Mnay Black Americans moving back to Africa.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
A lot of black Americans are moving back to Africa. They state to much racism here in America, as the main reason.
They think AMERICA is racist???
LMAOROFL. Wait till they have lived in Africa for a few months!!!!

By the way, seeing as what happened to your last post, you should link something to backup your post. Otherwise it runs the risk of being shut down.
They think AMERICA is racist???
LMAOROFL. Wait till they have lived in Africa for a few months!!!!

By the way, seeing as what happened to your last post, you should link something to backup your post. Otherwise it runs the risk of being shut down.
This info was on Google news. A google search will verify this post.
Source - Google.
They think AMERICA is racist???
LMAOROFL. Wait till they have lived in Africa for a few months!!!!

By the way, seeing as what happened to your last post, you should link something to backup your post. Otherwise it runs the risk of being shut down.
Actually they found no racism in Africa, "Ghana" at the same level as they experienced in America.
When they start giving up their American citizenship I'll believe it. Until then it's just more of their showboating bullshit.
More and more Blacks are leaving every year. They say Africa is great. No racism or Police brutality.
Just Black people living in peace.
You can not say something that stupid, and have the capacity to understand how much of a window licking retard you are.

African blacks generally HATE American blacks. I've worked with African blacks overseas, and in the corrections field and almost universally, they express nothing but contempt for American blacks. I've even heard one dude tell an American black; "The reason we sold your asses on the shores of Africa is because even your grandfathers were worthless!!" One of my LT's was a Nigerian muslim and used to bring in extra food and give me longer lunch breaks so he could pick my brain about gun stuff and we would talk about Nigeria and the culture there. I once expressed interest in visiting and he advised that I don't, at least without planning to pay a couple soldiers for protection. He said not only were whites and other races largely unwelcome, but even a lot of other African Ethnic groups. Africa is a horrifically violent place, the idea someone would assert it's "Just Black people living in peace." shows a level of utter ignorance.

Even the handful of Jamaican blacks I've gotten to know, almost all of them female hated American black men. They all married white guys and had no American black friends.

More and more Blacks are leaving every year. They say Africa is great. No racism or Police brutality.
Just Black people living in peace.

And there are just as many who moved to Africa and now want to comeback.

They found that once the retailers found out you were American the prices suddenly tripled.
They also found out that having reliable electricity was a pretty good deal as well.
And they found out that the nightlife and good restaurants just didnt exist.
More and more Blacks are leaving every year. They say Africa is great. No racism or Police brutality.
Just Black people living in peace.
Absolutely. Everyone publicize this!! It could solve all our problems. And if we could get DNA identification and make it a felony for any of them or their children to come back, I bet people would contribute millions to a crowd-sourced fund to pay their one-way over. Now THAT is a charity that would really benefit America.
You can not say something that stupid, and have the capacity to understand how much of a window licking retard you are.

African blacks generally HATE American blacks. I've worked with African blacks overseas, and in the corrections field and almost universally, they express nothing but contempt for American blacks. I've even heard one dude tell an American black; "The reason we sold your asses on the shores of Africa is because even your grandfathers were worthless!!" One of my LT's was a Nigerian muslim and used to bring in extra food and give me longer lunch breaks so he could pick my brain about gun stuff and we would talk about Nigeria and the culture there. I once expressed interest in visiting and he advised that I don't, at least without planning to pay a couple soldiers for protection. He said not only were whites and other races largely unwelcome, but even a lot of other African Ethnic groups. Africa is a horrifically violent place, the idea someone would assert it's "Just Black people living in peace." shows a level of utter ignorance.

Even the handful of Jamaican blacks I've gotten to know, almost all of them female hated American black men. They all married white guys and had no American black friends.

Well sir, it may be hard for you to accept that in Ghana , many black Americans are living in peace
with black Ghana people. But this is whats happening.
Feel free to GTFO if it's that bad here you fuckin parasite.

So the story is bullshit and not one if you can prove otherwise.
Every day republicans belch lies like lava and when challenged that's the response.
How pathetic are you?
I am here purely to expose dickheads like you then you voluntarily assist by your comments. It's taking you a while to get the drift dopey.

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