Modern politicians unfit for the current challenges

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras
I will focus on our defence minister in this. He is a career politician who has built his profile by his willingness to lie for the government every day. His name is Grant Schapps.

As defence minister he has his plate full. The war in Ukraine. The troubles in Israel and a depleted hollowed out army. There are british citizens trapped in Gaza and they are being bombed.

Britain is incapable of defending itself.

So what is his focus ?

His focus is on the sad fact that the BBC will not describe Hamas as a terrorist group. Now I understand that some might find that irritating but really. Has he got nothing better to do. If my family was trapped in Gaza or killed in Israel I would hope that he was doing something more constructive.

How can anyone take him seriously ?

This is the sort of thing that happens when you promote people of no ability. Schapps qualifications are that he used to write self help get rich quick books under assumed names.

Thats it.

Like the majority of Johnsons cabal he has limited experience of anything.

This morning Robert Jenrick filled our screens. Not with an update on our people in Gaza. He wanted to vent about a pro palestine march in London yestereday. It may have been uncomfortable for him but folk are entitled to march and they are entitled to express opinions that may be unpopular.

He also tried to score political points off the back of it. Looking to utilise Israel in the same way Boris positioned himself as the saviour of Ukraine.

Jenriccks main achievement in his job is that he instructed contractors to paint over pictures of cartoon characters on an immigration centres walls. He thought they looked too welcoming for the little bastards.

Jenrick and Schapps both managed to distract folk from the govt failures in every aspect of british life.

All about the optics.

Sunak is playing the same game.He jetted off to Israel this week. not to do anything costructive. He was there trying to look like a statesman and also to get away from domestic bad news.

It was a pointless visit. But it was all about the optics. Thats all that matters to politicians of all sides. Meanwhile the UK falls apart.

The covid enquiry is exposing the dysfunction in our government during the pandemic. People died because we had people in charge who were not up to the job.

The path to being an MP is simple. Your parents send you to an expensive school which gets you into Oxford.You join the right clubs and network. You then move on to a "thinktank" or a special adviser before being ushered into a seat.

From there ypu become an instant expert on health, education, policing and all sorts of stuff apart from poverty and homelessness..

And you end up leading the country in times of trouble and then people die.

Johnson was a jornalist, Sunak was a hedge fund manager. Neither had any experience of running any organisation. Why would they become competent leaders ?

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Same here in the U.S.A. We just don't seem to have dedicated getting things done for the betterment of the country and the world types in politics today. Too busy with petty juvenile tit-for-tat silliness.
The military still has a multi billion pound bufget. Would any corporation appoint a chief exec with no experience of managing budgets ?
Of course not. But if you don´t allow an unexperienced person to become politician, you won´t have politicians. You need to gather experience in the real world. We need smart and tough politicians, they can gather experience over time. They have advisers, experienced predecessors and even lobbyists that they can consult. Experience is not the problem, willingness is.
Same here in the U.S.A. We just don't seem to have dedicated getting things done for the betterment of the country and the world types in politics today. Too busy with petty juvenile tit-for-tat silliness.
Our dont even scrutinise legislation. They vote through whatever the whips tell them to. Most of it is over their heads anyway.
I will focus on our defence minister in this. He is a career politician who has built his profile by his willingness to lie for the government every day. His name is Grant Schapps.

As defence minister he has his plate full. The war in Ukraine. The troubles in Israel and a depleted hollowed out army. There are british citizens trapped in Gaza and they are being bombed.

Britain is incapable of defending itself.

So what is his focus ?

His focus is on the sad fact that the BBC will not describe Hamas as a terrorist group. Now I understand that some might find that irritating but really. Has he got nothing better to do. If my family was trapped in Gaza or killed in Israel I would hope that he was doing something more constructive.

How can anyone take him seriously ?

This is the sort of thing that happens when you promote people of no ability. Schapps qualifications are that he used to write self help get rich quick books under assumed names.

Thats it.

Like the majority of Johnsons cabal he has limited experience of anything.

This morning Robert Jenrick filled our screens. Not with an update on our people in Gaza. He wanted to vent about a pro palestine march in London yestereday. It may have been uncomfortable for him but folk are entitled to march and they are entitled to express opinions that may be unpopular.

He also tried to score political points off the back of it. Looking to utilise Israel in the same way Boris positioned himself as the saviour of Ukraine.

Jenriccks main achievement in his job is that he instructed contractors to paint over pictures of cartoon characters on an immigration centres walls. He thought they looked too welcoming for the little bastards.

Jenrick and Schapps both managed to distract folk from the govt failures in every aspect of british life.

All about the optics.

Sunak is playing the same game.He jetted off to Israel this week. not to do anything costructive. He was there trying to look like a statesman and also to get away from domestic bad news.

It was a pointless visit. But it was all about the optics. Thats all that matters to politicians of all sides. Meanwhile the UK falls apart.

The covid enquiry is exposing the dysfunction in our government during the pandemic. People died because we had people in charge who were not up to the job.

The path to being an MP is simple. Your parents send you to an expensive school which gets you into Oxford.You join the right clubs and network. You then move on to a "thinktank" or a special adviser before being ushered into a seat.

From there ypu become an instant expert on health, education, policing and all sorts of stuff apart from poverty and homelessness..

And you end up leading the country in times of trouble and then people die.

Johnson was a jornalist, Sunak was a hedge fund manager. Neither had any experience of running any organisation. Why would they become competent leaders ?

Your politicians play to the lack of sophistication in the minds of their constituents. What better example can there be than the irrational kneejerk hate shown against Russia and the kind hearts of the Russian people?

British immigrants to Canada display those feeling freely and openly.

It originates in America I believe and the British bring it to Canada. It's totally irrational and Canada should be taking measures to stop it.

Britain is still America's lapdog and it's due to gratefulness left over from WW2.
America manipulates the minds of all people's of the world and the current example of still promoting pity for the Zionist evil is the greatest example that can add to your understanding.

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