Modern day heroism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
I'm watching the reaction to Sen. Merkley pontificating all night. He literally just talked all night. It wasn't part of the filibuster. He did this knowing it wouldn't change a thing. Yet he is being praised as a hero on all the social media

What exactly has happened to our concept of heroism where a politician who talks all night to put on a show for people can literally so nothing to further his professed cause and be considered a hero
I'm watching the reaction to Sen. Merkley pontificating all night. He literally just talked all night. It wasn't part of the filibuster. He did this knowing it wouldn't change a thing. Yet he is being praised as a hero on all the social media

What exactly has happened to our concept of heroism where a politician who talks all night to put on a show for people can literally so nothing to further his professed cause and be considered a hero
He is nothing but the snowflake democrats' (as you eloquently put it) pontificating douche, the dancing circus monkey, the face of their hypocrisy.
It has never mattered if the left fails, only that they tried and care. Imagine working a job where you can screw up to the nth degree and you get a bonus because damn it, you care. That's the liberal world of no accountability.
It has never mattered if the left fails, only that they tried and care. Imagine working a job where you can screw up to the nth degree and you get a bonus because damn it, you care. That's the liberal world of no accountability.

Liberals demand to be judged for their INTENTIONS, never on their F*ed Up FAILED results.
It was a Filibuster. They are trying to parse the rules.
The Dems should have never admitted they were going to launch "Operation Resist Democracy" with Obama as their Confederate President.

The ensures the GOP will be forced to use a simple majority to confirm Gorsuch.
hero has become one of the most overused words in the English language

seems like everyone is a hero these days

Not an accident. dimocrap scum do that in order to cheapen the word and the meaning of the word.

Why? Because they're scum. Just that simple.
I'm not willing to accept that people are scum. We need to find a way to start communicating with each other and not past each other. We are heading for civil war otherwise.
I'm watching the reaction to Sen. Merkley pontificating all night. He literally just talked all night. It wasn't part of the filibuster. He did this knowing it wouldn't change a thing. Yet he is being praised as a hero on all the social media

What exactly has happened to our concept of heroism where a politician who talks all night to put on a show for people can literally so nothing to further his professed cause and be considered a hero
One day, anybody that stood against Trump will be remembered as a hero.
this shows he's rdy to lead by god.....He needs to ad a fake sit in....maybe discover some ethnic angle to his ancestry and he's on his way

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