Did the US land on the moon?

Did they land on the moon?

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i would be more surprised to learn they faked the landing sure. But there are so many little things that bother me. Like a few months ago I heard the next moon landing needs to be delayed because they have to develop the suits. Wait a second. Haven't they already developed the suits? LOL.

I don't think humans should go to the moon yet. I think we can build AI robots that can build homes for us before we go. Let's land a few ships with AI on them and see if they are safe before we send humans.

If Trump loses or wins, would you go to the first colony? If it were all liberals/conservatives?

If Trump loses, it's unlikely we will have colonies on the moon or anywhere else. The world will be plunged into more and escalating chaos. China may put colonies on the moon but we will be too broke and too chaotic to do it ourselves.
If Trump loses, it's unlikely we will have colonies on the moon or anywhere else. The world will be plunged into more and escalating chaos. China may put colonies on the moon but we will be too broke and too chaotic to do it ourselves.
Nonsense. Democrats invest in America. Republicans just give tax breaks to millionaires who aren't willing to invest in the R&D.
You did nothing of the sort

I always knew what NASA said about climate change but you fucked around like a simple minded idiot and said SCIENTISTS. You did not say NASA

NASA is not wrong or lying about mans impact ont he climate you moron and I never said they did

You have failed massively and are merely a LIAR. You are a gtrue coward and a mental WEAKLING

You hjave to post lies bad analogies and you fail
No one is brainwashed boy

YOu are simply a stupid little loser who cannot post an intelligent argument and you have lost this one

Neil DeGrasse explains cherry pickers like you

If Trump loses, it's unlikely we will have colonies on the moon or anywhere else. The world will be plunged into more and escalating chaos. China may put colonies on the moon but we will be too broke and too chaotic to do it ourselves.

You republicans are horrible at making predictions of what's to come.

Trump said if he lost he'd never come back.
Nonsense. Democrats invest in America. Republicans just give tax breaks to millionaires who aren't willing to invest in the R&D.
Nonsense, democrats promote and foster violence, hatred and destruction all over America. if Biden gets 4 more years, he will complete the democrat's plans to destroy the country.
Nonsense, democrats promote and foster violence, hatred and destruction all over America. if Biden gets 4 more years, he will complete the democrat's plans to destroy the country.
Your post promotes and fosters violence hatred and destruction of America. You have to learn to get along with your gay neighbors.
The whole rationale of NASA is to never tell the truth about anything .

I doubt there was an astronaut moon landing and John Lear goes further and says that the whole Apollo programme was faked .
Somebody is intentionally saying stupid shit for attention ^^
Old question …. New answers ….
It all comes down to the law of probability. That tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of people directly involved in the moon landings or the unmanned probes of Mars etc. could universally be duped or made to agree in a huge scam and have never blown the cover of the scammers just isn't possible. Nor is it even statistically probable that the images in space produced by the Hubble Telescope are faked or more recently the James Webb Telescope finally launched in 2021, and is now operating a million miles from Earth have been faked without somebody involved blowing the 'fake' whistle.

These kinds of things fascinate me and I see space exploration as one of the very most interesting thing our government can do. And from a practical standpoint, the expense can be justified in that if the USA does not maintain superiority in our capabilities in space, Russia or China or some other bad actor will have that superiority which could put us completely at their mercy.

The photos coming from the James Webb Telescope are amazing:
It all comes down to the law of probability. That tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands, of people directly involved in the moon landings or the unmanned probes of Mars etc. could universally be duped or made to agree in a huge scam and have never blown the cover of the scammers just isn't possible. Nor is it even statistically probable that the images in space produced by the Hubble Telescope are faked or more recently the James Webb Telescope finally launched in 2021, and is now operating a million miles from Earth have been faked without somebody involved blowing the 'fake' whistle.

These kinds of things fascinate me and I see space exploration as one of the very most interesting thing our government can do. And from a practical standpoint, the expense can be justified in that if the USA does not maintain superiority in our capabilities in space, Russia or China or some other bad actor will have that superiority which could put us completely at their mercy.

The photos coming from the James Webb Telescope are amazing:
Good argument!
The whole rationale of NASA is to never tell the truth about anything .

I doubt there was an astronaut moon landing and John Lear goes further and says that the whole Apollo programme was faked .
It seems like a moot point now. The space age ended. There's nothing on the moon to make it worth the expense.
I believe we are flying rockets around other planets and the moon. Manned, unmanned. Maybe even landing robots. No need to land a man until it's perfected. AI is coming. This is a great application for it. Ever see 2001 a Space Odyssey? LOL

But seriously. AI robots that move, talk, think and act like robots only they can withstand the mars atmosphere. They build the structures that we will live in. I wish I'd be alive to see this.

They will do all the work.
And unfortunately, it'll take a little bit more science than designing robots that can build houses on the likes of the moon and Mars. The weak gravity on both is not good for our bodies and it means they can't hold onto an atmosphere. So terraforming research will have to advance a bit too.

So it'll take more than a few decades. My kids are in their 20's and even their kids kids won't get to see moon and Mars colonies.
So, on one hand we have ONE person who claims they faked it, while OTOH, hundreds of thousands of people who say the exact opposite. Whom to believe?

Fair question , but rule out MSM ,Politicians and Sheeple and the only one still standing is Aunty Luiza .

And an excellent rule of thumb is to never ever believe anything released by CIA or NASA . They are not there to tell the public the truth about anything of importance .That is not their raison d'etre .
It seems like a moot point now. The space age ended. There's nothing on the moon to make it worth the expense.
Really .
Who towed it there is the first place, or have you some outlandish alternative theory ?
All the top RVs will tell you that you are mistaken, which coincidentally fits with the US stopping further man moon landings for no sane reason that has yet ever been mentioned .

I rather like the claim that it is an inhabited observation post for the experimenters who might not be there themslves . Let's call them the Elohim though others call them the Anunnaki .
No more crazy than believing President Piss Pot is more than a puppet that that they wheel out sporadica;lly .
Fair question , but rule out MSM ,Politicians and Sheeple and the only one still standing is Aunty Luiza .

And an excellent rule of thumb is to never ever believe anything released by CIA or NASA . They are not there to tell the public the truth about anything of importance .That is not their raison d'etre .
1. We can take the CIA out of this, they have no reason to be involved.
2. Claiming "NASA" is lying is a very nebulous claim, not a lot of specificity there. There have been hundreds of thousands of employees that worked on the moon project. If all they did was set up a few movie sets, plenty of people would have talked by now.
3. Why? Why would NASA bother lying about us going to the moon if we didn't go? There was a LOT of work done and a LOT of money spent (basically the same amount of work and money that it would have taken to go in the first place) just to lie about something like that? What would we gain from all that if, a few years down the road, somebody DID land on the moon where we said we did and go, "Hey, there's nothing here"?

Let's put it another way. We landed on the moon during the most intense part of our competition with the Soviet Union. They were watching very, very closely, and if those radio broadcasts were NOT coming from the moon, they would have screamed bloody murder that we were faking it.

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