Did the US land on the moon?

Did they land on the moon?

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Old question …. New answers ….

Ask Rep. Jamal Bowman (D-NY). He's a DemoKKKrat rep who thinks the right way to open a door is by pulling the nearest fire alarm. He's also a conspiracy theory loon who believes in, among other things: the fake moon landing hoax, aliens, the Illuminati, 9/11 "truth", time travel, parallel dimensions, and the Rothschild conspiracy.

So you think we didn't? Why is there no "no" vote?

Detest Opinion Polls almost in any circumstance .

But I have registered a strong disbelief .
However , Knowing , or, not knowing, is an entirely different matter .

Very interested in the testimony of the great pilot and Intel asset John Lear whose dad was Bill Lear the Learjet magnate .
John died in 2022 but left extensive testimony when he knew he was dying and when he was not bothered if they tried to shut him up . Kill him .

Also, RVs have given lots of reports on present actvities on the moon and planets in our system . And you cannot discount RV reports when currently they provide so much correct "spying" information consistently but with almost zero public acknowledgement .
All major powers use them all the time .
Then there was the evidence from Stanley Kubrick who did all the Fake film shooting -- albeit via John Lear .
Stanley said that after the shooting and hearing other gossip, he never ever left his flat again for fear of beng eliminated . Stayed hidden until he died .
So, on one hand we have ONE person who claims they faked it, while OTOH, hundreds of thousands of people who say the exact opposite. Whom to believe?
The deniers man was on the Moon reminds me of the claimers man controls climate, if he really wanted to.
Moon landing deniers are the parents of election deniers...their delusions were passed on to their kids.
Suddenly Democrats no longer believe in Voter suppression. How wonderful. How amazing.
Flat Earther.
nope. That vote would be from me. :) I do not believe the Earth is flat but it is not round either. Earth is oval. That is what Dolores Cannon said. bigger in the middle than the top and bottom of our planet.

Did the US land on the moon?​

We are looking at Uranus next

No, we are talking about going back to the moon. But they said it's going to take awhile because they have to solve a bunch of problems they supposedly solved in the 1960's.

Artemis, named after the sister of Apollo in Greek mythology, was officially announced in 2017 as part of the US space agency's plans to establish a sustained presence on Earth's nearest space neighbor, and apply lessons learned there for a future mission to Mars.

Its first mission, an uncrewed test flight to the Moon and back called Artemis 1, took place in 2022, after several postponements.

Artemis 2, involving a crew that doesn't land on the surface, has been postponed from later this year to September 2025, Nelson told reporters.

"Safety is our top priority, and to give Artemis teams more time to work through the challenges," said Nelson.

Delays to Starship have knock-on effects because the spacesuit contractor needs to know how the suits will interface with the spacecraft, and simulators need to be built for astronauts to learn its systems.

Maybe they'll admit it once we finally do it for the first time.
I’m thinking Democrats we’re 69% more honest back then so .. Yup .. footprints on the moon.
Yes, we did.
They even planted a flag.
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No, we are talking about going back to the moon. But they said it's going to take awhile because they have to solve a bunch of problems they supposedly solved in the 1960's.

Artemis, named after the sister of Apollo in Greek mythology, was officially announced in 2017 as part of the US space agency's plans to establish a sustained presence on Earth's nearest space neighbor, and apply lessons learned there for a future mission to Mars.

Its first mission, an uncrewed test flight to the Moon and back called Artemis 1, took place in 2022, after several postponements.

Artemis 2, involving a crew that doesn't land on the surface, has been postponed from later this year to September 2025, Nelson told reporters.

"Safety is our top priority, and to give Artemis teams more time to work through the challenges," said Nelson.

Delays to Starship have knock-on effects because the spacesuit contractor needs to know how the suits will interface with the spacecraft, and simulators need to be built for astronauts to learn its systems.

Maybe they'll admit it once we finally do it for the first time.
There is a huge difference between the Space Launch System and Starship. All this for social justice insanity.

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