More Corrupt Election Fall Out. Michigan SOS Being Sued For Partisan Actions

Trump barely won Michigan in 2016, by about 10,000 votes, it was a shocker, Michigan had always been a major part of the Blue Wall in Presidential elections.

Biden in 2020 won Michigan by 155,000 votes, which put Michigan, square back to where it had always been, part of the Democratic Blue wall.

2016 election was unusual, out of the norm, a fluke, or maybe even...... A fraud! :)

2020 election was par for the course, normal, expected.
"Tony Daunt, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund, alleges in the suit that Leelanau County has more registered voters than adult citizens and that another 15 counties have voter registration rates over 90 percent of eligible voters, which Daunt calls “suspiciously high rates” of registration.

The findings indicate that voter rolls are inaccurate and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and other elections officials “are failing to make a reasonable effort” to keep the list up-to-date in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act, the suit contends. It seeks a preliminary injunction requiring the state to fix the alleged problem before the 2020 general election in November. "

Benson, who entered into office under the George Soros program that identified and bankrolled radical candidates for state offices, has long been a target for the way she conducted Michigan state business as a partisan Secretary of State, for things exactly like this law suits contends.
Her behavior is no surprise and the backlash against the illegal theft of the presidency is just starting to roll.

Reich Wing Nut Job goes to Reich
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"Tony Daunt, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund, alleges in the suit that Leelanau County has more registered voters than adult citizens and that another 15 counties have voter registration rates over 90 percent of eligible voters, which Daunt calls “suspiciously high rates” of registration.

The findings indicate that voter rolls are inaccurate and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and other elections officials “are failing to make a reasonable effort” to keep the list up-to-date in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act, the suit contends. It seeks a preliminary injunction requiring the state to fix the alleged problem before the 2020 general election in November. "

Benson, who entered into office under the George Soros program that identified and bankrolled radical candidates for state offices, has long been a target for the way she conducted Michigan state business as a partisan Secretary of State, for things exactly like this law suits contends.
Her behavior is no surprise and the backlash against the illegal theft of the presidency is just starting to roll.

Reich Wing Nut Job goes to Reich Wing Nut Job Website and finds Reich Wing Nut Job Lies about election....

There was no voter fraud. Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nada, Nothing and None in the of Voter Fraud.

Not of the FIFTY Secretaries of State in the United States reported Voter Fraud.

The dirty dems stole the election using covid rules and ballot stuffing...and now they are using their stolen power to rid our government and military of patriots...they are destroying the nation to such an extent that we will never get it back

They will learn that 1-6-21 was nothing if they do not stop....they are a minority party ruling over a majority red nation.....and people are catching onto them and how they stole the election....
The dirty dems stole the election using covid rules and ballot stuffing...and now they are using their stolen power to rid our government and military of patriots...they are destroying the nation to such an extent that we will never get it back

They will learn that 1-6-21 was nothing if they do not stop....they are a minority party ruling over a majority red nation.....and people are catching onto them and how they stole the election....
And they had an ace in the back pocket too. They know how to get out the vote.

Wisconsin legislature has decided to investigate the 2020 election. This will NOT involve a partial recount as was used to "verify" the election results when they were first challenged. They are quite serious. Subpoenas will be issued as necessary.

That would be a good thing so long as wolves are not in charge of managing the chicken house polls. :th_waiting:
"Tony Daunt, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund, alleges in the suit that Leelanau County has more registered voters than adult citizens and that another 15 counties have voter registration rates over 90 percent of eligible voters, which Daunt calls “suspiciously high rates” of registration.

The findings indicate that voter rolls are inaccurate and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and other elections officials “are failing to make a reasonable effort” to keep the list up-to-date in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act, the suit contends. It seeks a preliminary injunction requiring the state to fix the alleged problem before the 2020 general election in November. "

Benson, who entered into office under the George Soros program that identified and bankrolled radical candidates for state offices, has long been a target for the way she conducted Michigan state business as a partisan Secretary of State, for things exactly like this law suits contends.
Her behavior is no surprise and the backlash against the illegal theft of the presidency is just starting to roll.

Reich Wing Nut Job goes to Reich Wing Nut Job Website and finds Reich Wing Nut Job Lies about election....

There was no voter fraud. Zip, Zero, Zilch, Nada, Nothing and None in the of Voter Fraud.

Not of the FIFTY Secretaries of State in the United States reported Voter Fraud.

Would you mind explaining why Time Magazine shut down their public discussion boards after Michigan Democrat precinct chairmen were bragging to the Democrat precinct chairmen in other states (and the John Q Public voters there) about counting 30 votes for each vote cast for Democrats? As I recollect, it was couple or so years before 9/11,and I was a regular reader there and the NY Times forums that shut down a few months earlier for editorial concerns about bad publicity for the Democrat Party as well. :dunno:
This story was run in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press.

Minnesota lawyer sanctioned $10,000 for filing election challenges without plaintiffs’ knowledge.

A Minnesota attorney who filed legal challenges to the November election of five congressional Democrats was given a $10,000 sanction Friday after a judge found she “bamboozled” voters into signing on as plaintiffs without their knowledge or permission.

Susan Shogren Smith … perpetrated a fraud against this court and, more importantly, perpetrated a fraud against these plaintiffs,” Ramsey County Chief District Judge Leonardo Castro said from the bench.

Shogren Smith is a member of the MN Election Integrity Team, a conservative group that sought to prevent the state from certifying its election results while President Donald Trump and his allies promoted unfounded claims of election fraud.

This article is from a reputable daily newspaper. Not some hack job RW website pass off non-existent Voter Fraud Allegatons.

The lawyer in this story perpetuated a fraud against voters by means of purposefully misrepresenting facts.

There was NO VOTER FRAUD. There is no form of physical evidence to support allegations of VOTER FRAUD.

While there many people who have bought into the lie of election fraud, THERE IS NOT EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD!

Accept that single salient fact. Denying that fact does not in any change that fact.

Get the fuck over losing.
This story was run in the Twin Cities Pioneer Press.

Minnesota lawyer sanctioned $10,000 for filing election challenges without plaintiffs’ knowledge.

A Minnesota attorney who filed legal challenges to the November election of five congressional Democrats was given a $10,000 sanction Friday after a judge found she “bamboozled” voters into signing on as plaintiffs without their knowledge or permission.

Susan Shogren Smith … perpetrated a fraud against this court and, more importantly, perpetrated a fraud against these plaintiffs,” Ramsey County Chief District Judge Leonardo Castro said from the bench.

Shogren Smith is a member of the MN Election Integrity Team, a conservative group that sought to prevent the state from certifying its election results while President Donald Trump and his allies promoted unfounded claims of election fraud.

This article is from a reputable daily newspaper. Not some hack job RW website pass off non-existent Voter Fraud Allegatons.

The lawyer in this story perpetuated a fraud against voters by means of purposefully misrepresenting facts.

There was NO VOTER FRAUD. There is no form of physical evidence to support allegations of VOTER FRAUD.

While there many people who have bought into the lie of election fraud, THERE IS NOT EVIDENCE OF VOTER FRAUD!

Accept that single salient fact. Denying that fact does not in any change that fact.

Get the fuck over losing.
You are so naieve, doll. I'm sorry to be the one to pop the bubble over your safe little paradigm. :eusa_liar:
Wisconsin legislature has decided to investigate the 2020 election. This will NOT involve a partial recount as was used to "verify" the election results when they were first challenged. They are quite serious. Subpoenas will be issued as necessary.

That would be a good thing so long as wolves are not in charge of managing the chicken house polls. :th_waiting:
Despite having a Democrat Governor, their legislature is majority Republican. The investigation will be closer to fair and honest than if it were run by Democrats.

There is hope for a full investigation.

They may also pass election reforms that piss off the Democrat Party cheaters (like Georgia recently did), but Evers can veto it. Luckily, Georgia has a Republican Governor, not afraid to piss off Stacey Abrams (who has yet to accept her defeat) and her minions.

Speaking of her minions, one was recently arrested at the capitol for repeatedly knocking on the door to the Governors offices as he was signing the bill in a non-public setting. She had been told by officers to stop the knocking and that she would be arrested if she did not. She went back to knocking anyway. I think this dumb bitch will soon be a convicted felon...and deprived of her right to vote for while.

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We voted for absentee ballots, no excuse absentee ballots.

I like her and will vote for her again, and many many people will.

Biden won the state due to tramp and maj of republicans.
Oh really? Is that why Republicans stomped the Democrats again in their state elections?
We voted for absentee ballots, no excuse absentee ballots.

I like her and will vote for her again, and many many people will.

Biden won the state due to tramp and maj of republicans.
The LAW says WE have to request an absentee ballot. The SOS violated the law sending those requests out to every person.

Also, absentee voting is NOT the same as mail in voting
One more time for the Conservatively Impaired.

There is zero physical evidence to support any and all claims of Voter Fraud.

All you Cons have is Conjecture/Conjecture/Hearsay/Supposition. There is zero physical evidence of Fraud.

No matter how you Cons whimper/simper/whine/bitch/moan/complain and howl at the fucking moon, there is no evidence Voter Fraud.

Posting useless pay by the word crap from RW websites does NOT change that single salient fact, there is no evidence of Voter Fraud.
One more time for the Conservatively Impaired.

There is zero physical evidence to support any and all claims of Voter Fraud.

All you Cons have is Conjecture/Conjecture/Hearsay/Supposition. There is zero physical evidence of Fraud.

No matter how you Cons whimper/simper/whine/bitch/moan/complain and howl at the fucking moon, there is no evidence Voter Fraud.

Posting useless pay by the word crap from RW websites does NOT change that single salient fact, there is no evidence of Voter Fraud.
Blue blinders give you that perspective

But, there's not enough (fraudulent votes) to change the outcome. Nothing to see here.

But let's investigate the President for five years on hearsay and falsified dossiers.
Except that didn't happen to trump.
One more time for the Conservatively Impaired.

There is zero physical evidence to support any and all claims of Voter Fraud.

All you Cons have is Conjecture/Conjecture/Hearsay/Supposition. There is zero physical evidence of Fraud.

No matter how you Cons whimper/simper/whine/bitch/moan/complain and howl at the fucking moon, there is no evidence Voter Fraud.

Posting useless pay by the word crap from RW websites does NOT change that single salient fact, there is no evidence of Voter Fraud.
Blue blinders give you that perspective

View attachment 473195

The facts gives us this perspective.
"Tony Daunt, executive director of the Michigan Freedom Fund, alleges in the suit that Leelanau County has more registered voters than adult citizens and that another 15 counties have voter registration rates over 90 percent of eligible voters, which Daunt calls “suspiciously high rates” of registration.

The findings indicate that voter rolls are inaccurate and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson and other elections officials “are failing to make a reasonable effort” to keep the list up-to-date in accordance with the National Voter Registration Act, the suit contends. It seeks a preliminary injunction requiring the state to fix the alleged problem before the 2020 general election in November. "

Benson, who entered into office under the George Soros program that identified and bankrolled radical candidates for state offices, has long been a target for the way she conducted Michigan state business as a partisan Secretary of State, for things exactly like this law suits contends.
Her behavior is no surprise and the backlash against the illegal theft of the presidency is just starting to roll.
The truth shall be uncovered. The reluctance of the liberal press and the Democrat Party to publish it will delay the exposure it, but it will never stop it.
The truth was uncovered. 60 times.
Rollow is an employee of the Michigan Secretary of State's office.
Stop using his talking points like they are reasonable opinions from a disinterested party.
Just the mathematics of 6 states is so unreal. It is so obvious when you have way more votes than registered voters.

You have to be a real retarded MF not so see it.
That did not happen.

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