crimes. The police are supposed to UPHOLD the law not break the law moron.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Are you thinking we should start burning some shit down?
Should we find us a David Dorn to smoke?
"A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"




There are centuries of history on how the police harrass and murder black folks.

'Because they can get away with it': Why African Americans are blamed for crimes they didn't commit: Experts - ABC News (go.com)
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
Hmmm a Somalian that had to be stopped by a cop? Perhaps we need to be deporting problems and their families.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
Hmmm a Somalian that had to be stopped by a cop? Perhaps we need to be deporting problems and their families.

They were released so it seems that they did nothing wrong.

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