more bullshit from the war on "drugs"

If pot was legalized, they would lose their jobs.

I don't like pot, but I think it's time to legalize it and tax the shit out of it.
We don't like a lot of things but why keep them illegal just because of that?
Brought to you by federal over-reach, and a bullshit government that refuses to follow it's own constitution.
Washington State is hurting right now, our governor even put a tax on candy.
And marijuana is a huge industry here, most of the weed I buy is locally grown. Plus most of the BC bud comes in through Washington. We could be taxing all of it, and control the price and the age of who buys it.
If the riads were legal then confiscating those petitions may also be legal. Sad but true.
If pot was legalized, they would lose their jobs.

I don't like pot, but I think it's time to legalize it and tax the shit out of it.

If we tax the "shit" out of it there would continue to be an underground market, yes?
Why not have something the government does not tax for once in our lifetimes?
If pot was legalized, they would lose their jobs.

I don't like pot, but I think it's time to legalize it and tax the shit out of it.

If we tax the "shit" out of it there would continue to be an underground market, yes?
Why not have something the government does not tax for once in our lifetimes?

Is that how it worked with alcohol? What's the percentage of 'shiners and bootleggers compared to liquor stores?

I HATE taxes. However, taxing recreational/luxury items, which are user's choice, I have no problem with.
If pot was legalized, they would lose their jobs.

I don't like pot, but I think it's time to legalize it and tax the shit out of it.

If we tax the "shit" out of it there would continue to be an underground market, yes?
Why not have something the government does not tax for once in our lifetimes?

Is that how it worked with alcohol? What's the percentage of 'shiners and bootleggers compared to liquor stores?

I HATE taxes. However, taxing recreational/luxury items, which are user's choice, I have no problem with.

Touche.... I am just sick of government involvement in every fuckin thing we do. I had a company meeting yesterday and some new mandates coming down the pike make no sense if you look at how our government governs itself.
Lets legalize burglary, after all no one gets hurt by it and we can not stop it. Just think we could issue licenses and tax the income the thieves get when they sell their loot.
Lets legalize burglary, after all no one gets hurt by it and we can not stop it. Just think we could issue licenses and tax the income the thieves get when they sell their loot.

Genius!!!! :eusa_eh:

Is that NOT your argument for legalizing pot?

An individual legally smoking pot is not stealing from another individual. Come up with something else because I cannot see what either have in common.
Genius!!!! :eusa_eh:

Is that NOT your argument for legalizing pot?

An individual legally smoking pot is not stealing from another individual. Come up with something else because I cannot see what either have in common.

Ahh yes change the argument. People routinely STEAL to make the money for their drug abuse problems. Just because people do it and we can not stop it, is no excuse for legalizing it. Dope smokers drive and cause accidents. They cause fires and other problems in homes. There is no reason to legalize any illegal drug and your whining other wise is not evidence you are right.

Once again the main excuse for legalizing Pot is that it is done privately, harms no one and is not going to be stopped. All those apply to Burglary. Just think of the taxes and licensing fees we could collect MILLIONS of burglaries happen a year. And think of the people we would not have to jail anymore, another of your bullshit excuses to legalize it.
Quote: Originally Posted by RetiredGySgt
Lets legalize burglary, after all no one gets hurt by it and we can not stop it. Just think we could issue licenses and tax the income the thieves get when they sell their loot.

Burglary harms no one?
Brought to you by federal over-reach, and a bullshit government that refuses to follow it's own constitution.

Yes - let's get a Republican administration in there as soon as possible. I'm sure THEY will take care of legalizing pot within a matter of weeks. :rolleyes:
Is that NOT your argument for legalizing pot?

An individual legally smoking pot is not stealing from another individual. Come up with something else because I cannot see what either have in common.

Ahh yes change the argument. People routinely STEAL to make the money for their drug abuse problems. Just because people do it and we can not stop it, is no excuse for legalizing it. Dope smokers drive and cause accidents. They cause fires and other problems in homes. There is no reason to legalize any illegal drug and your whining other wise is not evidence you are right.

Once again the main excuse for legalizing Pot is that it is done privately, harms no one and is not going to be stopped. All those apply to Burglary. Just think of the taxes and licensing fees we could collect MILLIONS of burglaries happen a year. And think of the people we would not have to jail anymore, another of your bullshit excuses to legalize it.

First off: I am not whining, you are.

Second: Burglary harms people all to hell. Ever had your house robbed Sarge? It's harmful.

Comparing marijuana smoking to burglarizing private property is really like comparing consensual sex to rape. I would love to say I never heard of or met anyone that stole to buy marijuana but I have. I have also heard of and met people that did the same for alcohol. I have also read about people stealing pairs of shoes, bubble gum, tobacco products etc.... It's in the heart of an individual.

Marijuana is not the type of drug that induces that type of behavior like say crack cocaine or heroine. Marijuana is no more harmful than alcohol. I have used both before and use neither anymore. I enjoy life better without them but I can personally attest that marijuana, when used in recreational settings as alcohol, does not impede any part of your life if you choose to stay away from it.
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If pot was legalized, they would lose their jobs.

I don't like pot, but I think it's time to legalize it and tax the shit out of it.

I don't like Rap, Hip Hop, or the Designated Hitter rule, they are legal, now lets tax the shit out of them.

The least rational reason to legalise any substance is so that commerce in that product will fatten the coffers of the state.
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Lets legalize burglary, after all no one gets hurt by it and we can not stop it. Just think we could issue licenses and tax the income the thieves get when they sell their loot.

Yes people do get hurt by burglary. Burglary is not a victimless crime it has a victim who's property rights are violated. Tell me... who's rights are violated by a grown man smoking weed by himself? None.

Nowhere in the constitution is the government permitted to protect people from "themselves". As an alleged conservative you should be aware of this.

But we know your ideology is bullshit... so there's no real further need for discussion here.

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