more from Ilan Pappe

Yes, but that is going to take awhile, which is why the two state solution became viable. No one is expecting a move directly to a one state solution. I like a binational solution, one nation with two different houses of representation, one for Jews, one for everybody else. That would be a transitional form for me, but even that will be gradually implemented.

I don't know what Palestinians can do to demonstrate they want peace according to you.
Stop defending themselves?

Maybe talk with Israel and agree peace terms and mutual borders, instead of using terrorism to target children with illegal weapons. Up to now they have demonstrated that they are not wanting peace but bloodshed, violence and war.
Yes, getting the H out of Gaza and the West Bank would definitely constitute a good step down the road to peace, yes! And I think if Israel will TALK TO HAMAS, which so far they have refused to do, they may reach some sort of cease fire agreement with them. TRY!

That was tried not that long ago and hamas broke the ceasefire before the delegates got back to gaza. So why should Israel and the world accept the word of LYING ISLAMINAZI TERRORISTS ever again.
Here's a good reason for me not being more sympathetic to Israel's hostility to Hamas.


It is just their usual habit of playing one side off the other in the middle east and trying as hard as possible to rake up a hornets' nest. Israel likes nothing so well as manipulating Palestinians and Arabs into fighting with each other. And Druze, Maronites, and anyone else possible.

Were islam is concerned they don't have to try very hard, just look at the civil wars raging in Islamic nations today.
Yes, but that is going to take awhile, which is why the two state solution became viable. No one is expecting a move directly to a one state solution. I like a binational solution, one nation with two different houses of representation, one for Jews, one for everybody else. That would be a transitional form for me, but even that will be gradually implemented.

I don't know what Palestinians can do to demonstrate they want peace according to you.
Stop defending themselves?

Maybe talk with Israel and agree peace terms and mutual borders, instead of using terrorism to target children with illegal weapons. Up to now they have demonstrated that they are not wanting peace but bloodshed, violence and war.

That would be a great idea.

All we need is an honest broker.
Yes, but that is going to take awhile, which is why the two state solution became viable. No one is expecting a move directly to a one state solution. I like a binational solution, one nation with two different houses of representation, one for Jews, one for everybody else. That would be a transitional form for me, but even that will be gradually implemented.

I don't know what Palestinians can do to demonstrate they want peace according to you.
Stop defending themselves?

Maybe talk with Israel and agree peace terms and mutual borders, instead of using terrorism to target children with illegal weapons. Up to now they have demonstrated that they are not wanting peace but bloodshed, violence and war.

That would be a great idea.

All we need is an honest broker.

We need someone on the Palestinian side who can accept the fact that the '67 borders, E. Jerusalem and ROR , are not going to happen.
However, the so-called Palestinians are not all coming back from around the world to swamp the Jews and then govern the land there as much as you hope that will happen.

Don't you even realize they are not allowed. Part of the agreement for this new little "statelet" was that those in the Palestinian diaspora cannot return home .... at least not yet.
Were islam is concerned they don't have to try very hard, just look at the civil wars raging in Islamic nations today.

Put in on another forum, whatever you are talking about (could it be Syria? dunno)
Well whatever you are talking about, if it exists, it is no concern of the Palestinians so take it where it belongs, to middle east forum, Africa, India, I really don't know.

This seems to be you Zionists' trump card in every discussion, the one you pull out when you literally can't think of a single thing to say (which is often). It has no more to do with the Palestinians than Quebec has to do with New Mexico, they aren't responsible for it or party to it, so don't litter this forum with it.
Why won't the Arab countries let their Palestinians return home?

However, the so-called Palestinians are not all coming back from around the world to swamp the Jews and then govern the land there as much as you hope that will happen.

Don't you even realize they are not allowed. Part of the agreement for this new little "statelet" was that those in the Palestinian diaspora cannot return home .... at least not yet.
I have no idea what you are talking about. I am pretty sure they would LOVE to see them all return home.
Here is another incredible interview with Ilan Pappe:
[ame=]Ilan Pappé: The Nakba, Ethnic Cleansing & Genocide - 11th of May 2014 - YouTube[/ame]

I don't guess that Amity and her crowd have any videos showing people speaking who are on the opposite side of these Leftist Jews. My, my, the truckload of videos people with a cause like Amity can drag up!!! Regardless, Amity can drag up a gazillion videos, but her friends are still not going to be allowed en masse into Israel to take over the government.
"On the opposite side"

... what would that be? Right wing Jews? radical Palestinians? U.S. state department advisors? I've got all the above and more.

I don't guess that Amity and her crowd have any videos showing people speaking who are on the opposite side of these Leftist Jews. My, my, the truckload of videos people with a cause like Amity can drag up!!! Regardless, Amity can drag up a gazillion videos, but her friends are still not going to be allowed en masse into Israel to take over the government.

I have previously asked if someone could recommend an intelligent, articulate, and well educated advocate for Israel.

Nobody has made any offers.

I don't guess that Amity and her crowd have any videos showing people speaking who are on the opposite side of these Leftist Jews. My, my, the truckload of videos people with a cause like Amity can drag up!!! Regardless, Amity can drag up a gazillion videos, but her friends are still not going to be allowed en masse into Israel to take over the government.

I have previously asked if someone could recommend an intelligent, articulate, and well educated advocate for Israel.

Nobody has made any offers.

I am still waiting for some Hamas representative telling us how come there are tons of videos about one little area of the world and no videos from the rest of the Middle East where people are dying by the thousands.
my gawd, girl.
Somebody please teach her a new song!

Isn't it time you started singing a new song? You are posting the same nonsense ad nauseam while so much of the Middle East is basically "on fire."
Thanks for the bump, Sally.

Actually, Amity, all you are showing is that you are some robot who has a tape pushed into some slot in your body each morning so you can post ad nauseam the same stuff as you posted the day before. I hope once in a while they remember to oil your joints. At least they don't have to give robots coffee, lunch or dinner breaks. Then at night they roll you into the closet, and the next day roll you out to begin all over again.

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