Miracle Priest?

I don't mean to rain on the parade here, but this was a providential event at best, if not merely a coincidence.

There is no miracle required for this priest to show up, help out and leave with no one managing to get his picture.

But all the same, I do think God had His hand in this event, but it is just an opinion based on little more than circumstantial evidence like the rest of us here.

God lets the rain fall on the good and the evil, so I am not sure anything is proven iron clad shut.
I was surprised that ABC news ran this on their national broadcast last night.

My cousin has a similar story about being helped when his car broke down. Wish I could remember the details. Two guys showed up out of nowhere and flat out told him and his buddy that they were in fact angels.
No one cares a State Agency is claiming a Miracle happened?

Note an official state agency making that claim, RGS. Just the individuals who were at the scene. Their equipment was failing and there was nothing else they could do but bow their heads while he prayed for her. Then the 2nd truck arrived with equipment that actually worked. Nothing miraculous about that. Then he did the smart thing and got out of their way so that they could save her life. One last point, ever heard of anyone being able to piece together the face of an "angel" afterwards?
I've been through Center on MO-19 hundreds of times.

Center is tiny, just a few old buildings and some houses at a crossroads.

There is farm after farm on that sparsely populated stretch of highway.

It's highly unlikely that a priest is just going to step out of a cornfield.

It is also not a hotbed of Catholicism.

Missouri is mostly Baptist and Pentecostal country.

The closest Catholic Church is likely Hannibal, MO, 30 miles away.
It is a wonderful story. The bible teaches that angels do interact in the affairs of men. They can appear as elderly people asking for directions, a good samaritan stopping to assist someone on the road, many different forms, which is why we are told in the bible by entertaining strangers we may be encountering an angel.

On the other hand, he could be a christian who was translated in the spirit through intercessory prayer to the actual location, prayed for the girl and then reappeared in his room where he was praying. That happens more often than the world knows about.

I remember a woman who was in prayer and translated in the spirit to the side of a mountain in Tibet. She was suddenly standing on the side of the mountain and in front of her was a woman locked inside a bamboo cage. She had been left there to die in that cage by Buddhists. The prayer warrior broke the woman free from the cage and then she returned right back to her room where she had been praying.

Another woman mentioned by Gwen Shaw on the subject of translation appeared in her nightgown in Israel. She was carried there by an angel who had her minister to an IDF soldier who told her he had been very depressed and saddened by what he had seen. He asked her where she came from and how she would get back home. She prayed for him and the depression left him. She told him the angel that carried her there would take her back. She disappeared right before his eyes.

In the book, The Heavenly Man, a chinese pastor tells the story of chinese christians who have been seen riding their bikes at supernatural speeds - impossible - yet they have seen them fleeing from the communists whose job is to hunt them down - and they cannot be caught. Other chinese christians are experiencing being caught away in the spirit and traveling all over the world. There were a few reports of translations in Russia in which Christians literally walked through walls and disappeared. Again, this is scriptural as Phillip was translated in the spirit among others. Jesus translated into the spirit realm when he walked through a crowd and disappeared. Their intention was throw him off a cliff.

These occurances will increase in the end times. It was ordinary in the book of Acts. Consider when Peter showed up at Rhodas house during a prayer meeting and she thought it was his angel. Angels freed men from jails, walked them right out the front door and they are still doing it today. The story of the Heavenly Man ( book ) is proof they still do it today. He was led out of prison in China by an angel.
Angels can also cover the eyesight of men so that they cannot see what is right in front of them. Consider the story of Dumitru Duduman, the Romanian bible smuggler who said there were bibles all around the communists who entered his home and yet they could not see them. Angels surround us, protect us, fight for us and deliver us from the snares the enemy has laid for us.
I've been through Center on MO-19 hundreds of times.

Center is tiny, just a few old buildings and some houses at a crossroads.

There is farm after farm on that sparsely populated stretch of highway.

It's highly unlikely that a priest is just going to step out of a cornfield.

It is also not a hotbed of Catholicism.

Missouri is mostly Baptist and Pentecostal country.

The closest Catholic Church is likely Hannibal, MO, 30 miles away.

Maybe the priest was from Hannibal. And his name was Joe. And he was shoeless.

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