Money As The Root of All Evil???


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.
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Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS.

These are not opposites, but the material health wealth and happiness
FOLLOWS from the spiritual priorities.

PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY.

If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS.

These are not opposites, but the material health wealth and happiness
FOLLOWS from the spiritual priorities.

PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY.

If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!

1. "The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS."

First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. "PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY."

Where did you see any such reference in the post to which you've linked?

3. "If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!"

Perhaps you meant this response to some other post.....


Study the picture carefully, and see if it related to poverty, Liberals......

....or evil.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS.

These are not opposites, but the material health wealth and happiness
FOLLOWS from the spiritual priorities.

PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY.

If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!
it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
I started poor and worked my ass off to achieve a wealth that will make my life easier now. I can judge many poor people for they continue to be VICTIMS of liberalism instead of opening their eyes and learning like I did how to achieve wealth. But they continue to follow the liberal way of life, be losers and allow the government to give them just enough to survive while being bitter and miserable in their poverty.. Yep I judge them as idiots.

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

Ill will
these are the negative forces behind evil.
Mostly caused by LACK of faith

* lack of faith in truth conquering falsehood and understanding to solve problems
causes fear of the unknown, distrust and rejection/division from other people of other groups that are "feared"
* lack of forgiveness and faith in resolving past injuries, injustice, conflicts or wrongs
causes fear of losing control to outside persons, influences or authority
so this causes rebellion, fights or attacks of whole groups against each other for dominance and control
* lack of charity compassion toward others
from lack of faith that conflicts can be resolved and relations can be restored
causes ill will, hatred, hate speech, racial and tribal strife,
based on the fear of conflict and confrontation.

When we lack faith that we can forgive, correct and restore relations
in order to solve the problems dividing us,
that is what fuels
fear, stress and anxiety between people and groups.
So the negative energy, thoughts, intent and perceptions
we have of each other fuel the "evil" actions of harm, abuse, danger,
oppression, bullying and harassment in relations and in society.

it all stems from fear.

“Men often hate each other because they fear each other;
they fear each other because they don’t know each other;
they don’t know each other because they can not communicate;
they can not communicate because they are separated.”

– Martin Luther King Jr. (Stride Toward Freedom – 1958)
10 Brilliant Quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. That You Rarely Hear

But perfect love casts out fear:

1 John 4:18King James Version (KJV)

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear:
because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Because to love is to understand,
when we understand truth, we no longer fear but gain wisdom and compassion,
thus the truth sets us free.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS.

These are not opposites, but the material health wealth and happiness
FOLLOWS from the spiritual priorities.

PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY.

If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!

BUT.....I have no objection to broadening the thesis to include politics and/or material condition....

5. Doesn't it seem like the anti-wealth, anti-money view is pervasive in our secular society?

There's a reason, and the reason is the power of the Marxist/anti-religion/anti-capitalism view. It is based on the need to have the populace see government as their savior.

The correct view of wealth comes from the great Republican President Calvin Coolidge who, unlike Democrat Roosevelt, gave the nation prosperity.

Often misquoted as ‘The business of America is business,” he really said:

“... After all, the chief business of the American people is business. They are profoundly concerned with producing, buying, selling, investing and prospering in the world. I am strongly of opinion that the great majority of people will always find these are moving impulses of our life. …

Wealth is the product of industry, ambition, character and untiring effort. In all experience, the accumulation of wealth means the multiplication of schools, the increase of knowledge, the dissemination of intelligence, the encouragement of science, the broadening of outlook, the expansion of liberties, the widening of culture.

Of course, the accumulation of wealth cannot be justified as the chief end of existence. But we are compelled to recognize it as a means to well-nigh every desirable achievement.
So long as wealth is made the means and not the end, we need not greatly fear it.”
January 17, 1925 Given before the American Society of Newspaper Editors
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS.

These are not opposites, but the material health wealth and happiness
FOLLOWS from the spiritual priorities.

PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY.

If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!

1. "The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS."

First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. "PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY."

Where did you see any such reference in the post to which you've linked?

3. "If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!"

Perhaps you meant this response to some other post.....


Study the picture carefully, and see if it related to poverty, Liberals......

....or evil.

Your post included this:

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

So PoliticalChic I was explaining it in terms of
NOT COVETING money or materialistic things in place of spiritual wealth and values.

The point is NOT TO COVET.

You can love things that belong to you but not
be JEALOUS envious and try to COVET or bring down others
who have more than you.

So that is why I am saying to judge wealthy people
just for being wealthy is AS MATERIALISTIC as
judging poor people for being poor.

It is still trying to COVET POWER:
Judging or attacking people by "material class" whether rich or poor,
"instead of the content of our character and principles"
This is still class warfare in order to compete for or COVET power.
The bullying fights pitting people as "the party of the rich"
"versus" the "party of the poor" is wrong on both sides
because they are COVETING POWER instead of sharing power as equal neighbors.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS.

These are not opposites, but the material health wealth and happiness
FOLLOWS from the spiritual priorities.

PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY.

If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!

1. "The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS."

First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. "PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY."

Where did you see any such reference in the post to which you've linked?

3. "If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!"

Perhaps you meant this response to some other post.....


Study the picture carefully, and see if it related to poverty, Liberals......

....or evil.

Your post included this:

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

So PoliticalChic I was explaining it in terms of
NOT COVETING money or materialistic things in place of spiritual wealth and values.

The point is NOT TO COVET.

You can love things that belong to you but not
be JEALOUS envious and try to COVET or bring down others
who have more than you.

So that is why I am saying to judge wealthy people
just for being wealthy is AS MATERIALISTIC as
judging poor people for being poor.

It is still trying to COVET POWER.
Judging people by material class whether rich or poor,
"instead of the content of our character and principles"

The subject is 'evil,' and, as I have shown, it cannot be attributed to money or the love of money.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS.

These are not opposites, but the material health wealth and happiness
FOLLOWS from the spiritual priorities.

PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY.

If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!

1. "The Bible refers to
LOVE of money or "COVETING"
Materialism or "MAMMON"
ATTACHMENT to material CONDITIONS for POWER, security or happiness
instead of putting SPIRITUAL values of life first, then the physical FOLLOWS."

First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. "PoliticalChic it is just as materialistic and wrongful
to judge a person for being poor as for being wealthy.
That's going by APPEARANCES which is putting MATERIAL
factors first instead of looking at this SPIRITUALLY."

Where did you see any such reference in the post to which you've linked?

3. "If liberals don't want the poor to be judged, blamed and punished for being poor as a class,
the same rules apply to not judging, blaming or punishing the wealthy for having more wealth!

Judging, targeting and penalizing people by class affiliation
is just as wrongful and "materialistic" whether rich or poor!"

Perhaps you meant this response to some other post.....


Study the picture carefully, and see if it related to poverty, Liberals......

....or evil.

Your post included this:

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

So PoliticalChic I was explaining it in terms of
NOT COVETING money or materialistic things in place of spiritual wealth and values.

The point is NOT TO COVET.

You can love things that belong to you but not
be JEALOUS envious and try to COVET or bring down others
who have more than you.

So that is why I am saying to judge wealthy people
just for being wealthy is AS MATERIALISTIC as
judging poor people for being poor.

It is still trying to COVET POWER:
Judging or attacking people by "material class" whether rich or poor,
"instead of the content of our character and principles"
This is still class warfare in order to compete for or COVET power.
The bullying fights pitting people as "the party of the rich"
"versus" the "party of the poor" is wrong on both sides
because they are COVETING POWER instead of sharing power as equal neighbors.

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find money related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.

Ill will
these are the negative forces behind evil.
Mostly caused by LACK of faith

* lack of faith in truth conquering falsehood and understanding to solve problems
causes fear of the unknown, distrust and rejection/division from other people of other groups that are "feared"
* lack of forgiveness and faith in resolving past injuries, injustice, conflicts or wrongs
causes fear of losing control to outside persons, influences or authority
so this causes rebellion, fights or attacks of whole groups against each other for dominance and control
* lack of charity compassion toward others
from lack of faith that conflicts can be resolved and relations can be restored
causes ill will, hatred, hate speech, racial and tribal strife,
based on the fear of conflict and confrontation.

When we lack faith that we can forgive, correct and restore relations
in order to solve the problems dividing us,
that is what fuels
fear, stress and anxiety between people and groups.
So the negative energy, thoughts, intent and perceptions
we have of each other fuel the "evil" actions of harm, abuse, danger,
oppression, bullying and harassment in relations and in society.

it all stems from fear.

“Men often hate each other because they fear each other;
they fear each other because they don’t know each other;
they don’t know each other because they can not communicate;
they can not communicate because they are separated.”

– Martin Luther King Jr. (Stride Toward Freedom – 1958)
10 Brilliant Quotes from Martin Luther King Jr. That You Rarely Hear

But perfect love casts out fear:

1 John 4:18King James Version (KJV)

18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear:
because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Because to love is to understand,
when we understand truth, we no longer fear but gain wisdom and compassion,
thus the truth sets us free.
There are many sources of evil, money and faith are just two examples. It is faith that allows someone to fly a plane into a building. I think what is shows is that anything can be taken to the extreme and made evil. Hate is easy see as a cause of evil but love too can move people to evil deeds. Love of country was taken to extremes by Hitler and many others. Love of one's religion may make you want to see everyone brought into the fold.
6. Perhaps we can attribute the love of power, rather than money, as the root of evil.

A good argument can be made that politics, rather than religion is the road to either combating evil or advancing it.

In fact, for the most part, religion and politics are representations of good vs. evil.

While a number of deaths can be attributed to religious movements, it is the tiniest fraction of the number of murders committed by the Left's political movements….Communism and Nazism mostly, but Leftism writ large.
And....if we define 'evil' by the body count.....

...there is no basis to claim religion has come close to the totalitarian history of mass murder in the last century alone.





Pol Pot...2,397,000


#14 Liberal Demagoguery, Hate and Violence – A Compendium

BTW….During the 350 years of the Spanish Inquisition, between 3,000-5,000 people were sentenced to death (about 1 per month).
The Spanish Inquisition: Debunking the Legends

Soooo.....rather than claiming that money, or the love of it, as resulting in's collectivism, big government that turns out to be the culprit.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.
St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.
St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.
St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Everything you posted is the result of mans sinful nature. It is not an outside force. It lives in every human heart. It is part of the human condition.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.
St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Everything you posted is the result of mans sinful nature. It is not an outside force. It lives in every human heart. It is part of the human condition.

"Everything you posted is the result of mans sinful nature."

Perhaps you missed the question.
It dealt with your claim that "a love of gold and wealth" is the cause of evil.

Here is the question again....

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"a love of gold and wealth".....where?

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.
St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Everything you posted is the result of mans sinful nature. It is not an outside force. It lives in every human heart. It is part of the human condition.

"Everything you posted is the result of mans sinful nature."

Perhaps you missed the question.
It dealt with your claim that "a love of gold and wealth" is the cause of evil.

Here is the question again....

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"a love of gold and wealth".....where?

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Perhaps you missed this.

St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.
Don't be silly.
The view is facile.....but silly.

1. First of all, that phrase is a corruption of the original biblical quotation… Radix malorum est cupiditas

"This Latin phrase is a translation of the original Greek [which] is literally translated into English, "Root for all the evil is the love of money

A more idiomatic understanding of this phrase is, "For every possible kind of evil can be motivated by the love of money." Meaning, greed can lead to any number of different kind of evils, not that all evil is rooted in the love of money."
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia

2. Soooo….money isn't the root of all evil " since money is an abstract form of wealth, wealth is a good thing, and the root of all evil cannot be something good. Perhaps it is the love of money that is supposed to be the root of all evil. But this too is false. Given that money is a good thing, a certain love or desire for its acquisition and preservation is right and proper. To fail to value money would be as foolish as to fail to value physical health. Well then, is it the inordinate love of money that is the root of all evil? Not even this is true. For there are evils whose root is not the inordinate love of money. The most we can truly say is that the inordinate love of money is the root of some evils." <i>Radix Omnium Malorum</i>

3. Rubens provided a dramatic representation of evil…" The Massacre of the Innocents :"

"The work shows the massacre ordered by king Herod. He had been told by the Three Wise Men that a King of the Jews had been born, and decided to prevent him from becoming a rival. Mary, Joseph and their new born child were already on their way to Egypt."
Peter Paul Rubens: Massacre of the Innocents


Anyone see any money depicted herein?

4. Instead, we see an act directed against God, or the Messiah, or at least, at 'goodness.'

16 Then Herod, when he saw that he had been tricked by the wise men, became furious, and he sent and killed all the male children in Bethlehem and in all that region who were two years old or under, according to the time that he had ascertained from the wise men.
Matthew 2:16

Seems we must look at other than money or wealth as the source of evil.
St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Everything you posted is the result of mans sinful nature. It is not an outside force. It lives in every human heart. It is part of the human condition.

"Everything you posted is the result of mans sinful nature."

Perhaps you missed the question.
It dealt with your claim that "a love of gold and wealth" is the cause of evil.

Here is the question again....

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"a love of gold and wealth".....where?

"Many writers have said that one of evil's higher accomplishments has been to convince people that it does not exist."
Perhaps you missed this.

St. Paul had just written (1Timothy 6:9) of men being plunged into destruction and perdition—the awful consequence of yielding to those lusts into which the fatal love of riches had guided them; he now sums up the teaching contained in these words by pithily remarking. “Yes, for the love of money is the root of all evil,” meaning thereby, not that every evil necessarily must come from “love of money,” but that there is no conceivable evil which can happen to the sons and daughters of men which may not spring from covetousness—a love of gold and wealth.[/QUOTE]'re retracting this: your claim that "a love of gold and wealth" is the cause of evil.


Or, perhaps you'd like a third chance at this:

I thought that the slaughter of children in the Rubens painting was dispositive of the issue.....but, perhaps you can find "a love of gold and wealth" related to the evil in these examples.

Based on these examples, I claim that there is something more at work than money, or the love of money, or, in fact, greed.

a. "Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock"
Las Vegas shooting motive eludes investigators as new details emerge about gunman Stephen Paddock

b. "Texas Church Shooting: More Than Two Dozen Parishioners Killed Federal officials said the motive for the shooting was unclear. " More than two dozen parishioners killed in rural Texas church shooting

Or this...?

c. "…yesterday as Padrica Caine Hill pleaded guilty to murdering her two small children and trying to strangle the third.

Hill had started out the morning of April 9, 1988, driving her husband to work, chatting about her plan to get the oil changed in the car. Instead, she went to their home on Quincy Place NE and smoked crack. She made the children breakfast. She dressed them. She let them watch cartoons.

Then she strangled 8-year-old Kristina and 4-year-old Eric Jr. with a clothes line. She attempted to strangle 2-year-old Jennifer, but left her breathing softly, the cord still wrapped around her neck. …
She Smoked Crack, Then Killed Her Children; `I Hadn't Planned on It,' D.C. Mother Says of Stranglings - The Washington Post | HighBeam Research

"When the police come, Padrica Hill says she loves her children. Why did she kill them? "I don't know," she answers in apparently genuine bewilderment. "I hadn't planned on it."
Morrow, Op. Cit.

I hadn't planned on killing my own children?????????

When evil is powerful enough to supplant even the desire of a mother to keep her own children from harm…..doesn't that imply that evil is something outside of human nature???

Or this.....

d. (CNN)The man charged with fatally shooting four random people over the past two months in a Tampa neighborhood seemed to be, weirdly enough, perfectly "fine" during police interviews, Tampa Police Chief Brian Dugan said on Wednesday.

"He seemed fine to me, which is a strange answer for me to give, because why is he out murdering people?" Dugan said. "He seemed like he knew exactly what he was doing and what was going on. He was very much aware of where he was and what he was doing."

Howell Donaldson III, 24, was arrested and charged with four counts of murder on Wednesday in connection with a series of seemingly random killings that had terrorized neighborhood residents over the past 51 days. Donaldson owned the firearm that police say was used in the four killings, and officials are confident they have their man.

But the arrest and police interview have shed little light on the motives for the killings, and police did not provide an explanation for how a quiet college graduate with no criminal record turned into a serial killer."
Howell Donaldson III: What we know about Tampa's alleged serial killer - CNN

"a love of gold and wealth".....where?

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