More bad news for the race baiters.

Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country...90% of those are black on black. They also kill twice as many whites every year.

Idiots like Obama and sharpton are idiots that hate white people so much they can't see the real problems facing this nation.
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country...90% of those are black on black. They also kill twice as many whites every year.

Idiots like Obama and sharpton are idiots that hate white people so much they can't see the real problems facing this nation.
And you hate black folks, well imagine that...
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country...90% of those are black on black. They also kill twice as many whites every year.

Idiots like Obama and sharpton are idiots that hate white people so much they can't see the real problems facing this nation.
And you hate black folks, well imagine that...


How is it hating black folks if I want them to stop killing each other? I want the truth. You live on lies....

I want to live in civilization and pass on civilization to my children. You have me totally wrong.
Living in a civilization is using a justice system that is fair to both sides to figure out the truth. These blacks if anything don't value our justice system and take it out on innocent people.

A lot of these innocent people(store owners) may well be black themselves. Opportunity is enhanced when we're civilized.
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country...90% of those are black on black. They also kill twice as many whites every year.

Idiots like Obama and sharpton are idiots that hate white people so much they can't see the real problems facing this nation.
And you hate black folks, well imagine that...


How is it hating black folks if I want them to stop killing each other? I want the truth. You live on lies....

I want to live in civilization and pass on civilization to my children. You have me totally wrong.

There has been no leak of any info from the Grand Jury
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country...90% of those are black on black. They also kill twice as many whites every year.

Idiots like Obama and sharpton are idiots that hate white people so much they can't see the real problems facing this nation.
And you hate black folks, well imagine that...


How is it hating black folks if I want them to stop killing each other? I want the truth. You live on lies....

I want to live in civilization and pass on civilization to my children. You have me totally wrong.


No you people put down blacks and pigeon hole them, that is what you want to pass down, This isn't 1960 sorry...
There has been no leak of any info from the Grand Jury
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country...90% of those are black on black. They also kill twice as many whites every year.

Idiots like Obama and sharpton are idiots that hate white people so much they can't see the real problems facing this nation.
And you hate black folks, well imagine that...


How is it hating black folks if I want them to stop killing each other? I want the truth. You live on lies....

I want to live in civilization and pass on civilization to my children. You have me totally wrong.


No you people put down blacks and pigeon hole them, that is what you want to pass down, This isn't 1960 sorry...

No what it is called is "stereotyping" defined as "to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same"
Now on what basis would someone stereotype an individual?
Most people have stereotypes based on what they read, or heard. Few have actual experiences with which to stereotype.
For example most on this forum probably haven't been held up by a black person. I'm white and was held up by a black person.
But for me just because ONE black person held me up is not why I would stereotype most blacks are criminals.
It is the FACTS that as a percentage of their population blacks as a group have more criminals then any other ethnic group.
Here are the numbers:
Screen Shot 2014-10-31 at 10.16.19 PM.png[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
So I took the above and created this worksheet...

So why else would there be a "stereotype" given that 7% of Blacks are arrested whereas less then 3% of Whites are arrested.
Given a "stereotype" is based on experiences OR the facts, in this case the FACTS are no matter how you parse, context,try to explain...
7% of all blacks are arrested. less the 3% of all Whites are arrested.

Screen Shot 2014-10-31 at 10.43.42 PM.png
No video evidence. Too many conflicting eye witness testimonies. The charges would never stick. No point in wasting tax dollars on trying.
No video evidence. Too many conflicting eye witness testimonies. The charges would never stick. No point in wasting tax dollars on trying.
If your comment is to my comment regarding the facts.... what do you mean?
What are you writing about?
There has been no leak of any info from the Grand Jury
Blacks commit 50% of all murder in this country...90% of those are black on black. They also kill twice as many whites every year.

Idiots like Obama and sharpton are idiots that hate white people so much they can't see the real problems facing this nation.
And you hate black folks, well imagine that...


How is it hating black folks if I want them to stop killing each other? I want the truth. You live on lies....

I want to live in civilization and pass on civilization to my children. You have me totally wrong.


No you people put down blacks and pigeon hole them, that is what you want to pass down, This isn't 1960 sorry...

No what it is called is "stereotyping" defined as "to believe unfairly that all people or things with a particular characteristic are the same"
Now on what basis would someone stereotype an individual?
Most people have stereotypes based on what they read, or heard. Few have actual experiences with which to stereotype.
For example most on this forum probably haven't been held up by a black person. I'm white and was held up by a black person.
But for me just because ONE black person held me up is not why I would stereotype most blacks are criminals.
It is the FACTS that as a percentage of their population blacks as a group have more criminals then any other ethnic group.
Here are the numbers:
View attachment 33672[/TD][/TR][/TBODY][/TABLE]
So I took the above and created this worksheet...

So why else would there be a "stereotype" given that 7% of Blacks are arrested whereas less then 3% of Whites are arrested.
Given a "stereotype" is based on experiences OR the facts, in this case the FACTS are no matter how you parse, context,try to explain...
7% of all blacks are arrested. less the 3% of all Whites are arrested.

View attachment 33675
You are aware there is a turf war for drug sales going on in the black's area of operation?
The leaks are not coming from the grand jury. Haven't you figured it out yet? The leaks are coming from the DOJ. It's their investigation. They are dribbling out information so that when the grand jury doesn't charge Wilson it won't come as a shock.

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