Platinum Member
Jun 23, 2013
"...the FBI's bust couldn't have come at a worse time for the Clintons as it came literally the day before Bill Clinton delivered a $500,000 speech in Moscow on behalf of a Russian bank with an interest in securing approval of the controversial Uranium One deal..."

Of course, given that the Clintons were on the verge of securing a windfall of donations for their "Clinton Foundation," which came shortly after the Uranium One deal was completed just a few months later....Hillary was forced to choose between exploiting an intelligence treasure chest of information for the benefit of the country at large or covering up yet another scandal that would potentially disrupt her family's personal self-enrichment schemes..."

What Do Hillary, Uranium One, And An FBI Bust Of A Deep Cover Russian Spy Network Have In Common?

My questions are:

1) At what point can liberals dismiss things such as the above because they supposedly come from conservative sites...and at what point does the burden of proof shift to the Clintons, and the Obamas and the liberals to explain just what the Hell was going on.

2) Why would a Russian operation:

a) involved in criminal enterprises, as are now proved and made public;

b) seeking to buy U. S. Uranium which needed the approval of the Obama administration and the Clinton State Department;

c) bother to stop and "donate" 145 million dollars to the Clinton Foundation; and

d) Why couldn't The Washington Post, a Pravda-like Shill for the Democratic Party, not be able to come up with a better excuse for the above than that it was sort of like people staying in a Trump Hotel to curry favor with Don Trump.

3) I have seen the number of 145 MILLION as the amount "donated" by the Russian Uranium Interests to the Clinton Foundation....but the amount is so enormous that I can hardly believe it myself...yet I have not seen it DENIED! Can any body prove it is the wrong amount?

Sounds like WATERGATE times 145 million dollars!
The act of hiding the information is prima-facia evidence of intentional, coordinated criminal conduct. This is not going to end well... Organized Crime... RICO applies...
Hey, I've got fair, legitimate, questions here. Don't any of you Liberals have answers?

1) At what point do the Clintons, and Obama, have a duty to explain this amazing chronology, instead of just dismissing it by claiming it came from a right wing site? The truth is that most of what has alarmed me comes from the New York Times (2015 article) and the Washington Post (a day or so ago) the last of which tried to explain away $145 million to the Clinton Foundation as being comparable to folks staying in a Trump Hotel for a couple of nights. WOW. JUST WOW.

2) What part of the article is untrue?

3) Did this Russian Uranium Outfit, which was proven to be guilty of crimes involving bribery and extortion REALLY also donate 145 million to Charity?

3) Can you Liberals believe the Charity just happened to be the Clinton Foundation?

4) Is this really sort of like a couple of Russians stayed at a Trump Hotel for a couple of nights to curry favor with the President---like the Washington Post had the unbridled temerity to claim?


Answers Please! Two Congressional Committees are now asking. Save them some time, Liberals. Answers Please!

Any attack on the poster will be deemed an admission that you cannot in any way defend the Clintons. Just answer the questions!
The act of hiding the information is prima-facia evidence of intentional, coordinated criminal conduct. This is not going to end well... Organized Crime... RICO applies...

Holy shit, yes. Racketeering.
You had to know the noose was tightening when the Washington Post (Democratic Pravda) took this on a day or so ago.....and the best they could do was compare the reported (and not so far denied) "donation" of 145 MILLION DOLLARS---to the CLINTON FOUNDATION---to a couple of days stay at one of Trump's Hotels to get in good with the President.

The Washington Post actually did that.

Can any liberal do better? They sure need to.
The act of hiding the information is prima-facia evidence of intentional, coordinated criminal conduct. This is not going to end well... Organized Crime... RICO applies...

Holy shit, yes. Racketeering.
I would even go so far as to call it Treason. Using ones political position to undermine the US Constitution and aiding our enemies.. The bitch was lining her and Bill's pockets while selling out the US to our enemies with Holder and Obama's help.. They all need to swing..
Butthurt Obama and Crooked Hillary need to stand trial for treason. It is actually hilarious the DNC-controlled MSM is ignoring this exploding case against their corrupt leaders.
It sounds like Obama, Hillary, Podesta, Comey, Holder and Mueller are all totally corrupt. However, I don't expect anything to be done about Hillary's many crimes. I don't think Trump is up to the task, let alone Jeff Sessions. Nothing will happen. The swamp won.

Obama Administration, Hillary Clinton Covered Up Their Deep, Corrupt Ties To Russia

...there is a Russian scandal of epic proportions, one involving bribery, racketeering, money laundering, extortion and control of the nation's nuclear assets.

But, no, it doesn't involve Donald Trump. It involves the Democratic Party, Hillary Clinton and President Obama, under whose administration the Russians felt emboldened to openly give money to government officials and their allies to gain favors and control over a vital national security resource.
I do agree, Sessions is total fail. But let's see what The Donald has up his sleeve. If there is no justice for the Democrat collusion with Russia, then The Donald will not win a second term, IMO!
Nothing will happen. Trump is not up to it and Jeff Sessions is more concerned about people smoking a little weed. Additionally, Mitch McConnel, Paul Ryan, the DOJ and the FBI are corrupt and in bed with the establishment. Like I said, nothing will happen.
The media will try to minimize this very important story and instead focus on fake racism stories about Trump.
Well there is the Clinton high roller far left standard where you can do anything, break laws and never be punished and jailed, then there is standard for everyone else that would have done this.
The media has never been worse nor has it ever been as dangerous to our nation. The truth will prevail it always does.
As we know the far left media will hardly cover this and the reality is nothing will happen to the Clintons.

It would be nice if the laws applied to everyone, but the rich white far left will literally get away with murder!
Billy-boy, already working for Vlad's KGB buddies, met with Vlad before the Uranium One deal.

Had Trump done so it would be all over CNN / the major media...

Instead, the libtard media continues to try to protect the Clintons, as CNN's Cuomo declared publicly during the election they were doing be refusing to air any of Hillary's scandals.

Emails Reveal Bill Clinton Met With Vladimir Putin Just Before Uranium One Deal

If President Trump or anyone even remotely close to his presidency, including his best friend from 2nd grade that he hadn't seen in 40 years, sought to meet with key Russian nuclear officials, in Moscow, just months before the federal government approved a very controversial deal handing Vladimir Putin 20% of U.S. uranium reserves, despite an ongoing investigation into Russian fraud, bribery, extortion and money laundering, it would be the only story played on a 24 x 7 loop on CNN and MSNBC.

Ironically, that is exactly what new emails dug up byThe Hill show that Bill Clinton did in June 2010, just months before the Uranium One deal was approved by a committee on which his wife, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, sat. Oh, and did we mention that Bill's Clinton Foundation just happened to collect millions of dollars in bribes donations from Russian sources and Uranium One shareholders shortly after his Moscow meetings?

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