More Benghazi Coverup.......hidden Documents


Diamond Member
May 20, 2014
As the House Select Committee on Benghazi prepares for its first hearing this week, a former State Department diplomat is coming forward with a startling allegation: Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. Did Clinton Aides Withhold Damaging Benghazi Documents
You know, there is a great book on this called 13 hours in Benghazi. Very good reading. It lays out facts but doesn't have a political tone to it.

It's obvious the fat old hair bag covered up her part in the disaster and then conveniently left service to her commie government.
As the House Select Committee on Benghazi prepares for its first hearing this week, a former State Department diplomat is coming forward with a startling allegation: Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. Did Clinton Aides Withhold Damaging Benghazi Documents

It might be interesting for some of you to know this story is by former CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson, who QUIT her job at CBS because that News Department wasn't getting the real story out about Benghazi.

This is the story that she was so dedicated to getting right that she quit her job at CBS News to cover the story for the Heritage Foundation's new multi-platform multi-media online news site, "The Daily Signal."

This should be some good damn reporting!

The hearings start on Wednesday.Sept. 17th.

Get the popcorn, hot and cold beverages, smokes, DVR's and notebooks ready.

This should be terrific.

And kids, you will remember this your whole life, so pay attention and try to get something from it.
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As the House Select Committee on Benghazi prepares for its first hearing this week, a former State Department diplomat is coming forward with a startling allegation: Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. Did Clinton Aides Withhold Damaging Benghazi Documents
"Coming forward" and testifying are two different things. "Allegation" is a qualifier.

Will this person make it to the hearing?

As the House Select Committee on Benghazi prepares for its first hearing this week, a former State Department diplomat is coming forward with a startling allegation: Hillary Clinton confidants were part of an operation to “separate” damaging documents before they were turned over to the Accountability Review Board investigating security lapses surrounding the Sept. 11, 2012, terrorist attacks on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. Did Clinton Aides Withhold Damaging Benghazi Documents
"Coming forward" and testifying are two different things. "Allegation" is a qualifier.

Will this person make it to the hearing?


Raymond Maxwell will come forward.

Read the article.
What could those "damaging" documents be? Benghazi is a bunch of BS, especially compared to the junk in george war bush's admin.
Unless Hillary has completely lost her Mojo there's need for a "suicide watch" txist now and that hearing.

You are absolutely right!

Vince Foster. Chris Stevens.

She'd think NOTHING of silencing Maxwell to keep him from testifying.

Even though he was an Obama voter and campaign contributor.

Former Obama Supporter Raymond Maxwell is now completely disillusioned with Obama and Hillary Clinton.


Maxwell in Algiers in 2011 as deputy assistant secretary for the Maghreb region. (Photo: YouTube via U.S. Embassy in Algiers)

Maxwell, 58, strongly supported President Barack Obama and personally contributed to his presidential campaign. But post-Benghazi, he has soured on both Obama and Clinton, saying he had nothing to do with security and was sacrificed as a scapegoat while higher-up officials directly responsible escaped discipline.

Maxwell spent a year on paid administrative leave with no official charge ever levied against him. Ultimately, the State Department cleared Maxwell of wrongdoing and reinstated him. He retired a short time later, in November 2013.

Maxwell worked in foreign service for 21 years as the well-respected deputy assistant secretary for Maghreb Affairs in the Near East Bureau and is a former chief of staff to the ambassador in Baghdad. Fluent in Portuguese, Maxwell is a Navy “mustanger,” which means he successfully made the leap from the enlisted ranks to commissioned officer.

Did Clinton Aides Withhold Damaging Benghazi Documents
What could those "damaging" documents be? Benghazi is a bunch of BS, especially compared to the junk in george war bush's admin.

If you read the linked article you might see where it was suggested that any papers with the word, "Benghazi" on it was taken out of the files and put into a large stack of papers to be destroyed at the orders of two of Hillary's top aides.

AtticusF, its time to jump ship.

Obama and Hillary are going down.

Time you save yourself, or be resigned to getting thrashed by any number of Conservatives who love nothing better than having a steady supply of misinformed Liberal noobs to play with.
More Benghazi Coverup.......hidden Documents

Actually it's more delusion and desperation from the right.

You silly twat, two of Hillary's SENIOR aides are implicated in a cover up.

This reminds me of Watergate in how the President's men's testimony implicated their higher up and then their higher ups until it reached the office of the President.

That's where I'm waiting for the Gowdy Committee to eventually arrive, at the oval office.
What could those "damaging" documents be? Benghazi is a bunch of BS, especially compared to the junk in george war bush's admin.

If you read the linked article you might see where it was suggested that any papers with the word, "Benghazi" on it was taken out of the files and put into a large stack of papers to be destroyed at the orders of two of Hillary's top aides.

AtticusF, its time to jump ship.

Obama and Hillary are going down.

Time you save yourself, or be resigned to getting thrashed by any number of Conservatives who love nothing better than having a steady supply of misinformed Liberal noobs to play with.

Again, what could the documents be, that are so "damaging?" Sounds like bull to me, as do most of the Benghazi conspiracy theories.
Woohoo Benghazi's back!

None of the other faux scandal's stuck... let's take one last chance on Benghazi!

Go Trey!!!
None of the other phony scandals involved HRC.

For most on the right it's not about the 'truth,' it's about 2016 and a democratic candidate they know they can't beat on the issues.

No, it's about the worst presidential scandal in the history of the US Presidency.

Why Benghazi should matter to every American Fox News
Why Benghazi should matter to every American


By K.T. McFarland

Published May 01, 2014

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The mainstream media declared the Benghazi story insignificant long ago. To the extent it is covered, the focus is usually on the horrific and unnecessary deaths of four Americans. The Obama administration dismisses it as a lot of fuss about a few silly talking points.

But everybody is missing the big-picture story of the Benghazi affair and its cover-up. It’s about the White House using the intelligence community for its own political purposes, and lying to the American public in order to win an election. It’s about abuse of power, and that is a big deal.

That’s why the administration cannot be allowed to investigate itself. That’s why it is time for Congress to appoint a special committee to get to the bottom of the story.

Benghazi is no longer just a political issue. It’s not just a partisan witch hunt. It goes to the heart of what our system of government is all about.

Benghazi is no longer just a political issue. It’s not just a partisan witch hunt. It goes to the heart of what our system of government is all about.

If it turns out that Benghazi and the cover-up were just a series of junior level mistakes, that is the end of it. But if it turns out the administration was using the military and intelligence communities for political purposes prior to the attack, during the attack and in a subsequent cover-up, it must be held accountable. Because once the precedent is set, future administrations will feel no reluctance to do the same.

America has the most powerful military and intelligence services in the world, probably in the history of the world. They have an infrastructure that endures separately and beyond any administration or politician.

At the same time, the military-intelligence complex takes its orders from the American people, through their elected/appointed representatives in the White House and Cabinet.

It’s a sacred trust at the heart of our Constitution, as set out in civilian control of the military. But it comes at a price – that our civilian leaders do not abuse that power and bend the military and intelligence communities to do their political dirty work.

The president doesn’t order the military to seize political opponents. He doesn’t order his intelligence community to lie about national security for political purposes. He uses the military or intelligence communities to protect the United States and our citizens, not to help him win elections.

That’s the heart of the Benghazi scandal and cover-up. The White House twisted intelligence to suit its political needs.

I was part of the Nixon administration during Watergate. I was a junior staffer on the National Security Council and helped keep the classified files. At the heart of the Watergate investigation was the president’s abuse of power – secretly using the intelligence community for political purposes and then using the intelligence community for cover when it became public.

It was a difficult time for the nation, and certainly for anyone in the White House. But it was necessary, especially in hindsight. It wasn’t just about a president lying to the American people. It was a check on the seemingly unlimited power of the president to use the military and civilian career government bureaucracy for his own political goals.

It is now incumbent on the congressional leadership to act. There have been countless hearings into Benghazi by numerous congressional committees, but none have had subpoena power to demand the paper trail, or to force government workers to testify about what they knew and when they knew it.

The questions at the heart of the Benghazi scandal and cover-up are specifically:

1. Did the White House fail to provide adequate security at the Benghazi consulate because it didn’t want to acknowledge that a terrorist threat remained, even though Bin Laden was dead?

2. Did the White House order the intelligence community to change its analysis so the president could claim his policy was a success, rather than a failure, just a few weeks before an election?

3. And, finally, what was the relationship between an overzealous White House staff and the president himself? What did the president know, and when did he know it?

This is no longer just a political issue. It’s not just a partisan witch hunt. It goes to the heart of what our system of government is all about. That’s why it’s time for Congress to act and create a bipartisan special committee to get to the bottom of this, once and for all.

That’s why Benghazi matters.

Kathleen Troia "K.T." McFarland is a Fox News National Security Analyst and host of's "DefCon 3." She served in national security posts in the Nixon, Ford and Reagan administrations. She was an aide to Dr. Henry Kissinger at the White House, and in 1984 Ms. McFarland wrote Secretary of Defense Weinberger's groundbreaking "Principles of War " speech. She received the Defense Department's highest civilian award for her work in the Reagan administration.

Why Benghazi should matter to every American Fox News
What could those "damaging" documents be? Benghazi is a bunch of BS, especially compared to the junk in george war bush's admin.

If you read the linked article you might see where it was suggested that any papers with the word, "Benghazi" on it was taken out of the files and put into a large stack of papers to be destroyed at the orders of two of Hillary's top aides.

AtticusF, its time to jump ship.

Obama and Hillary are going down.

Time you save yourself, or be resigned to getting thrashed by any number of Conservatives who love nothing better than having a steady supply of misinformed Liberal noobs to play with.

Again, what could the documents be, that are so "damaging?" Sounds like bull to me, as do most of the Benghazi conspiracy theories.

Trying to guess exactly what the documents COULD be calls for just as wild a flight of fantasy as trying to figure out all the secrets Obama refuses to reveal about his past.

The damaging documents could be anything.

Maybe proof of a secret illegal arms deal.

Who knows?

But when you Mom caught you in a compromising situation as a kid and she KNEW you were guilty of SOMETHING all she had to do was figure out exactly what you were doing that you shouldn't have been doing.

We KNOW they were busted doing something they shouldn't have been doing.

Part of the fun of these hearings will be watching the witnesses being asked the tough questions then watching how interestingly they answer.

Some will lie. Some will try to evade answering. Some will try playing dumb or goin on a tangent and not answering or some might start crying or some may get angry and yell at Trey Gowdy.

Oh, there is no question they know they've been busted.

All we are waiting to find out is exactly WHAT they are guilty of.

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