Moral Clarity Sucks


Sep 23, 2010
Presidents who insist on being spiritual leaders is clearly the wrong way to govern a free people.

Sharansky sees what is happening with a moral clarity not found in the White House or State Department.

April 19, 2015
Natan Sharansky: US has 'lost the courage of its convictions'
By Rick Moran

Blog Natan Sharansky US has lost the courage of its convictions

The fact is that moral clarity can be found in the White House. The community-organizer-cum-street-preacher is not the first self-anointed spiritual leader to govern with moral clarity. Bill Clinton tried it in small doses, while Taqiyya the Liar is the first president to implement his personal OPINION of moral clarity to the point of bringing disaster to this country and to America’s allies.

Let me remind you that ‘moral clarity’ is a political catchphrase invented by, and for, right-wing thinkers long before Bill Bennett wrote about it.


NOTE: Ronald Reagan’s moral clarity was credited, in part, for defeating the Soviet Union. He expressed his moral clarity with a joke:

RR’s moral clarity was welcomed by Americans because it defeated an enemy that openly swore to kill them. Taqiyya the Liar’s moral clarity can be credited with helping enemies defeat America from within. The difference between Reagan and Taqiyya proves that moral clarity in presidents is a two-edged sword.

Finally, the only good thing that moral clarity ever did for the country proves that presidents should not be moral leaders. I, for one, do not need, or want, a president’s view of moral clarity unless he agrees with me —— not me agreeing with him. I’ll go see the pope whenever I feel the need for moral clarity.
I'm confused

Exactly what is moral clarity?


Whose system of morality are we using?
Leaders like presidents and kings are supposed to be followed in eveything. If he is the president it must be because people are satisfied with his personality, not something else.

When human beings took the matters into their own hands, they ended up competing as to who would make the greatest disasters. A guy jailed for 40 years only to be found innocent after all this time, or a guy put in a cage like an animal for 40 years because he ws a political opponent. Only a constitution from God, Pure, Just and Perfect can regulate life. This is for responsible and respectworthy human beings.
Leaders like presidents and kings are supposed to be followed in eveything. If he is the president it must be because people are satisfied with his personality, not something else.

When human beings took the matters into their own hands, they ended up competing as to who would make the greatest disasters. A guy jailed for 40 years only to be found innocent after all this time, or a guy put in a cage like an animal for 40 years because he ws a political opponent. Only a constitution from God, Pure, Just and Perfect can regulate life. This is for responsible and respectworthy human beings.

Too bad God doesn't write.............:confused:
Exactly what is moral clarity?

To amrchaos: Institutional horseshit.

Whose system of morality are we using?

To amrchaos: The media. In times past it was the guy with the most muscle. In modern times it is a combination of muscle and media.

Bombing people is moral...When did that happen?

To Moonglow: Throughout history. Better you should define when self-defense was immoral.

Modern technology also makes preemptive strikes moral. Basically, self-defense is always moral.

Sorry, how exactly was Reagan morally clear re: the Soviets?

To Delta4Embassy: Winning the Cold War.

One speech he calls them the evil empire, the next (to a graduating class at Moscow State University) he does everything but get on his knees and suck their dicks.

Remarks and a Question-and-Answer Session With the Students and Faculty at Moscow State University

To Delta4Embassy: Do not confuse RR with Taqiyya the Liar. Your guy sucks every enemy’s dick.

Leaders like presidents and kings are supposed to be followed in eveything. If he is the president it must be because people are satisfied with his personality, not something else.

To Muslim75: When was it decided that the American president had to be a spiritual leader that had to followed? And who made that decision for everyone? He is supposed to be a straightforward political leader. Now don’t get me wrong here, a president being a decent man with a spiritual nature isn’t a bad thing in his personal life —— even if he engages in a bit of preaching from the bully pulpit when the mood moves him; so long as he doesn’t dip into the public purse to payoff pious frauds.

When human beings took the matters into their own hands, they ended up competing as to who would make the greatest disasters. A guy jailed for 40 years only to be found innocent after all this time, or a guy put in a cage like an animal for 40 years because he ws a political opponent. Only a constitution from God, Pure, Just and Perfect can regulate life. This is for responsible and respectworthy human beings.

To Muslim75: My comments in this link is a comprehensive preemptive strike:

The Man With The Gun US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

NOTE: If you bother to read the link you’ll notice that USMB updated its format. In the older messages you’ll see that the apostrophe was replaced by #8217. Quotation marks were replaced by #8220 & #8221. Do not ask me why.

Also, I used to call Taqiyya by his middle name —— Hussein. Much to my delight, Hussein annoyed libs almost as much as does Taqiyya the Liar.

Leaders like presidents and kings are supposed to be followed in eveything. If he is the president it must be because people are satisfied with his personality, not something else.

When human beings took the matters into their own hands, they ended up competing as to who would make the greatest disasters. A guy jailed for 40 years only to be found innocent after all this time, or a guy put in a cage like an animal for 40 years because he ws a political opponent. Only a constitution from God, Pure, Just and Perfect can regulate life. This is for responsible and respectworthy human beings.

Too bad God doesn't write.............:confused:

To amrchaos: Good point. Frankly, I think God is pissed off because everything self-appointed moral leaders write about God’s message loses a lot in the transition.
President Obama is not 'my guy' because I know the screw ups of a Republican demigod. I thought he'd get shot becomming the front runner. Lost a bet when he won. :) Wasn't for McCain but only because of the trailer hitched to him. ;)

Have threaded several Republicans for 2016 including Chris Christey, and former intelligence community heads.

This whole 'because we dis someone of some party we're asutomatically a member of the opposition' is one of the problems this country has. If you refuse to acknowledge a person's faults because they'r ethe same party as you then you're only a worthless hack. A patriot doesn't do that.
OK--this isn't religion and ethics but I have to ask

Is Chris Christy going to run? I really think he can win if he survives the GOP primaries.

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