Miss Ocasio Cortez, expound again on the funding for da 'utopia'... No food, 2.3 mil flee Venezuelia

Lack of food pushes 2.3 million to flee Venezuela ⋆ The Savage Nation

About 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled their crisis-hit country mainly because of a lack of food as severe shortages of medicine has left thousands at risk, the UN spokesman said Tuesday.

Margret Thatcher, could you opine for a sec. on this new wave of 'blue' that has been ushered in; best exemplified by Ocasio Cortez, Pocahontis, Sanders and the like... (Margret) "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

The Venezuelans have fled to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

“People cite the lack of food as their main reason for leaving,” said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric. About 1.3 million Venezuelans are suffering from malnourishment.

Severe shortages of medicine and medical supplies have led to a “sharp deterioration of the quality of hospitals,” he said, citing UN humanitarian officials.

More than 100,000 Venezuelans living with HIV/AIDS are “at risk due to lack of access to necessary medication,” he said.

Diseases that had been eradicated such as measles, malaria, tuberculosis and diphtheria have reappeared and are on the rise.

Oil-rich Venezuela has been in an economic freefall since a drop in oil prices in 2014 left a gaping hole in the country’s finances.

President Nicolas Maduro has faced criticism for his handling of the economy and accusations that he is sliding towards authoritarianism.

(I hope it's just the teenagers and recent college indoctrinees that are falling for this absurd fiscal sheite!!!)

Kindo, sort-O like, like, like this...

The Venezuelans have run out of pets and zoo animals to eat and now they are hunting wild burros to
eat…..so Burro Burritos are the new trendy left wing food to eat

Venezuelans eating cats, dogs, donkeys, horses and even pink flamingos to survive

and the rich are sipping champagne.
Lack of food pushes 2.3 million to flee Venezuela ⋆ The Savage Nation

About 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled their crisis-hit country mainly because of a lack of food as severe shortages of medicine has left thousands at risk, the UN spokesman said Tuesday.

Margret Thatcher, could you opine for a sec. on this new wave of 'blue' that has been ushered in; best exemplified by Ocasio Cortez, Pocahontis, Sanders and the like... (Margret) "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

The Venezuelans have fled to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

“People cite the lack of food as their main reason for leaving,” said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric. About 1.3 million Venezuelans are suffering from malnourishment.

Severe shortages of medicine and medical supplies have led to a “sharp deterioration of the quality of hospitals,” he said, citing UN humanitarian officials.

More than 100,000 Venezuelans living with HIV/AIDS are “at risk due to lack of access to necessary medication,” he said.

Diseases that had been eradicated such as measles, malaria, tuberculosis and diphtheria have reappeared and are on the rise.

Oil-rich Venezuela has been in an economic freefall since a drop in oil prices in 2014 left a gaping hole in the country’s finances.

President Nicolas Maduro has faced criticism for his handling of the economy and accusations that he is sliding towards authoritarianism.

(I hope it's just the teenagers and recent college indoctrinees that are falling for this absurd fiscal sheite!!!)

Kindo, sort-O like, like, like this...

The Venezuelans have run out of pets and zoo animals to eat and now they are hunting wild burros to
eat…..so Burro Burritos are the new trendy left wing food to eat

Venezuelans eating cats, dogs, donkeys, horses and even pink flamingos to survive

and the rich are sipping champagne.

Why should Venezuela be any different?
I get it. It's okay to be a pro-abortion socialist as long as you throw a few Muslims on the pyre of burning bodies. This magically transforms you into a stud.

Take heed, Maduro!
Show the true face of Putin's socialism, get put on Ignore. :lol:

This is how the pseudocons avoid having their heads explode from cognitive dissonance.

"But we are supposed to love Putin, aren't we?"

Venezuela collapsed with the price of oil. If Trump succeeds at skyrocketing the price back up, Venezuela may be saved.

A commonly held, popular and severely uneducated opinion. Socialism began destroying Venezuela nearly seventy years ago. Do the research, get enlightened, know the truth.
Only lousy management fails to find solutions; FDR's brand of socialism, bailed us out after 1929.
Venezuela collapsed with the price of oil. If Trump succeeds at skyrocketing the price back up, Venezuela may be saved.

Ummmm….they looted the money they needed to keep up the oil infrastructure.
Oil could hit $1000 a barrel tomorrow and they'd still be fucked.
Lack of food pushes 2.3 million to flee Venezuela ⋆ The Savage Nation

About 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled their crisis-hit country mainly because of a lack of food as severe shortages of medicine has left thousands at risk, the UN spokesman said Tuesday.

Margret Thatcher, could you opine for a sec. on this new wave of 'blue' that has been ushered in; best exemplified by Ocasio Cortez, Pocahontis, Sanders and the like... (Margret) "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

The Venezuelans have fled to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

“People cite the lack of food as their main reason for leaving,” said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric. About 1.3 million Venezuelans are suffering from malnourishment.

Severe shortages of medicine and medical supplies have led to a “sharp deterioration of the quality of hospitals,” he said, citing UN humanitarian officials.

More than 100,000 Venezuelans living with HIV/AIDS are “at risk due to lack of access to necessary medication,” he said.

Diseases that had been eradicated such as measles, malaria, tuberculosis and diphtheria have reappeared and are on the rise.

Oil-rich Venezuela has been in an economic freefall since a drop in oil prices in 2014 left a gaping hole in the country’s finances.

President Nicolas Maduro has faced criticism for his handling of the economy and accusations that he is sliding towards authoritarianism.

(I hope it's just the teenagers and recent college indoctrinees that are falling for this absurd fiscal sheite!!!)

Kindo, sort-O like, like, like this...

Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest; Ocasio Cortez has nothing to do with Venezuela.
Perhaps USMB should invest in a intellectual, analytical decoder for the 'special' individuals, such as yourself Mr. C,...lol! It's called a 'corollary extrapolation' or if U prefer the decisiveness of Latin, 'sustinet unum alterum'... U should crack open some of those dusty old texts... IMHO~!
They only have more oil reserves than any other nation on Earth.
How can they be expected to afford food and toilet paper?
It is precisely because Venezuela's economy depends almost entirely on a single commodity whose price has plunged which has caused their present difficulties.

Just as Russia's economy suffered a deep recession when oil dropped below $60 a barrel.

You know what's funny? I never hear you pseudocons pointing out the failings of Russia's socialist economy.

Huh! How about that!

It is precisely because Venezuela's economy depends almost entirely on a single commodity whose price has plunged which has caused their present difficulties.

It's because the socialists stole the money needed to maintain the oil infrastructure, failed to pay the oil workers, overspent and ran the printing presses and then demonized the private economy.
Remember punishing stores that raised prices?
Remember seizing foreign owned factories?

Just as Russia's economy suffered a deep recession when oil dropped below $60 a barrel.

Yes, that was awesome!!
Too bad it didn't result in Putin's departure.

I never hear you pseudocons pointing out the failings of Russia's socialist economy.

Russia's economy sucks.
At least they're not dumb enough to wreck their oil industry too.
Lack of food pushes 2.3 million to flee Venezuela ⋆ The Savage Nation

About 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled their crisis-hit country mainly because of a lack of food as severe shortages of medicine has left thousands at risk, the UN spokesman said Tuesday.

Margret Thatcher, could you opine for a sec. on this new wave of 'blue' that has been ushered in; best exemplified by Ocasio Cortez, Pocahontis, Sanders and the like... (Margret) "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

The Venezuelans have fled to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

“People cite the lack of food as their main reason for leaving,” said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric. About 1.3 million Venezuelans are suffering from malnourishment.

Severe shortages of medicine and medical supplies have led to a “sharp deterioration of the quality of hospitals,” he said, citing UN humanitarian officials.

More than 100,000 Venezuelans living with HIV/AIDS are “at risk due to lack of access to necessary medication,” he said.

Diseases that had been eradicated such as measles, malaria, tuberculosis and diphtheria have reappeared and are on the rise.

Oil-rich Venezuela has been in an economic freefall since a drop in oil prices in 2014 left a gaping hole in the country’s finances.

President Nicolas Maduro has faced criticism for his handling of the economy and accusations that he is sliding towards authoritarianism.

(I hope it's just the teenagers and recent college indoctrinees that are falling for this absurd fiscal sheite!!!)

Kindo, sort-O like, like, like this...

Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest; Ocasio Cortez has nothing to do with Venezuela.

No but they are working the socialist canard.
Idiocy is a wildfire epidemic sweeping through young adult American minds almost without resistance or even slightest recognition as being fatally problematic. Marx would have our youth believe that the middle class are inhuman scum able to be slaughtered, imprisoned or enslaved and worked to death, all for their unforgivable crime of benefiting from the so-called trickle down economics of the wealthy; the ultimate historical guilt by association.

Further, in reading Marx through French postmodernism, American young adults find ideological justification for rebellion against the system forged from eons of historical darkness by our Founding Fathers, who implemented a means to make the common man equal to the ancient noble with law and God given, not Man provided, rights and freedoms. Marx would have our young people believe they--through association with his philosophies and those of his ilk--can be wiser than our American Founders, in their thirst for shrugging off all of the wisdom of that epiphanic, watershed moment when our Founders forever changed history by carving out the American sanctuary of absolute individual freedom and identity for the everyman, against the historical backdrop of Feudalism, Imperialism and the of the divine appointed monarch.

This is the "fresh", "popular", "viral" "trendy" new form of youthful defiance our young college kids are all orgasmic about? Ignorance and the dust of the ancient, failure is the reality of the "revolutionary" philosophy they so crave. Idiots, one and all; fools, anti-American dumb-shits. While you tiptoe through the petunias to Marx's grave-time beat, history stands beside you on that high-altitude pile of bones shoving written proof in your face of the outcome of Marx's theories. In trying to be stylish and "In" you've only resurrected an old political religion for how to best slay the shit out of individual freedom and slaughter millions of your fellow countrymen. Well done, attaboy, now follow Marx right off the same cliff; the first step kills all the way at the bottom.
Lack of food pushes 2.3 million to flee Venezuela ⋆ The Savage Nation

About 2.3 million Venezuelans have fled their crisis-hit country mainly because of a lack of food as severe shortages of medicine has left thousands at risk, the UN spokesman said Tuesday.

Margret Thatcher, could you opine for a sec. on this new wave of 'blue' that has been ushered in; best exemplified by Ocasio Cortez, Pocahontis, Sanders and the like... (Margret) "The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money."

The Venezuelans have fled to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil.

“People cite the lack of food as their main reason for leaving,” said UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric. About 1.3 million Venezuelans are suffering from malnourishment.

Severe shortages of medicine and medical supplies have led to a “sharp deterioration of the quality of hospitals,” he said, citing UN humanitarian officials.

More than 100,000 Venezuelans living with HIV/AIDS are “at risk due to lack of access to necessary medication,” he said.

Diseases that had been eradicated such as measles, malaria, tuberculosis and diphtheria have reappeared and are on the rise.

Oil-rich Venezuela has been in an economic freefall since a drop in oil prices in 2014 left a gaping hole in the country’s finances.

President Nicolas Maduro has faced criticism for his handling of the economy and accusations that he is sliding towards authoritarianism.

(I hope it's just the teenagers and recent college indoctrinees that are falling for this absurd fiscal sheite!!!)

Kindo, sort-O like, like, like this...

Yes, conservatives are truly this stupid and dishonest; Ocasio Cortez has nothing to do with Venezuela.

No but they are working the socialist canard.




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