More "Climate" fraud!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
So.......seems a judge is on the side of the truth seekers who just want to take a peek at the data compiled by those hell bent on perpetuating "made-made" climate change.

From today on DRUDGE.............Ruling alters climate-papers fight - Washington Times

The quite obvious question is...........why doesnt the university just turn over ALL the data to attorney Marshall???

Wouldnt be because there is something to hide in the data, would it???

Drudge, eh. Such an authoritative source.

LMBO s0n..........its from the Washington of the country's biggest daily newspapers. And PS..........31 million people will see that "authoritive source" today on DRUDGE today. Old Rocks spends much of his day trolling over at Alternet..........real authoritatiive.........but only to people with a far left orientation!!! Nobody else gets their info from there.

fAiL're just not that clever are you??!

ANyway.........back on point. As usual, the k00ks never address the question. They change the subject. My question was.............why doesnt the university just release the data?:coffee:
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They will, and, of course, it will cost them money to do so, money that should be going to further research rather than to the game playing of a bunch of damned idiots.

What should happen after this, is for all the people involved in higher education to make it a point to get these assholes thrown out of office. What a waste of tax payers money. Playing politics, yet the crime problem just continues to get worse.

This is all politics, nothing at all to do with criminal activities. Yet, that is what it is being investigated as.

They cannot counter the science, they have no evidence, so now they are trying this political route. This is just like the route taken by the Bush admin to shut up Dr. Hansen. And it is going to backfire. For what we are seeing in the last year is just the beginning of far worse in the near future.

The data is out there for all to see. NAS, AIP, AGU, the Royal Society, and many others all have it available to the public. And that is what people like you, Kooky, do not want to admit at any cost. Nor will you ever look at the evidence yourself.
60 billion spent in the last 2 years on "Green Research". 60 fcukking billion:eek::eek::eek:

This is a crime. Of course, never reported in the major media.

$60 Billion for Green in the Stimulus Bill: Where the Money Will Go : TreeHugger

And this k00k is complaining.

Release the data............but they wont because its not a money thing. Its a data thing. These assholes cant afford even on more instance of fraud after the damage thats been done the last couple of years.
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Of course, Kooky is complaining. If it doesn't go for wasteful driving, for multi-billionaires pockets, or some other such idiocy, Kooky doesn't recognize it as real.

$60 Billion for Green in the Stimulus Bill: Where the Money Will Go : TreeHugger

$6 billion for clean and safe water, creating more than 200,000 jobs
• $4.5 billion for greening federal buildings
• State energy grants, issued through the Treasury Department, that will fund renewable energy projects that are eligible for the available tax credits
• Funding for the state energy program, which includes important utility reforms and building code conditions
• $2.5 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy Research and Development
• $5 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program, creating approximately 90,000 jobs
• A multi-year extension of the renewable production tax credit
• A more effective tax credit for home efficiency upgrades
• $6 billion in loan guarantees for renewables, transmission and leading edge biofuels
• $2 billion for advanced batteries
• $9.3 billion for intercity rail, including high-speed rail
• $27.5 billion for highways (this large pot of money is not exclusively for highways, and states and cities must use this flexibility to invest in fuel-efficient public transportation)
• $8.4 billion for transit
• $1.5 billion in competitive grants for transportation investments (which could be used for public transportation)

Even some of the smaller numbers are encouraging: (from previous TreeHugger post)

* $125 million to restore trails and abandoned mines
* $146 million for trail maintenance at National Park Service sites
* $140 million for volcano monitoring systems
* $600 million for the Environmental Protection Agency Superfund environmental cleanup program
* $200 million to clean up leaking underground storage tanks
* $500 million for forest health and wildfire prevention
Of course, Kooky is complaining. If it doesn't go for wasteful driving, for multi-billionaires pockets, or some other such idiocy, Kooky doesn't recognize it as real.

$60 Billion for Green in the Stimulus Bill: Where the Money Will Go : TreeHugger

$6 billion for clean and safe water, creating more than 200,000 jobs
• $4.5 billion for greening federal buildings
• State energy grants, issued through the Treasury Department, that will fund renewable energy projects that are eligible for the available tax credits
• Funding for the state energy program, which includes important utility reforms and building code conditions
• $2.5 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy Research and Development
• $5 billion for the Weatherization Assistance Program, creating approximately 90,000 jobs
• A multi-year extension of the renewable production tax credit
• A more effective tax credit for home efficiency upgrades
• $6 billion in loan guarantees for renewables, transmission and leading edge biofuels
• $2 billion for advanced batteries
• $9.3 billion for intercity rail, including high-speed rail
• $27.5 billion for highways (this large pot of money is not exclusively for highways, and states and cities must use this flexibility to invest in fuel-efficient public transportation)
• $8.4 billion for transit
• $1.5 billion in competitive grants for transportation investments (which could be used for public transportation)

Even some of the smaller numbers are encouraging: (from previous TreeHugger post)

* $125 million to restore trails and abandoned mines
* $146 million for trail maintenance at National Park Service sites
* $140 million for volcano monitoring systems
* $600 million for the Environmental Protection Agency Superfund environmental cleanup program
* $200 million to clean up leaking underground storage tanks
* $500 million for forest health and wildfire prevention

Envirowhackaloon-welfare....Surprise, surprise, surprise!
Ah yes, let's just give all that money to the energy companies and remain in hock to people that don't like us. Oddie, it is people like you that are working ever so hard to make this nation third world.
Drudge, eh. Such an authoritative source.

LMBO s0n..........its from the Washington of the country's biggest daily newspapers. And PS..........31 million people will see that "authoritive source" today on DRUDGE today. Old Rocks spends much of his day trolling over at Alternet..........real authoritatiive.........but only to people with a far left orientation!!! Nobody else gets their info from there.

fAiL're just not that clever are you??!

ANyway.........back on point. As usual, the k00ks never address the question. They change the subject. My question was.............why doesnt the university just release the data?:coffee:

As usual, the k00ks never address the question. They change the subject.

Ah yes, let's just give all that money to the energy companies and remain in hock to people that don't like us. Oddie, it is people like you that are working ever so hard to make this nation third world.
...says the guy who wants to cripple the economies of the Western world and send American tax dollars to the third world so they can pollute at will.

Do you even bother to think before you post? The evidence suggests otherwise.
Now what ever gave you the idea that the Western nations were the only ones that are doing major investing in alternative energies? Are you this ignorant on all subject? Your posts indicate that to be the case.

Yale Environment 360: China is World Leader In Clean-Tech Investments, Report Says

09 May 2011: China is World Leader
In Clean-Tech Investments, Report Says
China leads the world in total investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, although as a percentage of overall economic activity Denmark ranks first in clean-tech spending, according to a report by the conservation group WWF. The report says that China is currently investing $65 billion a year in clean tech, with renewable energy spending growing at 77 percent a year since 2008. The U.S. spends $45 billion a year on clean technologies, with those investments growing by 28 percent a year since 2008. But Denmark, which spends $9.4 billion a year on renewable energy and energy efficiency, is the world leader when clean-tech investment is taken as a percentage of gross domestic product; Denmark’s clean-tech investments equal 3.1 percent of GDP. Using that measure, China ranks second, spending 1.4 percent of GDP on clean tech. The U.S. ranks 17th, with clean-tech investments accounting for 0.3 percent of GDP, according to the report, which gathered data on 38 countries. Measuring clean-tech spending as a percentage of GDP, the remaining countries in the top five are Germany, Brazil, and Denmark.
Now what ever gave you the idea that the Western nations were the only ones that are doing major investing in alternative energies? Are you this ignorant on all subject? Your posts indicate that to be the case.
Yeah. Where did I say that, you idiot? I said you want to cripple Western economies. And you want to do that by regulating the energy industry out of existence before any alternatives are economically viable enough to take their place.
Yale Environment 360: China is World Leader In Clean-Tech Investments, Report Says

09 May 2011: China is World Leader
In Clean-Tech Investments, Report Says
China leads the world in total investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, although as a percentage of overall economic activity Denmark ranks first in clean-tech spending, according to a report by the conservation group WWF. The report says that China is currently investing $65 billion a year in clean tech, with renewable energy spending growing at 77 percent a year since 2008. The U.S. spends $45 billion a year on clean technologies, with those investments growing by 28 percent a year since 2008. But Denmark, which spends $9.4 billion a year on renewable energy and energy efficiency, is the world leader when clean-tech investment is taken as a percentage of gross domestic product; Denmark’s clean-tech investments equal 3.1 percent of GDP. Using that measure, China ranks second, spending 1.4 percent of GDP on clean tech. The U.S. ranks 17th, with clean-tech investments accounting for 0.3 percent of GDP, according to the report, which gathered data on 38 countries. Measuring clean-tech spending as a percentage of GDP, the remaining countries in the top five are Germany, Brazil, and Denmark.
Yeah. Remember Kyoto? It said China didn't have to do anything to curb emissions. I expect you supported that, didn't you?
So.......seems a judge is on the side of the truth seekers who just want to take a peek at the data compiled by those hell bent on perpetuating "made-made" climate change.

From today on DRUDGE

And that's where I stopped reading.

Indeed.........thats where all the fringe stop reading: when there is information that doesnt conform with their world view.

But how many people will see that on DRUDGE today???????




University Of Virginia Agrees To Release Some Global Warming Documents

...In response to a Freedom of Information Act request, The University of Virginia agreed yesterday to turn over documents related to the work of Michael Mann, one of climatologists who put together the "hockey stick graph."

...The American Tradition Institute's Environmental Law Center, a conservative organization, took the university to court to force it to release the documents.

...Mann and many academics believe his work is being targeted by groups that do not agree with the research's conclusion. They note that several previous investigations have found no evidence that Mann suppressed or manipulated data and have confirmed the findings of his global warming research. They think the university should fight against what they see as a politically motivated intrusion into academic freedom.

...The Virginian-Pilot reports that the university will turn over roughly 9,000 pages of records within 90 days.

In England, yesterday, Nobel laureate Sir Paul Nurse told The Guardian that freedom of information laws "are used to harass scientists."

...Nurse said that, in principle, scientific information should be made available as widely as possible as a matter of course, a practice common in biological research where gene sequences are routinely published in public databases. But he said freedom of information had "opened a Pandora's box. It's released something that we hadn't imagined ... there have been cases of it being misused in the climate change debate to intimidate scientists...

University Of Virginia Agrees To Release Some Global Warming Documents : The Two-Way : NPR
...But how many people will see that on DRUDGE today???????




Newspaper Association of America lists The Drudge Report as having a readership of about 3.5 million, with up to 19 visits per person, per day.
...Nurse said that, in principle, scientific information should be made available as widely as possible as a matter of course, a practice common in biological research where gene sequences are routinely published in public databases. But he said freedom of information had "opened a Pandora's box. It's released something that we hadn't imagined ... there have been cases of it being misused in the climate change debate to intimidate scientists...
How shocking. Everyone knows that climate scientists are the only people allowed to intimidate dissenters.
...Nurse said that, in principle, scientific information should be made available as widely as possible as a matter of course, a practice common in biological research where gene sequences are routinely published in public databases. But he said freedom of information had "opened a Pandora's box. It's released something that we hadn't imagined ... there have been cases of it being misused in the climate change debate to intimidate scientists...
How shocking. Everyone knows that climate scientists are the only people allowed to intimidate dissenters.

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