'Mommy, is Nakba Day Over?'

I have heard that roasted Palestinian smells a little like Springfields tyre fire, or overcooked rat burgers
It's comments like that, which create fire bombers.
I assume you approve and support Palestinian fire bombers of families and kids since you haven't denounced it. Any suggestion of taking out the murderous vermin throwing the bomb is compared to Nazism by you and the ilk. I personally would volunteer to ride shotgun down those roads and it wouldn't matter if they were still in diapers. How 'bout them beans?
This was one lucky family. The next ones that these savages attack might not be as lucky.

'Mommy, is Nakba Day Over?'

Toddler, 3.5, and sister, 5, survive a firebomb attack on their family's car that was an inch away from 'an inferno.
By Shimon Cohen
First Publish: 5/18/2014, 7:22 PM

Arab terror attacks peaked on “Nakba Day” last week, but as usual, almost all media news outlets ignored them, apparently out of political considerations, and Arutz Sheva appears to be the only outlet reporting them.

One such attack involved the hurling of a firebomb at a vehicle that carried a young Jewish family – a firebomb that came one inch away from causing a tragedy.

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'Mommy, is Nakba Day Over?' - Defense/Security - News - Arutz Sheva
The way to counteract a firebomb is to be alert and ready and just as his arm goes back to throw, let him have a load of #6 bird shot. Then you can watch the fire from a distance.
Mommy, does this suicide vest make me look fat?
Maybe if Israel renounce occupation and colonization...

No renouncing if violence, no independant state for the Palestinians.

It is better for the non-Jews to wait it our until the demographics become unmanageable for the Israeli Jews.

It doesn't look that way. :D

03.19.2014 - 2:30 PM

Figures released today show that Israel’s demographic situation continues to move in a direction that is positive for the future of the Jewish state, quite in contravention to the prevailing wisdom about Israel’s impending demographic peril.

Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics has released the birthrate figures for 2013, revealing that the Jewish birthrate is continuing to rise as the Muslim birthrate is continuing to decline. While population projections are by their nature often inaccurate on account of the myriad unforeseeable variables, it seems that this is a front on which Israelis can afford to feel some optimism. Yet, despite the growing body of evidence to the contrary, there is no shortage of voices warning Israel of imminent demographic doom. This is a central tenet of the doctrine of the Israeli left, and it is also a threat with which President Obama has increasingly been seeking to panic Israel.

Stats Debunk Demographic Threat to Israel « Commentary Magazine
You guys really need to read the news and not political trash.
The fishing was limit to 3 mi for two month more than a year ago. After that it went to 6 mi. Gaza has a limit fishing waters because egyptian and Israeli waters meet farther out.

Just maybe, if the gazans renounced violence and make nice to Egypt and Israel they might let you use a bit of their area to extend the fishing.

Besides, Gaza has fish farming.

Maybe if Israel renounce occupation and colonization...
Maybe if a frog had wings he wouldn't bump his butt every time he hopped.
What occupation?
What colonization?
I'll have to amend the question about "occupation". In the Army we called it "Close supervision''.

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