More Muslims Demand Sovereignty, Steal Other People's Land


Gold Member
May 31, 2009
A lot of the anti-jewish filth here likes to rail about how the jews have created a jewish sovereign country, but they remain quite silent when muslims do the same, like Mindanao...I wonder why that is:

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South

How come muslims get to steal other people's land? How come the jew-hating vermin doesn't complain or conduct rallies about this theft?
A lot of the anti-jewish filth here likes to rail about how the jews have created a jewish sovereign country, but they remain quite silent when muslims do the same, like Mindanao...I wonder why that is:

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South

How come muslims get to steal other people's land? How come the jew-hating vermin doesn't complain or conduct rallies about this theft?
Erm...possibly because they are "Jew-Hating vermin" and not "Muslim-Hating vermin" :p
A lot of the anti-jewish filth here likes to rail about how the jews have created a jewish sovereign country, but they remain quite silent when muslims do the same, like Mindanao...I wonder why that is:

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South

How come muslims get to steal other people's land? How come the jew-hating vermin doesn't complain or conduct rallies about this theft?

Why should anyone complain about
A lot of the anti-jewish filth here likes to rail about how the jews have created a jewish sovereign country, but they remain quite silent when muslims do the same, like Mindanao...I wonder why that is:

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South

How come muslims get to steal other people's land? How come the jew-hating vermin doesn't complain or conduct rallies about this theft?

Probably no one complains in America because AIPAC isn't working Congress for billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in support of this particular theft. ~ Susan
The southern filipino muslims have been fighting the land stealing northern catholics since the 16th century. This is land that the muslims have lived on for a thousand years.

Which a far different story than the european jews invading and stealing muslim land in Palestine less than a century ago.
A lot of the anti-jewish filth here likes to rail about how the jews have created a jewish sovereign country, but they remain quite silent when muslims do the same, like Mindanao...I wonder why that is:

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South

How come muslims get to steal other people's land? How come the jew-hating vermin doesn't complain or conduct rallies about this theft?

The Muslims have been there for ages and predate the Catholic majority. I fail to see how this is remotely relevant to what is happening with Israel and Palestine.
Muslims tend to have a very wide spread all over the world, it is even appear in the 'Old Testament': "Their hands are everywhere and everyone's hand in them" (to Ishma'el - the first "Arab" - I don't think I can translate it better because it is too complicated for me to explain a double-meaning word but you get the idea.. - here in Israel we simply not so gullible to accept them since the beginning of time we are used to their kind, and in'shallah they'll never try.
The southern filipino muslims have been fighting the land stealing northern catholics since the 16th century. This is land that the muslims have lived on for a thousand years.

Which a far different story than the european jews invading and stealing muslim land in Palestine less than a century ago.

perhaps 700 yrs in the Philippines, not thousands.
Islam is the oldest recorded monotheistic religion in the Philippines.

Islam reached the Philippines in the 14th century with the arrival of Muslim traders from the Persian Gulf, Southern India, and their followers from several sultanate governments in the Malay Archipelago.

According to the U.S. Department of State International Religious Freedom Report for 2010, the Muslim population of the Philippines is between 5% to 11% of the total population.

Islam in the Philippines - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Probably no one complains in America because AIPAC isn't working Congress for billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in support of this particular theft. ~ Susan

#1- most military aid to israel is spent in the US
#2-how come no comment from pieces of shit like you about the hundreds of billions spent by the US taxpayer EVERY YEAR defending arab oil interests and their US lackeys?

How come racist trash filth like you is allowed to post on these forums?
The Muslims have been there for ages and predate the Catholic majority. I fail to see how this is remotely relevant to what is happening with Israel and Palestine.

Which means obviously nothing. The jews pre-dated the muslims in israel by 4,000 years, yet the anti-jew scum complains "we can't go that far back in history." Fine, then we can't go back to the 1600s either, and the country is majority christian and under christian rule. The muslims can either accept it - or leave.
The southern filipino muslims have been fighting the land stealing northern catholics since the 16th century. This is land that the muslims have lived on for a thousand years.

Which a far different story than the european jews invading and stealing muslim land in Palestine less than a century ago.
EXACTLY............Rhodes skolar you are behaving like a complete ctnu,
Probably no one complains in America because AIPAC isn't working Congress for billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in support of this particular theft. ~ Susan

#1- most military aid to israel is spent in the US
#2-how come no comment from pieces of shit like you about the hundreds of billions spent by the US taxpayer EVERY YEAR defending arab oil interests and their US lackeys?

How come racist trash filth like you is allowed to post on these forums?

AID !!!!!!!!!!! yeah and PAID for by hard working Americans,who Israel couldn't and wouldn't give a shit about....
A lot of the anti-jewish filth here likes to rail about how the jews have created a jewish sovereign country, but they remain quite silent when muslims do the same, like Mindanao...I wonder why that is:

Philippine Bill Would Set Up Autonomous Region in Muslim-Dominated South

How come muslims get to steal other people's land? How come the jew-hating vermin doesn't complain or conduct rallies about this theft?

Roadwanker more like,than Rhodescholar...........your grammar is poor and you need your mouth washed out with soap......Why are you so ANTI-SEMITIC ??????
Probably no one complains in America because AIPAC isn't working Congress for billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in support of this particular theft. ~ Susan

#1- most military aid to israel is spent in the US
#2-how come no comment from pieces of shit like you about the hundreds of billions spent by the US taxpayer EVERY YEAR defending arab oil interests and their US lackeys?

How come racist trash filth like you is allowed to post on these forums?

Some Rhodes Scholar you are! Billions spent by the US taxpayer EVERY YEAR defending Arab oil interests allows me to get in my car every day and drive to wherever I want to go. American taxpayer money spent on Israel helps Israeli land thieves buy garments with long-sleeves to better enable them to have more fun laughing up them at their 'owned' American benefactors. ~ Susan
PS "Most military aid to Israel is spent in the US," you say? Why take the deal? You take it because it's free money, you ingrate you.

"The world is waking to what Israel is all about!"
Probably no one complains in America because AIPAC isn't working Congress for billions upon billions upon billions of dollars in support of this particular theft. ~ Susan

#1- most military aid to israel is spent in the US
#2-how come no comment from pieces of shit like you about the hundreds of billions spent by the US taxpayer EVERY YEAR defending arab oil interests and their US lackeys?

How come racist trash filth like you is allowed to post on these forums?

Some Rhodes Scholar you are! Billions spent by the US taxpayer EVERY YEAR defending Arab oil interests allows me to get in my car every day and drive to wherever I want to go. American taxpayer money spent on Israel helps Israeli land thieves buy garments with long-sleeves to better enable them to have more fun laughing up them at their 'owned' American benefactors. ~ Susan
PS "Most military aid to Israel is spent in the US," you say? Why take the deal? You take it because it's free money, you ingrate you.

"The world is waking to what Israel is all about!"
Poor Pishy, the same as ever. Those anti-Semites sure do love the Jews. For years it was this same old stuff people heard Pishy shriek about. However, it's not really the Palestinian Arabs whom Pishy cares about; it is only about the Jews which I am sure rational people can quickly pick up on. Who paid for that car of yours, Pishy? You finally got yourself a job and are actually paying taxes on your own by supporting yourself? Will wonders never cease. While Pishy is always moaning and groaning about the Jews receiving anything, it is not the Jews who want to see her done in for being an Infidel. The world is waking up to those you are playing the enemy of my enemy is my friend with, Pishy.
Some Rhodes Scholar you are! Billions spent by the US taxpayer EVERY YEAR defending Arab oil interests allows me to get in my car every day and drive to wherever I want to go. American taxpayer money spent on Israel helps Israeli land thieves buy garments with long-sleeves to better enable them to have more fun laughing up them at their 'owned' American benefactors. ~ Susan PS "Most military aid to Israel is spent in the US," you say? Why take the deal? You take it because it's free money, you ingrate you.

Sounds like a typical mentally ill racist arab muslim piece of shit, no surprise there. It whines about the military aid given to israel - which israel did not even start to get until the late 1960s/1970s and STILL crushed the arab muslim armies every time - but is so ideologically stupid and cluelessly brainwashed it defends the TRILLIONS of dollars stolen by arab muslim cartel criminals from the US economy.

Yes, shit for brains, you can drive your car - hope you enjoy paying almost $4/gallon for it, retard.

How come dogshit like this willingly pays $4/gallon when the US is almost the world's largest producer of oil, when other major oil producers sell their oil internally for far less? Could it be to placate the arab oil interests and keep the american consumer paying so much? But of course not....yes honey, you really ARE that fucking stupid.
The Muslims have been there for ages and predate the Catholic majority. I fail to see how this is remotely relevant to what is happening with Israel and Palestine.

Which means obviously nothing. The jews pre-dated the muslims in israel by 4,000 years, yet the anti-jew scum complains "we can't go that far back in history." Fine, then we can't go back to the 1600s either, and the country is majority christian and under christian rule. The muslims can either accept it - or leave.

When you put it that way, then Palestine is majority Muslim - the Jews should accept it or leave. But somehow, I don't think you'll go along with that.
Again, as is the case throughout the WORLD, it isn't the Muslims fault. It has to be the Jews. Anyone but the Muslims is to blame. :rolleyes-41: The Muslims are tolerant, friendly and peaceful bunch.

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