MKs: Stop Terrorist Release as ‘Good-Will Gesture’

More violations of intl law against Palestinian detainees. "4. Administrative detention*There has been massive use of detention, without charge or trial, of Palestinians authorized by administrative detention orders, rather than by judicial decree. While administrative detention is permitted under international law, it is tolerated only as an exceptional measure "if the security of the Detaining Power makes it absolutely necessary.....5. The Military Injustice System. The Israeli military court system was established on the third day of the Six Day War in 1967, in one of the first official acts of the military administration of the occupied territories. This indicates the importance that the state of Israel attaches to the use of law (and also indicates how prepared Israel was for occupation). Palestinians in the Occupied Territories are under a system of military justice that gives them rights that are far inferior to those of Israelis."....NLG International Global News - Palestinian Prisoners and International Law
The article addressed in my last two posts addresses each of these five categories of violations of intl law Israel carries out against prisoners in much greater detail in the article itself. All of these violations of intl law have been documented by human rights groups in investigations and reports for decades and are ongoing inside Occupation prisons.
None of us have never been to the moon, but we gaze on it at night. We all have the right to speak out against human rights abuses in Palestine as long as they continue. Each of us has as much right to speak as anyone else does.
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None of us have never been to the moon, but we gaze on it at night. We all have the right to speak out against human rights abuses in Palestine as long as they continue. Each of us has as much right to speak as anyone else does.

And you've never been to Israel.
BUt when you're a hater you don't need to see things. You can just make stuff of hoping to score blind.

God knows, I've seen so much of that from here too.
What I hate are the human rights abuses in Israels Occupation of Palestine, like the slaughter by Israel of 1519 Palestinian children since 9/30/2000, like burning to death families with White Phosphorous, like the torture of children and unlawful detention of children, like operations like Cast Lead where Israel massacred over 1000 Palestinians, the majority of whom were civilians unlawfully targeted and killed. Hate of Occupations and Apartheid and massacres and ethnic cleansing is a good thing.
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Abraham Lincoln hated Slavery, Martin Luther King Jr hated the civil rights abuses in the South, Mandela hated Apartheid in South Africa, Gandhi hated Colonialism in India, Mother Theresa hated the suffering of the poor in India, and Jesus Christ hated the Hypocrisy and Injustice of the Jewish leaders in the land of Palestine He lived within. I am proud to hate Injustice like all of these people who I named did. Sherri
Abraham Lincoln hated Slavery, Martin Luther King Jr hated the civil rights abuses in the South, Mandela hated Apartheid in South Africa, Gandhi hated Colonialism in India, Mother Theresa hated the suffering of the poor in India, and Jesus Christ hated the Hypocrisy and Injustice of the Jewish leaders in the land of Palestine He lived within. I am proud to hate Injustice like all of these people who I named did. Sherri

This is the Israel-Palestine forum
I know that, I am comparing Injustices in Palestine today to Injustices in Palestine in the past and Injustices elsewhere in our world.
Well that's fine, but whenever I bring up Injustices in other countries, you reply by saying that this is the Israel-Palestine forum

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