Minneapolis cops again.

You don’t even realize how many Transgender people they assault, beat and kill. It’s way worse than black people!!!!!

if "we can't believe it" can you link any validity to that claim? 2019 28 Trans people were violently murdered. It didn't say how, did not find police stats. In 2020 192 blacks were killed by police. On this board when we make claims we back them up.

.6% of the population is transgender. 12.6% is Black. I find your claim hard to believe.

And no I am not anti Trans at all just would like to see you back up that claim.
Even though I'm Protestant, about 90% of the time when I've gone to church it's been to a Catholic one.
You don’t even realize how many Transgender people they assault, beat and kill. It’s way worse than black people!!!!!
.6% of the population is transgender. 12.6% is Black. I find your claim hard to believe.
CountryPublicationYearprevalence in malesprevalence in females
NetherlandsThe Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism19971:10,0001:30,000
USInternational Journal of Transgenderism20071:4,5001:8,000
New ZealandAustralian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry20081:3,6391:22,714
USThe Journal of Sexual Medicine20161:11,0001:15,000
Of course the docs refer in their vital stats to the gender they assign at birth, rightly or wrongly.

The prevalence is exceedingly rare in any case.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.

The only fool is you fool. Black criminals commit crimes, just like white criminals commit crimes. The police are supposed to UPHOLD the law not break the law moron.
Michael Brown tried to grab a cop's gun. That's why he's dead. Trayvon Martin attacked an armed citizen. That's why he's dead. Idiot.
Then move to Philly , Baltimore, Atlanta, Cleveland etc and see how wonderful they’re
Such leftist insects here
Why do you think I get along with leftists? Transseuxalism is extremely rare. People who are unable to have sexual intercourse at all because of malformed or wrong-sex genitals have nothing to with promiscuous homosexuals. It's a birth defect; a physical disability or abnormality that precludes all possibility of procreation.

Leftists hate transsexuals because the condition violates all their nightclub rules, mafia expectations of respect for the ladies, universal abortion-on-demand healthcare, and matchmaking or dating as a mental health service.
When we take the military we aren't there to save them from starving.
If the military was not there to distribute the food the warlords would grab it all

I was against the intervention from the start.

but it was actually a UN affair that our bleeding heart lib president at the time got roped into
When we take the military we aren't there to save them from starving.
If the military was not there to distribute the food the warlords would grab it all

I was against the intervention from the start.

but it was actually a UN affair that our bleeding heart lib president at the time got roped into
More saving Africans from themselves.
And it works out the same way every time.
“Gibs muh dats!” *gunshots*

It plays out the same way, on every continent, whenever there are Africans involved.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.

The only fool is you fool. Black criminals commit crimes, just like white criminals commit crimes. The police are supposed to UPHOLD the law not break the law moron.
Michael Brown tried to grab a cop's gun. That's why he's dead. Trayvon Martin attacked an armed citizen. That's why he's dead. Idiot.

That's what we were told that he tried to grab a cop's gun. You right wing, internet cowards are pathetic bragging about how a grown man murdered a 17yr old teenager.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.

The only fool is you fool. Black criminals commit crimes, just like white criminals commit crimes. The police are supposed to UPHOLD the law not break the law moron.
Michael Brown tried to grab a cop's gun. That's why he's dead. Trayvon Martin attacked an armed citizen. That's why he's dead. Idiot.

That's what we were told that he tried to grab a cop's gun. You right wing, internet cowards are pathetic bragging about how a grown man murdered a 17yr old teenager.
Witnesses testified at the Grand Jury. Witnesses also testified that "hands up, don't shoot" never happened and was confirmed by the Washington Post. You're a liar.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.

The only fool is you fool. Black criminals commit crimes, just like white criminals commit crimes. The police are supposed to UPHOLD the law not break the law moron.
Michael Brown tried to grab a cop's gun. That's why he's dead. Trayvon Martin attacked an armed citizen. That's why he's dead. Idiot.

That's what we were told that he tried to grab a cop's gun. You right wing, internet cowards are pathetic bragging about how a grown man murdered a 17yr old teenager.
Witnesses testified at the Grand Jury. Witnesses also testified that "hands up, don't shoot" never happened and was confirmed by the Washington Post. You're a liar.
.....and it was investigated THREE times!!! once by a cop/white HATER prosecutor!!!!!! and he didn't find anything wrong----and he was a jackass
I think stupidbadbrother must be a victim of an addicted welfare mother, probably generations of drug addled welfare offspring.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.

The only fool is you fool. Black criminals commit crimes, just like white criminals commit crimes. The police are supposed to UPHOLD the law not break the law moron.
Michael Brown tried to grab a cop's gun. That's why he's dead. Trayvon Martin attacked an armed citizen. That's why he's dead. Idiot.

That's what we were told that he tried to grab a cop's gun. You right wing, internet cowards are pathetic bragging about how a grown man murdered a 17yr old teenager.
Witnesses testified at the Grand Jury.

Not ONE witnesses testified to how that confrontation started off, not ONE.

Witnesses also testified that "hands up, don't shoot" never happened and was confirmed by the Washington Post. You're a liar.

Ok, still doesn't change how that confrontation started off.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates

You mean there is no problem with the police for racist, as long as, they are killing black folks.
Black folks are being killed by Black folks. How many Black folks were killed by cops in Chicago this year?

White folks are being killed by white folks. One person killed UNJUSTLY by the police is ONE too many. You do know that Chicago is only a small % of black folks, the US is pretty big.
Yes, Chicago is just a small percentage. If you add up all the Blacks killed by Blacks in this country and compare that to the number of Blacks killed by cops unjustifiably, you look like the absolute lying fool you are.

The only fool is you fool. Black criminals commit crimes, just like white criminals commit crimes. The police are supposed to UPHOLD the law not break the law moron.
Michael Brown tried to grab a cop's gun. That's why he's dead. Trayvon Martin attacked an armed citizen. That's why he's dead. Idiot.

That's what we were told that he tried to grab a cop's gun. You right wing, internet cowards are pathetic bragging about how a grown man murdered a 17yr old teenager.
Witnesses testified at the Grand Jury.

Not ONE witnesses testified to how that confrontation started off, not ONE.

Witnesses also testified that "hands up, don't shoot" never happened and was confirmed by the Washington Post. You're a liar.

Ok, still doesn't change how that confrontation started off.
Brown roughed up the owner of the store where he helped himself to cigars, so the cops were called. Deranged liar.
What is up with the police in Minneapolis? While this happened awhile ago it seems it is just now getting exposure.

Records from an internal investigation of a former Minneapolis police officer show that he was fired after he threatened a Somali American teenager during a 2015 traffic stop and told the teen that he was "proud" of "what happened in Blackhawk Down."

Police officials, who were mostly silent when ex-officer Roderic Weber was fired nearly five years ago, said in a brief statement released through a spokesman that it stands by its decision to fire Weber, which was ultimately upheld by an arbitrator. But the department declined further comment on the case, including questions about discipline of the other officers present.

The revelations, which were first reported by the Sahan Journal, come at a particularly sensitive time for the Minneapolis Police Department, which has been forced to confront its long history of racism as it works to strengthen public trust following the killing of George Floyd last May.

Fired Minneapolis cop accused of invoking
.....there is no problem with the police--we've been over this many times....the problem is blacks committing crimes at HIGH rates
Demofks don’t comprehend at all

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