black Democrat Congresswoman Suggests Exempting black People From Paying Taxes (VIDEO)

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
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Who do these uppity black entities think they are? If they think they deserve reparations even if they weren’t slaves from people who weren’t slaveholders, how about to send those on welfare back to Africa? Matter of fact, let's send them all back to Africa because no matter how much they're given, it's never enough.

Who do these uppity black entities think they are? If they think they deserve reparations even if they weren’t slaves from people who weren’t slaveholders, how about to send those on welfare back to Africa? Matter of fact, let's send them all back to Africa because no matter how much they're given, it's never enough.

Bingo, let those fellow blacks who sold them in the first place deal with them!
That's an idea that Wesley Snipes could get behind, although he probably wishes this broad came up with the idea before he did a stint for tax evasion.
Who do these uppity black entities think they are? If they think they deserve reparations even if they weren’t slaves from people who weren’t slaveholders, how about to send those on welfare back to Africa? Matter of fact, let's send them all back to Africa because no matter how much they're given, it's never enough.

Well, that will alleviate the racial tensions that we are now are experiencing. No?
Who am I kidding? There will always be something.
She isn't too bright.

Crockett then admits that the no-tax scheme may face challenges because poorer blacks are not paying taxes to begin with. She agrees with Carter that poorer blacks may just want checks from the government, like what happened during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Money isn't the solution. For most of that will end up in corporate hands and blacks would just be the go-between not ending up in any better situation. That's already been shown. College minority scholarships and affirmative action in line with the philosophy of 'give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime' are a much better approach. But black or white, what one gets out is determined by the effort put in.
Well, they are already exempt from many laws.

Just ask the victims who are sucker punched, only to see their assailants walk free.

So, yes, exempt them from all federal taxes. When they buy something at the store, for example, the clerk should immediately ignore any state taxes, too.

Also exempt them from the draft. (All 18-year-old males are supposed to register with the government.)

Also exempt them from passing high school classes. Just beg them to attend high school on graduation day when they will be handed a diploma. Recruiters from top corporations will be there, too, to sign them up for executive jobs.
Well, they are already exempt from many laws.

Just ask the victims who are sucker punched, only to see their assailants walk free.

So, yes, exempt them from all federal taxes. When they buy something at the store, for example, the clerk should immediately ignore any state taxes, too.

Also exempt them from the draft. (All 18-year-old males are supposed to register with the government.)

Also exempt them from passing high school classes. Just beg them to attend high school on graduation day when they will be handed a diploma. Recruiters from top corporations will be there, too, to sign them up for executive jobs.

That is all easily taken care of by Deporting them.
That is all easily taken care of by Deporting them.
In all fairness, by any measure, they are Americans.

They have been here longer than most Caucasians, Asians, or Hispanics.

Except for the Native Americans, they do have an older claim on this land than do the other "recent" arrivals.

So as they used to reply when I was younger, "Get used to us. We aren't going anywhere."
Who do these uppity black entities think they are? If they think they deserve reparations even if they weren’t slaves from people who weren’t slaveholders, how about to send those on welfare back to Africa? Matter of fact, let's send them all back to Africa because no matter how much they're given, it's never enough.

According to Statista in 2022 the percentage of Americans who are at or below the poverty line:
Native Alaskans/American Indians 25%
Black people 17.1%
Hispanic people 16.9%
(Note: almost identical)

These plus another large percentage of black wage earners pay no federal taxes (other than social security and Medicare) because of the high standard deductible and for those earning roughly $63,000/year qualifying for earned income credit for families with children.

I wonder if Ms. Crocker thinks she shouldn't have to pay taxes on her congressional salary and whatever other income she has to produce her roughly $3 million net worth?

Of course she acknowledges that not paying federal taxes wouldn't be enough for 'reparations' because so many black people don't pay federal taxes now.

I wonder how these people can possibly not see how these discriminatory policies keep racism alive and well?
n all fairness, by any measure, they are Americans.

Doesn't matter, they're traitors and advocate violence and destroying our country.

The Founder of the Democratic PArty himself would agree.

Every society has a right to fix the fundamental principles of its association, and to say to all individuals, that if they contemplate pursuits beyond the limits of these principles and involving dangers which the society chooses to avoid, they must go somewhere else for their exercise; that we want no citizens, and still less ephemeral and pseudo-citizens, on such terms. We may exclude them from our territory, as we do persons infected with disease.

Thomas Jefferson to William H. Crawford, 1816

Being 'born here' wasn't a concern then, and besides the left has already been harping on how we aren't 'natives' anyway, so they can't snivel about it out of the other sides of their mouths, can they?

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