Missouri woman tracks down, kills alleged carjackers at gas station

If this broad was just at the gas station to retrieve her car, and they tried to keep her car away from her, I'd say she was justified in shooting them. The thieves had a duty to walk away from the stolen automobile, the fact that they didn't is on them.
But they didn’t just steal her car they jacked it in the process. That means they threatened her life.
Good on her!
Or when well over a hundred Texas cops hide while school children are being slaughtered..............................
On that one, they were told to stand down by bureaucrat-oriented chief who was more concerned about his upcoming election as a Democrat member of the town council. Does not excuse the police but it does factor.
That is murder.

yep it is and liberal DA's all across the country are inviting more murder and mayhem when they keep letting people out of jail with violent offenses. This murder is on them.
Even if cops can do their job and arrest someone, it's almost for nothing when they are let right out again to terrorize the community. The ones who suffer most are the ones in poor communities and who face the brunt of the crimes. they will become increasingly angry, desperate and pick up weapons to defend themselves.

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