Mitt Romney Defends Mandating Citizens


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Mitt Romney Defends Mandating Citizens To Buy Healthcare In MA

Fmr. Gov. Mitt Romney, guest: "Well, the government, of course, has a lot of mandates. And I know folks don't like that. But mandates, kids go to school, mandates they have to have auto insurance if you have an automobile, and my conservative friends say 'you don't have to have automobiles' and it's like 'what state do you live in?' Of course you do have to have automobiles in this nation. And the plan that we put in place is one put together by Republicans and Democrats, it works for Massachusetts. Obamacare, however, is unconstitutional, will not work. It's massively expensive. I will repeal it."

Mitt Romney Defends Mandating Citizens To Buy Healthcare In MA | RealClearPolitics

Of course it is expensive, because it covers the nation and not just a state.:cuckoo:
It was the state's decision. There is a difference between a state and the federal government. But, hey, don't let reality get in the way of a whine.

Oh, and, before you start bitching.... Mass has a 'get out' clause for all faith based charities.
Republicans don't want smaller government, they just want THEIR government. Anything any Democrat does is Big Government. Anything they do is 'in the interest of national security', or 'morally courageous'. Auto insurance is not a mandate, because you can choose not to have an auto. A mandate is mandatory, no choice.
Insurance is always more expensive than buying things without insurance. So I agree.

This is like having a mandate for gas insurance. Why have it when you can buy gas over the counter for LESS than the insurance cost is?

And I do like to take a hard look at the statistics which supposedly say this saves money. I don't know anyone who has a job and can not afford birth control (and of course this will be reduced from the wages - so then s/he cant afford something else). I seriously doubt that the 10 bucks is the reason why people are not taking BC - baby vs 10 bucks? Come on. So free is not going to change much.

In fact this probably backfires on the unwanted babies front as males are not going to carry birth control anymore. And while working women may have it (or maybe they still don't) the unemployed don't. And as demand increases so does birth control costs. So unemployed people are kind of screwed as unemployed women will more likely have to provide birth control.

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