More freedom, smaller government, more drugs, less spending, more thirdworlders…Can this work?

I'd fully support any candidate that stood for Constitutional rights, small government, logical spending/ deficit reduction.

I absolutely know it won't happen, the duopoly controls everything and they depend on faction infighting

My grandfather told me this would happen long ago
You left one part out…Are you smart enough to vote for the duopoly though…knowing the duopoly will win?
Sanction opioid addiction and legalize marijuana. Surely there must be more to the libertarian platform than this.
Define productive. Worked a job for a living? Provided jobs? A dime a dozen. We've never had a better citizenry workforce than today.
Never mind old-timer…I’m sure your idea of “productive” is Guadalupe who runs her baby factory and blesses the American taxpayer with seven silver tooth parasites. That’s how all the twisted globalists see productivity.

Harpy Eagle
Tumblin Tumbleweed
I'd fully support any candidate that stood for Constitutional rights, small government, logical spending/ deficit reduction.

I absolutely know it won't happen, the duopoly controls everything and they depend on faction infighting

My grandfather told me this would happen long ago
Candy Dates Are a Product of the Desert

The Constitution enables all that. Worshiping that elitist game plan is what makes you believe this duopoly will stomp on our face forever.

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