Minotaur: Civilization-Cranky


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a humanism-triumph vignette inspired by the species-pyramid film 10,000 B.C.

Is this the sort of 'Utopian storytelling' that makes North Korea think that Americans are too 'populism-hysterical'?

It's funny how free-speech generates a good deal of 'folk fanaticism.'



Shiva (Hindu god of destruction/meditation) and Vishnu (Hindu god of protection) were discussing the metaphysical implications of the hypothesized 'placebo-effect' in medical psychology whereby a human being may 'imagine' himself becoming healthier/sicker and then actually exhibit psychosomatic conditions that 'personify' this confidence/assertion. Shiva believed that the mind was so powerful that it could 'trick' the body into thinking that it possessed a fixed orientation, while Vishnu believed that the mind could generate its own 'playspaces' by the power of free-will. However, they both realized that the placebo-effect was something more related to the 'choreography of memory' (and hence anticipation!).


Meanwhile, the dreaded monster the Minotaur (a bull-like giant) was terrorizing Athens and Rome, insisting that its power and presence be respected by all who feared death. The Minotaur wanted to use his overwhelming might (and his mighty hammer-axe) to make people dread their own arrogance about the safety/security of public spaces. The Minotaur lived in a special palace-labyrinth which no credible centurion/patriot/warrior dared to roam around to search for the beast. The people of Athens and Rome decided to pray to Shiva and Vishnu, hoping that the intuition and wisdom of the Hindu titans/gods could spell a miraculous release from the Minotaur for their two great cities!


Shiva and Vishnu agreed to help the Athenians and Romans rid themselves of the dreaded curse of the unbearable Minotaur (lurking in his palace-labyrinth and emerging undesirably to create havoc in Athens and Rome!). Shiva concocted a plan to use the placebo-effect discovery to trick the Minotaur into becoming frightened of itself! Vishnu would support Shiva as he ran around the Minotaur's palace-labyrinth and serve as a 'decoy,' while Shiva laid his deadly snare. As the Minotaur chased around Vishnu, Shiva started making echoing-wail calls to the beast, saying, "I'm only Vishnu's shadow!" The Minotaur became so confused that he fell unconscious, and the Athenians and Romans took over and democracy reigned (for 10,000 years).



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