Did the US land on the moon?

Did they land on the moon?

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There are two conspiracy theories that I refuse to believe that even the most ardent believers in it actually do believe it Those two are that the moon landing was faked and that the earth is flat.

I am convinced that no one actually believes them. It's just a combination of trolling, entertainment for them, and mental exercise.

A lot of us probably lean towards believing it happened but don't want to be stupid if it's ever discovered they did make it up. Cautiously optimistic?
Well then let's start over and I'll get cho again.

You think NASA scientists are making up man made climate change? If yes, please explain why.

Let's just start here. I'm gonna get cho if you answer my questions, bitch. Let's see if you have the balls to respond intelligently or will you just derail so I can't prove my point.

BASA does not say " MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE " bitch
A lot of us probably lean towards believing it happened but don't want to be stupid if it's ever discovered they did make it up. Cautiously optimistic?
No one is like that

They are instead small minded little twats like you who think they are smart when they deny absolute fact
BASA does not say " MAN MADE CLIMATE CHANGE " bitch

From NASA website

Scientific evidence continues to show that human activities (primarily the human burning of fossil fuels) have warmed Earth’s surface and its ocean basins, which in turn have continued to impact Earth’s climate. This is based on over a century of scientific evidence forming the structural backbone of today's civilization.

Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change.
From NASA website

Scientific evidence continues to show that human activities (primarily the human burning of fossil fuels) have warmed Earth’s surface and its ocean basins, which in turn have continued to impact Earth’s climate. This is based on over a century of scientific evidence forming the structural backbone of today's civilization.

Yes, the vast majority of actively publishing climate scientists – 97 percent – agree that humans are causing global warming and climate change.
That is no lie

Neither is the lunar landing

Complete and total failure for you

Once again you are my bitch
So you think one department within NASA is a complete fraud for money and you'd be totally willing to bet your life that this other department is telling the truth about landing on the moon? You claim climate scientists are doing it for the money. Well look how much space exploration is costing us

The United States Government spent around 73.2 billion U.S. dollars on its space programs in 2023

Sucker. They got you with patriotism. Classic endoctrination. Straight out of the playbook on how to use false propoganda and national pride to dupe the sheep.

I suspect much of NASA budget actually is rerouted into Off the Books programs.

Look at all the US Patents that are under seal for "National security" especially for zero point energy
There's just too much evidence that we were there on the moon, and that the earth is round.
i would be more surprised to learn they faked the landing sure. But there are so many little things that bother me. Like a few months ago I heard the next moon landing needs to be delayed because they have to develop the suits. Wait a second. Haven't they already developed the suits? LOL.

I don't think humans should go to the moon yet. I think we can build AI robots that can build homes for us before we go. Let's land a few ships with AI on them and see if they are safe before we send humans.

If Trump loses or wins, would you go to the first colony? If it were all liberals/conservatives?
i would be more surprised to learn they faked the landing sure. But there are so many little things that bother me. Like a few months ago I heard the next moon landing needs to be delayed because they have to develop the suits. Wait a second. Haven't they already developed the suits? LOL.

I don't think humans should go to the moon yet. I think we can build AI robots that can build homes for us before we go. Let's land a few ships with AI on them and see if they are safe before we send humans.

If Trump loses or wins, would you go to the first colony? If it were all liberals/conservatives?
You think they use the same suitys from the sixties and seventies? You do not think new materials and technology has come along to make better suits?
If you watch any filmed footage of astronauts and rovers kicking up lunar regolith and rocks while traversing the lunar surface, you will notice that the ultra-fine dust and rocks all fall back to the surface at the same rate.
If it was fake and filmed on the Earth, the ultra-fine regolith dust would linger in the AIR as the heavier rocks and such would not.
HINT: There's no AIR on the moon.
No he does not

You have no evidence for any of your claims

THAT is congnitive dissonance. You fail with that word the same way you failed with scientists

It's where conflicting ideas collide. It's happening to you right now. The brainwashed part of your brain has been told as a kid we went to the moon and beat the Ruskies. Your glowing patriotism on this is duly noted. You believe AMERICA (via NASA) landed on the moon. Whole heatedly believe. Because you are brainwashed.

Then I made you realize NASA believes in Man Made Climate Change. You can find it on NASA's website. You deny MMCC?
If you watch any filmed footage of astronauts and rovers kicking up lunar regolith and rocks while traversing the lunar surface, you will notice that the ultra-fine dust and rocks all fall back to the surface at the same rate.
If it was fake and filmed on the Earth, the ultra-fine regolith dust would linger in the AIR as the heavier rocks and such would not.
HINT: There's no AIR on the moon.

When they slow down the camera, the mars rover looks like it's on a zero gravity planet but it was out in the desert.
It's where conflicting ideas collide. It's happening to you right now. The brainwashed part of your brain has been told as a kid we went to the moon and beat the Ruskies. Your glowing patriotism on this is duly noted. You believe AMERICA (via NASA) landed on the moon. Whole heatedly believe. Because you are brainwashed.

Then I made you realize NASA believes in Man Made Climate Change. You can find it on NASA's website. You deny MMCC?

You did nothing of the sort

I always knew what NASA said about climate change but you fucked around like a simple minded idiot and said SCIENTISTS. You did not say NASA

NASA is not wrong or lying about mans impact ont he climate you moron and I never said they did

You have failed massively and are merely a LIAR. You are a gtrue coward and a mental WEAKLING

You hjave to post lies bad analogies and you fail
No one is brainwashed boy

YOu are simply a stupid little loser who cannot post an intelligent argument and you have lost this one

You did nothing of the sort

I always knew what NASA said about climate change but you fucked around like a simple minded idiot and said SCIENTISTS. You did not say NASA

NASA is not wrong or lying about mans impact ont he climate you moron and I never said they did

You have failed massively and are merely a LIAR. You are a gtrue coward and a mental WEAKLING

You hjave to post lies bad analogies and you fail
No one is brainwashed boy

YOu are simply a stupid little loser who cannot post an intelligent argument and you have lost this one

Oh I'm sorry I thought I caught a MM climate change denier.

For the record, I too believe we landed on the moon. I was trying to make a point.

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