More Proof Unions Are The Actual Violent Thugs Democrats Accused The Tea Party Of Bei


Nov 13, 2012
More Proof Unions Are The Actual Violent Thugs Democrats Accused The Tea Party Of Being​

The Looking Spoon

Steven Crowder attempted to start a dialogue at a protest against the Right To Work bill in Michigan (which prohibits coercion to join a union, as you can imagine the Bolsheviks running them don't like that).

As we've come to expect from the left, every "fear" and accusation of violence they have coming from conservatives is proven to be pure projection of their on proclivities whenever they get the chance to show it.

See Video here:
[ame=]UNIONS ASSAULT ON CAMERA!! - YouTube[/ame]​

</title> <base href="" /> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <meta name=
Teamsters: Video Of Union Thugs Destroying AFP Tent​

See more damning video:

[ame=]Violent Mob Destroys AFP Tent in Lansing, Michigan Protest - YouTube[/ame]

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To be fair, all humans are more than capable of violence, especially in this moment when the American people have never been more polarized since the Civil War.

These are dark days and they're going to become a lot darker.
Steve Crowder did the journalist dance thery all use to justify getting in people's space. And he got Pwn'd.

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