More Rank Hypocrisy From Trump And The Pseudocons

^ You repeatedly post the same thing. Clearly you do not know what obstruct means. Nor do you apparently have any idea how divisive the politicians in Washington have become. But clearly you are good at trying to misdirect people with nonsense.
There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.
congress is not doing it's job. That has been pointed out to you countless times, yet, you post the same tired nonsense over and over. I think that's called spamming.
You are not addressing my post. You are not addressing the fact Trump said he had a replacement and has not produced it.

You are the one spamming with red herrings. Address the question.

Why has Trump not produced his replacement plan, and why are you just sitting there letting him get away with that?

Do you LIKE record high insurance bills? Do you LIKE record high medical costs?

What a pathetic cuck you are, tossing out red herrings to avoid facing the facts!
You are pointless troll. Trump cannot replace it without congress. Troll on....
You rubes elected Trump to repeal and replace ObamaCare. He told you he had a "beautiful" plan. He said it over and over and over to your faces in his speeches.

He spit on you, and spit on you. And you sit there and take it.

He golfs more than he did as a civilian, and you sit there and take it.

The man has no clue. And you still haven't caught on.

He told it was going to be "so easy" to replace ObamaCare, and you dumb shits bleeved him.
^ You repeatedly post the same thing. Clearly you do not know what obstruct means. Nor do you apparently have any idea how divisive the politicians in Washington have become. But clearly you are good at trying to misdirect people with nonsense.
There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.
congress is not doing it's job. That has been pointed out to you countless times, yet, you post the same tired nonsense over and over. I think that's called spamming.
You are not addressing my post. You are not addressing the fact Trump said he had a replacement and has not produced it.

You are the one spamming with red herrings. Address the question.

Why has Trump not produced his replacement plan, and why are you just sitting there letting him get away with that?

Do you LIKE record high insurance bills? Do you LIKE record high medical costs?

What a pathetic cuck you are, tossing out red herrings to avoid facing the facts!
You are pointless troll. Trump cannot replace it without congress.
They certainly can't replace Obamacare with Trump's replacement, now can they.

And why is that?

Because he lied about having one.

And you sit there and take it, cuck!
Wait a minute, how are taxpayers charged for the President golfing on his own freaking property? Secret Service is in place no matter what so you can't consider than an extra expense. Are lefties worried about gas prices? Trump gets more work done on the golf course than Hussein did on his eight year non stop apology tour. How about the time Hussein took an entourage of several 747's loaded with campaign donors to freaking Norway for the ludicrous reason of lobbying for the Olympics to be held in the crime capital of the U.S., Barry's adopted home town of Chicago?

You see, while you say he gets more done, I'd like to see him actually get more done. The things not getting done on the golf course are nominating his positions in the government that need filled, and pushing the legislation he said he'd push in his first 100 days. He's over 100 days behind on his campaign promises and there's no action there.

That's the issue I have, right now we have a Republican congress with a Republican president. It's not going to get any easier going forward to get some real lasting legislation made to help the US. And we've got nothing to show for it so far. Anyone can make executive orders, just like anyone can roll back the previous presidents ones. We've seen that a few months ago and 8 years before that.

To make a real difference you need legislation. Like Trump himself said "“We have a president that can't get anything done so he just keeps signing executive orders all over the place. He doesn't talk to anybody. He goes out and signs executive orders. In theory you're supposed to the old fashioned way, get everybody into a room and get something people agree on.” And then he signs 50% more than Obama in the same time period. That's not the same actions as the man promised.

That's what I'd rather have him doing. Uniting the party and getting lasting legislation written. Not dividing them on twitter.
The GOP and Trump have been caught with their dicks in their hands.

I asked for several years on this forum, "Repeal ObamaCare...AND THEN WHAT!?!?"

You never answered. You just got mad at me for daring to ask.

And now you are mad at me for daring to ask where the FUCK is Trump's replacement he said he had.

Killing the messenger telling you that you have been massively hoaxed.
Wait a minute, how are taxpayers charged for the President golfing on his own freaking property? Secret Service is in place no matter what so you can't consider than an extra expense. Are lefties worried about gas prices? Trump gets more work done on the golf course than Hussein did on his eight year non stop apology tour. How about the time Hussein took an entourage of several 747's loaded with campaign donors to freaking Norway for the ludicrous reason of lobbying for the Olympics to be held in the crime capital of the U.S., Barry's adopted home town of Chicago?

You see, while you say he gets more done, I'd like to see him actually get more done. The things not getting done on the golf course are nominating his positions in the government that need filled, and pushing the legislation he said he'd push in his first 100 days. He's over 100 days behind on his campaign promises and there's no action there.

That's the issue I have, right now we have a Republican congress with a Republican president. It's not going to get any easier going forward to get some real lasting legislation made to help the US. And we've got nothing to show for it so far. Anyone can make executive orders, just like anyone can roll back the previous presidents ones. We've seen that a few months ago and 8 years before that.

To make a real difference you need legislation. Like Trump himself said "“We have a president that can't get anything done so he just keeps signing executive orders all over the place. He doesn't talk to anybody. He goes out and signs executive orders. In theory you're supposed to the old fashioned way, get everybody into a room and get something people agree on.” And then he signs 50% more than Obama in the same time period. That's not the same actions as the man promised.

That's what I'd rather have him doing. Uniting the party and getting lasting legislation written. Not dividing them on twitter.
That's true. There are a shitload of empty positions Trump still hasn't filled. And the tards think that is Congress's fault when in fact Trump hasn't even nominated or named people to those positions.

The Chumps will never blame Trump for his total incompetence.

It would mean they have to admit to themselves they were hoaxed.
You are pointless troll. Trump cannot replace it without congress. Troll on....

That's not the point. The point is he said he had this plan. Not once has he even tried to talk to Congress and back his own plan that they can get behind. Obama had his plan for his Obamacare. So did Bill Clinton. They took their plans to Congress and got Congress to decide whether to push that type of plan through or not.

Don't tell me you'll work with congress to "Fully repeals Obamacare and replaces it with Health Savings Accounts, the ability to purchase health insurance across state lines and lets states manage Medicaid funds. Reforms will also include cutting the red tape at the FDA: there are over 4,000 drugs awaiting approval, and we especially want to speed the approval of life-saving medications." and then never say a word to Congress about your plan and then say your plan is ""We'll just let Obamacare fail"

Ok that's your plan. Keep Obamacare and if you think it's costing billion of taxpayer dollars and ruining peoples lives, they can all suck it up.
Remember all the whining about Obama's trips and what they were costing the American taxpayer?

Not one topic has been started by all those whiners to complain about Trump's trips. Not one.

By this point in his Presidency, Obama spent 15 days outside of DC. So far, Trump has traveled 41 times to go golfing at his properties at taxpayer expense.

Trump's weekend trips have already cost us $55 million. Obama's EIGHT YEAR TOTAL was $96 million.

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump's family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.

Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Military photo opportunity near site of September 11 attacks in New York prompts evacuations

your bitch who couldn't cross the finish like even with the lamestream media in the tank for her, got President Trump elected, yet your side is bitching about him taking trips, but you didn't bitch much when Obama did, you are just as much a hypocrite as you call us one.

False Dichotomy, idiot.

I'm not a Clinton or Obama supporter.

Is this the best you can do when confronted with Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
You are a parroting tard, repeating a completely bogus meme. Is this all you can do in the face of Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?

Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?
For someone who says he didn't vote for Obama, you sure like to suck both their dicks in defense of them...
I defend the truth, asshole. Even if someone tells a lie about Obama, I will correct it.

That's what integrity looks like. Something Trump and you pseudocons seriously lack.

"I will be too busy working for you to go golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me..."

What makes you think I don't enjoy watching the pain of Hillary's supporters?

You are stuck in a tard's False Dichotomy. :lol:

This is all the pseudocons have to defend Trump's and their own hypocrisy: "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :lol:
Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.

This is all the pseudocons have to defend Trump's and their own hypocrisy: "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :lol:
Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.
The establishment liberals (R) and (D) are the ones that have ruined the Republicans and are making it hard for President Trump to get any of his promises through. Shame you aren't smart enough to realize that, because it seems that the "conservatives" of the senate are in league with the liberals, to stop Mr. President from being a success. You are a very stupid person, and I am glad to prove it.
Trump said he had a "beautiful" plan to replace ObamaCare. He said he was going to make our health care costs "a tiny fraction" of what they are now. He said he was going to unveil it at the same time his HHS Secretary was confirmed.

Without saying, "B-b-b-b-but Obama" or "B-b-b-b-but Clinton", please explain how "the Establishment" stole the snake oil salesman's plans from his pocket.

While you are at it, please explain why you tards never asked to see his beautiful plan. Please explain why you STILL have not caught on you were massively hoaxed.

The Emperor Has No Clothes


Establishment Republicans and Liberals blocked trump, your homey conservatives included. Want to blame someone blame yourself, you twit.
What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
So you don't have any idea where Trump's healthcare plan is.

You know why?

Because he never had one. You were massively hoaxed.

And you STILL have not figured that out! :lol:
You are just a stupid fuck, maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you might know what is going on in this country.

After health care failure, Trump slams GOP senators as ‘fools’ who are ‘wasting time’
From your link:
The president is calling for changes to Senate rules that reveal he doesn’t totally understand how the Senate works.


Tell us, rube. Where is that replacement Trump said HE had?

Tell us why you fools never asked to see it.

Tell us why you just sit there and take these hoaxes from Trump.

Establishment Republicans and Liberals blocked trump, your homey conservatives included. Want to blame someone blame yourself, you twit.
What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

So where is it, andaronjim?

Where is Trump's replacement he said he was going to offer, and why have you not asked?

Why are you just sitting there and taking it up the ass from Trump?
My response to an idiot like you is as follows.


You're stumped. You can't answer my questions as to where Trump's replacement is that he said he had.

You hate to face the fact Trump lied to you, and you can't stand the fact you were so stupid as to not ask to see his plan.

You cannot believe you were that stupid. Trump told you he had a replacement, and you just bleeved him! Like a moron! You never even asked to see his plan! You just took the New York Democrat huckster's word.

And from your response, it is pretty clear you didn't learn your lesson and are getting right back in line to be lied to again and again and again and again.

^ You repeatedly post the same thing. Clearly you do not know what obstruct means. Nor do you apparently have any idea how divisive the politicians in Washington have become. But clearly you are good at trying to misdirect people with nonsense.
There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.

You rubes elected Trump to repeal and replace ObamaCare. He told you he had a "beautiful" plan. He said it over and over and over to your faces in his speeches.

He spit on you, and spit on you. And you sit there and take it.

He golfs more than he did as a civilian, and you sit there and take it.

The man has no clue. And you still haven't caught on.

He told it was going to be "so easy" to replace ObamaCare, and you dumb shits bleeved him.

^ You repeatedly post the same thing. Clearly you do not know what obstruct means. Nor do you apparently have any idea how divisive the politicians in Washington have become. But clearly you are good at trying to misdirect people with nonsense.
There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.
congress is not doing it's job. That has been pointed out to you countless times, yet, you post the same tired nonsense over and over. I think that's called spamming.
You are not addressing my post. You are not addressing the fact Trump said he had a replacement and has not produced it.

You are the one spamming with red herrings. Address the question.

Why has Trump not produced his replacement plan, and why are you just sitting there letting him get away with that?

Do you LIKE record high insurance bills? Do you LIKE record high medical costs?

What a pathetic cuck you are, tossing out red herrings to avoid facing the facts!
You are pointless troll. Trump cannot replace it without congress.
They certainly can't replace Obamacare with Trump's replacement, now can they.

And why is that?

Because he lied about having one.

And you sit there and take it, cuck!

Wait a minute, how are taxpayers charged for the President golfing on his own freaking property? Secret Service is in place no matter what so you can't consider than an extra expense. Are lefties worried about gas prices? Trump gets more work done on the golf course than Hussein did on his eight year non stop apology tour. How about the time Hussein took an entourage of several 747's loaded with campaign donors to freaking Norway for the ludicrous reason of lobbying for the Olympics to be held in the crime capital of the U.S., Barry's adopted home town of Chicago?

You see, while you say he gets more done, I'd like to see him actually get more done. The things not getting done on the golf course are nominating his positions in the government that need filled, and pushing the legislation he said he'd push in his first 100 days. He's over 100 days behind on his campaign promises and there's no action there.

That's the issue I have, right now we have a Republican congress with a Republican president. It's not going to get any easier going forward to get some real lasting legislation made to help the US. And we've got nothing to show for it so far. Anyone can make executive orders, just like anyone can roll back the previous presidents ones. We've seen that a few months ago and 8 years before that.

To make a real difference you need legislation. Like Trump himself said "“We have a president that can't get anything done so he just keeps signing executive orders all over the place. He doesn't talk to anybody. He goes out and signs executive orders. In theory you're supposed to the old fashioned way, get everybody into a room and get something people agree on.” And then he signs 50% more than Obama in the same time period. That's not the same actions as the man promised.

That's what I'd rather have him doing. Uniting the party and getting lasting legislation written. Not dividing them on twitter.
That's true. There are a shitload of empty positions Trump still hasn't filled. And the tards think that is Congress's fault when in fact Trump hasn't even nominated or named people to those positions.

The Chumps will never blame Trump for his total incompetence.

It would mean they have to admit to themselves they were hoaxed.

Can anyone tell me why this bastard is allowed to troll nonstop? Everyday?
We could have hired Hillary to keep ObamaCare around.

Trump was hired to replace it.

You've been hoaxed.

And whining that it's "The Establisment's" fault is such a pathetic cop-out. Reagan got massive tax cuts and tax reform with a Democratic House.

Trump is a loser and a coward and a liar.

Just look at his face. Watch his face. He knows he is full of shit.

That was the dead giveaway to anyone who hadn't seen it. His Mussolini moment.

Trump is plain and simply a narcissist. He craves attention, and he craves feeling that he is somehow superior. That's something anyone paying any attention even before the birther nonsense would have been blind to not notice. It is the center of his racism - his view of White America exceptionalism and he being the center of it all. And that goes way back to the 1970s.

But that does not mean people were rubes to vote for him just because of that. Slick made like an Eisenhower republican, and even Eisenhower was not really a republican. It was just the republicans' turn at bat when he ran. He was a new deal democrat. People bet on Trump being more interested in succeeding at governing, than ideology. Bannon's miscalculation was that Trump was tied to some ideology, but he was tied to the last person's ideology who happened to persuade him through flattery. And voters who bought in mistook him for some successful CEO type - he's not CEO type like Iococca or Welch or even Jobs. Those guys dealt with shareholders and investors who actually held the power. Trump NEVER had shareholders, and he can't get a loan from a legitimate US/Western investor. (neither can a lot of other hotel/resort owners either, btw)

Kelly promises him an organized presentation of options on any issue. Trump saw he was failing with Bannon's narrow ideology. I think he's too late for that, esp after Charlottesville. He's not going to get democratic buy in after that for tax reform. So, he's got basically one year to accomplish anything, and with McCain possibly not being on hand. He needs 50 gop votes to do anything.

The dems may again succeed in grasping defeat from the jaws of victory. But they might want to be gearing up to run on lower student interest loans, more telecommuting for assoc degrees, deeply cutting the cap on soc sec taxes and increasing the retirement age for non-disabled workers, raising medicare taxes even more on the 1%, and proposing lowered corporate rates in exchange for lessening foreign profits but only if middle tax rates are cut instead of the 1%'s. I sorta doubt the gop will compromise on any of that even after the 2018 election.
Remember all the whining about Obama's trips and what they were costing the American taxpayer?

Not one topic has been started by all those whiners to complain about Trump's trips. Not one.

By this point in his Presidency, Obama spent 15 days outside of DC. So far, Trump has traveled 41 times to go golfing at his properties at taxpayer expense.

Trump's weekend trips have already cost us $55 million. Obama's EIGHT YEAR TOTAL was $96 million.

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump's family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.

Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Military photo opportunity near site of September 11 attacks in New York prompts evacuations

your bitch who couldn't cross the finish like even with the lamestream media in the tank for her, got President Trump elected, yet your side is bitching about him taking trips, but you didn't bitch much when Obama did, you are just as much a hypocrite as you call us one.

False Dichotomy, idiot.

I'm not a Clinton or Obama supporter.

Is this the best you can do when confronted with Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
You are a parroting tard, repeating a completely bogus meme. Is this all you can do in the face of Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?

Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?
For someone who says he didn't vote for Obama, you sure like to suck both their dicks in defense of them...
I defend the truth, asshole. Even if someone tells a lie about Obama, I will correct it.

That's what integrity looks like. Something Trump and you pseudocons seriously lack.

"I will be too busy working for you to go golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me..."

What makes you think I don't enjoy watching the pain of Hillary's supporters?

You are stuck in a tard's False Dichotomy. :lol:

This is all the pseudocons have to defend Trump's and their own hypocrisy: "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :lol:
Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.

This is all the pseudocons have to defend Trump's and their own hypocrisy: "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :lol:
Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.
The establishment liberals (R) and (D) are the ones that have ruined the Republicans and are making it hard for President Trump to get any of his promises through. Shame you aren't smart enough to realize that, because it seems that the "conservatives" of the senate are in league with the liberals, to stop Mr. President from being a success. You are a very stupid person, and I am glad to prove it.
Trump said he had a "beautiful" plan to replace ObamaCare. He said he was going to make our health care costs "a tiny fraction" of what they are now. He said he was going to unveil it at the same time his HHS Secretary was confirmed.

Without saying, "B-b-b-b-but Obama" or "B-b-b-b-but Clinton", please explain how "the Establishment" stole the snake oil salesman's plans from his pocket.

While you are at it, please explain why you tards never asked to see his beautiful plan. Please explain why you STILL have not caught on you were massively hoaxed.

The Emperor Has No Clothes


What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
So you don't have any idea where Trump's healthcare plan is.

You know why?

Because he never had one. You were massively hoaxed.

And you STILL have not figured that out! :lol:
You are just a stupid fuck, maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you might know what is going on in this country.

After health care failure, Trump slams GOP senators as ‘fools’ who are ‘wasting time’
From your link:
The president is calling for changes to Senate rules that reveal he doesn’t totally understand how the Senate works.


Tell us, rube. Where is that replacement Trump said HE had?

Tell us why you fools never asked to see it.

Tell us why you just sit there and take these hoaxes from Trump.

What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

So where is it, andaronjim?

Where is Trump's replacement he said he was going to offer, and why have you not asked?

Why are you just sitting there and taking it up the ass from Trump?
My response to an idiot like you is as follows.


You're stumped. You can't answer my questions as to where Trump's replacement is that he said he had.

You hate to face the fact Trump lied to you, and you can't stand the fact you were so stupid as to not ask to see his plan.

You cannot believe you were that stupid. Trump told you he had a replacement, and you just bleeved him! Like a moron! You never even asked to see his plan! You just took the New York Democrat huckster's word.

And from your response, it is pretty clear you didn't learn your lesson and are getting right back in line to be lied to again and again and again and again.

^ You repeatedly post the same thing. Clearly you do not know what obstruct means. Nor do you apparently have any idea how divisive the politicians in Washington have become. But clearly you are good at trying to misdirect people with nonsense.
There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.

You rubes elected Trump to repeal and replace ObamaCare. He told you he had a "beautiful" plan. He said it over and over and over to your faces in his speeches.

He spit on you, and spit on you. And you sit there and take it.

He golfs more than he did as a civilian, and you sit there and take it.

The man has no clue. And you still haven't caught on.

He told it was going to be "so easy" to replace ObamaCare, and you dumb shits bleeved him.

There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.
congress is not doing it's job. That has been pointed out to you countless times, yet, you post the same tired nonsense over and over. I think that's called spamming.
You are not addressing my post. You are not addressing the fact Trump said he had a replacement and has not produced it.

You are the one spamming with red herrings. Address the question.

Why has Trump not produced his replacement plan, and why are you just sitting there letting him get away with that?

Do you LIKE record high insurance bills? Do you LIKE record high medical costs?

What a pathetic cuck you are, tossing out red herrings to avoid facing the facts!
You are pointless troll. Trump cannot replace it without congress.
They certainly can't replace Obamacare with Trump's replacement, now can they.

And why is that?

Because he lied about having one.

And you sit there and take it, cuck!

Wait a minute, how are taxpayers charged for the President golfing on his own freaking property? Secret Service is in place no matter what so you can't consider than an extra expense. Are lefties worried about gas prices? Trump gets more work done on the golf course than Hussein did on his eight year non stop apology tour. How about the time Hussein took an entourage of several 747's loaded with campaign donors to freaking Norway for the ludicrous reason of lobbying for the Olympics to be held in the crime capital of the U.S., Barry's adopted home town of Chicago?

You see, while you say he gets more done, I'd like to see him actually get more done. The things not getting done on the golf course are nominating his positions in the government that need filled, and pushing the legislation he said he'd push in his first 100 days. He's over 100 days behind on his campaign promises and there's no action there.

That's the issue I have, right now we have a Republican congress with a Republican president. It's not going to get any easier going forward to get some real lasting legislation made to help the US. And we've got nothing to show for it so far. Anyone can make executive orders, just like anyone can roll back the previous presidents ones. We've seen that a few months ago and 8 years before that.

To make a real difference you need legislation. Like Trump himself said "“We have a president that can't get anything done so he just keeps signing executive orders all over the place. He doesn't talk to anybody. He goes out and signs executive orders. In theory you're supposed to the old fashioned way, get everybody into a room and get something people agree on.” And then he signs 50% more than Obama in the same time period. That's not the same actions as the man promised.

That's what I'd rather have him doing. Uniting the party and getting lasting legislation written. Not dividing them on twitter.
That's true. There are a shitload of empty positions Trump still hasn't filled. And the tards think that is Congress's fault when in fact Trump hasn't even nominated or named people to those positions.

The Chumps will never blame Trump for his total incompetence.

It would mean they have to admit to themselves they were hoaxed.

Can anyone tell me why this bastard is allowed to troll nonstop? Everyday?

How is it any different from any of your posts? Other than being based in fact, that is?
Remember all the whining about Obama's trips and what they were costing the American taxpayer?

Not one topic has been started by all those whiners to complain about Trump's trips. Not one.

By this point in his Presidency, Obama spent 15 days outside of DC. So far, Trump has traveled 41 times to go golfing at his properties at taxpayer expense.

Trump's weekend trips have already cost us $55 million. Obama's EIGHT YEAR TOTAL was $96 million.

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump's family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.

Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Military photo opportunity near site of September 11 attacks in New York prompts evacuations

your bitch who couldn't cross the finish like even with the lamestream media in the tank for her, got President Trump elected, yet your side is bitching about him taking trips, but you didn't bitch much when Obama did, you are just as much a hypocrite as you call us one.

False Dichotomy, idiot.

I'm not a Clinton or Obama supporter.

Is this the best you can do when confronted with Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
You are a parroting tard, repeating a completely bogus meme. Is this all you can do in the face of Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?

Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?
For someone who says he didn't vote for Obama, you sure like to suck both their dicks in defense of them...
I defend the truth, asshole. Even if someone tells a lie about Obama, I will correct it.

That's what integrity looks like. Something Trump and you pseudocons seriously lack.

"I will be too busy working for you to go golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me..."

What makes you think I don't enjoy watching the pain of Hillary's supporters?

You are stuck in a tard's False Dichotomy. :lol:

This is all the pseudocons have to defend Trump's and their own hypocrisy: "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :lol:
Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.

Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.
The establishment liberals (R) and (D) are the ones that have ruined the Republicans and are making it hard for President Trump to get any of his promises through. Shame you aren't smart enough to realize that, because it seems that the "conservatives" of the senate are in league with the liberals, to stop Mr. President from being a success. You are a very stupid person, and I am glad to prove it.
Trump said he had a "beautiful" plan to replace ObamaCare. He said he was going to make our health care costs "a tiny fraction" of what they are now. He said he was going to unveil it at the same time his HHS Secretary was confirmed.

Without saying, "B-b-b-b-but Obama" or "B-b-b-b-but Clinton", please explain how "the Establishment" stole the snake oil salesman's plans from his pocket.

While you are at it, please explain why you tards never asked to see his beautiful plan. Please explain why you STILL have not caught on you were massively hoaxed.

The Emperor Has No Clothes


If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
So you don't have any idea where Trump's healthcare plan is.

You know why?

Because he never had one. You were massively hoaxed.

And you STILL have not figured that out! :lol:
You are just a stupid fuck, maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you might know what is going on in this country.

After health care failure, Trump slams GOP senators as ‘fools’ who are ‘wasting time’
From your link:
The president is calling for changes to Senate rules that reveal he doesn’t totally understand how the Senate works.


Tell us, rube. Where is that replacement Trump said HE had?

Tell us why you fools never asked to see it.

Tell us why you just sit there and take these hoaxes from Trump.

If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

So where is it, andaronjim?

Where is Trump's replacement he said he was going to offer, and why have you not asked?

Why are you just sitting there and taking it up the ass from Trump?
My response to an idiot like you is as follows.


You're stumped. You can't answer my questions as to where Trump's replacement is that he said he had.

You hate to face the fact Trump lied to you, and you can't stand the fact you were so stupid as to not ask to see his plan.

You cannot believe you were that stupid. Trump told you he had a replacement, and you just bleeved him! Like a moron! You never even asked to see his plan! You just took the New York Democrat huckster's word.

And from your response, it is pretty clear you didn't learn your lesson and are getting right back in line to be lied to again and again and again and again.

^ You repeatedly post the same thing. Clearly you do not know what obstruct means. Nor do you apparently have any idea how divisive the politicians in Washington have become. But clearly you are good at trying to misdirect people with nonsense.
There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.

You rubes elected Trump to repeal and replace ObamaCare. He told you he had a "beautiful" plan. He said it over and over and over to your faces in his speeches.

He spit on you, and spit on you. And you sit there and take it.

He golfs more than he did as a civilian, and you sit there and take it.

The man has no clue. And you still haven't caught on.

He told it was going to be "so easy" to replace ObamaCare, and you dumb shits bleeved him.

congress is not doing it's job. That has been pointed out to you countless times, yet, you post the same tired nonsense over and over. I think that's called spamming.
You are not addressing my post. You are not addressing the fact Trump said he had a replacement and has not produced it.

You are the one spamming with red herrings. Address the question.

Why has Trump not produced his replacement plan, and why are you just sitting there letting him get away with that?

Do you LIKE record high insurance bills? Do you LIKE record high medical costs?

What a pathetic cuck you are, tossing out red herrings to avoid facing the facts!
You are pointless troll. Trump cannot replace it without congress.
They certainly can't replace Obamacare with Trump's replacement, now can they.

And why is that?

Because he lied about having one.

And you sit there and take it, cuck!

Wait a minute, how are taxpayers charged for the President golfing on his own freaking property? Secret Service is in place no matter what so you can't consider than an extra expense. Are lefties worried about gas prices? Trump gets more work done on the golf course than Hussein did on his eight year non stop apology tour. How about the time Hussein took an entourage of several 747's loaded with campaign donors to freaking Norway for the ludicrous reason of lobbying for the Olympics to be held in the crime capital of the U.S., Barry's adopted home town of Chicago?

You see, while you say he gets more done, I'd like to see him actually get more done. The things not getting done on the golf course are nominating his positions in the government that need filled, and pushing the legislation he said he'd push in his first 100 days. He's over 100 days behind on his campaign promises and there's no action there.

That's the issue I have, right now we have a Republican congress with a Republican president. It's not going to get any easier going forward to get some real lasting legislation made to help the US. And we've got nothing to show for it so far. Anyone can make executive orders, just like anyone can roll back the previous presidents ones. We've seen that a few months ago and 8 years before that.

To make a real difference you need legislation. Like Trump himself said "“We have a president that can't get anything done so he just keeps signing executive orders all over the place. He doesn't talk to anybody. He goes out and signs executive orders. In theory you're supposed to the old fashioned way, get everybody into a room and get something people agree on.” And then he signs 50% more than Obama in the same time period. That's not the same actions as the man promised.

That's what I'd rather have him doing. Uniting the party and getting lasting legislation written. Not dividing them on twitter.
That's true. There are a shitload of empty positions Trump still hasn't filled. And the tards think that is Congress's fault when in fact Trump hasn't even nominated or named people to those positions.

The Chumps will never blame Trump for his total incompetence.

It would mean they have to admit to themselves they were hoaxed.

Can anyone tell me why this bastard is allowed to troll nonstop? Everyday?

How is it any different from any of your posts? Other than being based in fact, that is?

Lately it's a lot different. I'm trying harder to stay on topic and not troll.
Remember all the whining about Obama's trips and what they were costing the American taxpayer?

Not one topic has been started by all those whiners to complain about Trump's trips. Not one.

By this point in his Presidency, Obama spent 15 days outside of DC. So far, Trump has traveled 41 times to go golfing at his properties at taxpayer expense.

Trump's weekend trips have already cost us $55 million. Obama's EIGHT YEAR TOTAL was $96 million.

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump's family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.

Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

What is this like the 900th thread on this?

No one on the left has any moral, ethical or logical ground to stand on when it comes to hypocrisy. Least of all the OP.
No, I don't think anyone else has started a topic to point out the rank hypocrisy of Trump and the pseudocons.

And Tu Quoque Fallacies don't work. Please take a course in Logic. Thank you.

Like I said, you and the left have no ground at all to speak on hypocrisy.

It seems repubs own hypocrisy.

You own illiteracy and stupidity. Go play in the street retard.
Remember all the whining about Obama's trips and what they were costing the American taxpayer?

Not one topic has been started by all those whiners to complain about Trump's trips. Not one.

By this point in his Presidency, Obama spent 15 days outside of DC. So far, Trump has traveled 41 times to go golfing at his properties at taxpayer expense.

Trump's weekend trips have already cost us $55 million. Obama's EIGHT YEAR TOTAL was $96 million.

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

What is this like the 900th thread on this?

No one on the left has any moral, ethical or logical ground to stand on when it comes to hypocrisy. Least of all the OP.
No, I don't think anyone else has started a topic to point out the rank hypocrisy of Trump and the pseudocons.

And Tu Quoque Fallacies don't work. Please take a course in Logic. Thank you.

Like I said, you and the left have no ground at all to speak on hypocrisy.

It seems repubs own hypocrisy.

You own illiteracy and stupidity. Go play in the street retard.

That is all you have? How pathetic.
Remember all the whining about Obama's trips and what they were costing the American taxpayer?

Not one topic has been started by all those whiners to complain about Trump's trips. Not one.

By this point in his Presidency, Obama spent 15 days outside of DC. So far, Trump has traveled 41 times to go golfing at his properties at taxpayer expense.

Trump's weekend trips have already cost us $55 million. Obama's EIGHT YEAR TOTAL was $96 million.

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump's family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.

Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™
Military photo opportunity near site of September 11 attacks in New York prompts evacuations

your bitch who couldn't cross the finish like even with the lamestream media in the tank for her, got President Trump elected, yet your side is bitching about him taking trips, but you didn't bitch much when Obama did, you are just as much a hypocrite as you call us one.

False Dichotomy, idiot.

I'm not a Clinton or Obama supporter.

Is this the best you can do when confronted with Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
You are a parroting tard, repeating a completely bogus meme. Is this all you can do in the face of Trump's hypocrisy?


Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?

Has Trump taken 40 of his friends to Spain?
Here are the facts:

Privately, officials note that the first lady is paying for her own room, food and transportation, and the friends she brought will pay for theirs as well. The government pays for security, and the Secret Service, not the first lady, determines what is needed.

Officials said some reports of the trip had been exaggerated. Mrs. Obama is not traveling with 40 friends, one official said, but with two friends and four of their daughters, as well as a couple of aides and a couple of advance staff members.

Michelle Obama Criticized for Spain Vacation

I'll wait here for your apology for being a tard who parrots manufactured bullshit.

Or are you already back in line to be lied to again?
For someone who says he didn't vote for Obama, you sure like to suck both their dicks in defense of them...
I defend the truth, asshole. Even if someone tells a lie about Obama, I will correct it.

That's what integrity looks like. Something Trump and you pseudocons seriously lack.

"I will be too busy working for you to go golf. Bleev me...Bleev me...Bleev me..."

What makes you think I don't enjoy watching the pain of Hillary's supporters?

You are stuck in a tard's False Dichotomy. :lol:

This is all the pseudocons have to defend Trump's and their own hypocrisy: "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :lol:
Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.

This is all the pseudocons have to defend Trump's and their own hypocrisy: "B-b-b-b-but Clinton!" :lol:
Hey bud, I know that you say you are a conservative, and bitching about Trump all the fucking time, but since he beat out all your "conservative" candidates, guess what? You have to deal with him, because even though he made plenty of promises, he so far has done a better job than the other choice ever wood. Trump isn't perfect, now get the fuck over it.
Trump beat out the conservatives because as I have been warning for years, the movement has been hijacked by bigots, retards, liars, psychopaths, and hypocrites.

Go ahead, search on my posts. Search on "psychopaths" under my username.

And those assholes picked Trump for two reasons. Mexicans and muslims.

You can go fuck yourself if you think I am going to stop calling out these assholes who are ruining the conservative and Republican brands.
The establishment liberals (R) and (D) are the ones that have ruined the Republicans and are making it hard for President Trump to get any of his promises through. Shame you aren't smart enough to realize that, because it seems that the "conservatives" of the senate are in league with the liberals, to stop Mr. President from being a success. You are a very stupid person, and I am glad to prove it.
Trump said he had a "beautiful" plan to replace ObamaCare. He said he was going to make our health care costs "a tiny fraction" of what they are now. He said he was going to unveil it at the same time his HHS Secretary was confirmed.

Without saying, "B-b-b-b-but Obama" or "B-b-b-b-but Clinton", please explain how "the Establishment" stole the snake oil salesman's plans from his pocket.

While you are at it, please explain why you tards never asked to see his beautiful plan. Please explain why you STILL have not caught on you were massively hoaxed.

The Emperor Has No Clothes


What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
So you don't have any idea where Trump's healthcare plan is.

You know why?

Because he never had one. You were massively hoaxed.

And you STILL have not figured that out! :lol:
You are just a stupid fuck, maybe if you pull your head out of your ass you might know what is going on in this country.

After health care failure, Trump slams GOP senators as ‘fools’ who are ‘wasting time’
From your link:
The president is calling for changes to Senate rules that reveal he doesn’t totally understand how the Senate works.


Tell us, rube. Where is that replacement Trump said HE had?

Tell us why you fools never asked to see it.

Tell us why you just sit there and take these hoaxes from Trump.

What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
If you don't, know, that just shows how stupid you are.
Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

So where is it, andaronjim?

Where is Trump's replacement he said he was going to offer, and why have you not asked?

Why are you just sitting there and taking it up the ass from Trump?
My response to an idiot like you is as follows.


You're stumped. You can't answer my questions as to where Trump's replacement is that he said he had.

You hate to face the fact Trump lied to you, and you can't stand the fact you were so stupid as to not ask to see his plan.

You cannot believe you were that stupid. Trump told you he had a replacement, and you just bleeved him! Like a moron! You never even asked to see his plan! You just took the New York Democrat huckster's word.

And from your response, it is pretty clear you didn't learn your lesson and are getting right back in line to be lied to again and again and again and again.

^ You repeatedly post the same thing. Clearly you do not know what obstruct means. Nor do you apparently have any idea how divisive the politicians in Washington have become. But clearly you are good at trying to misdirect people with nonsense.
There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.

You rubes elected Trump to repeal and replace ObamaCare. He told you he had a "beautiful" plan. He said it over and over and over to your faces in his speeches.

He spit on you, and spit on you. And you sit there and take it.

He golfs more than he did as a civilian, and you sit there and take it.

The man has no clue. And you still haven't caught on.

He told it was going to be "so easy" to replace ObamaCare, and you dumb shits bleeved him.

There is absolutely no one obstructing the New York huckster from producing the Obamacare replacement he said he had.

No one.

Where is it, and why are you cucks just sitting there not asking where it is?

Haven't you figured out yet that he holds you in utter contempt? He knows you will just sit there and guzzle down his lies and NEVER hold him to account.

He KNOWS this about you!

He knows he can golf every fucking day and you won't say a word.

He knows what profound hypocrites you are, and he is taking full advantage of it.

The man goes golfing more now than when he was a private citizen! At taxpayer expense.
congress is not doing it's job. That has been pointed out to you countless times, yet, you post the same tired nonsense over and over. I think that's called spamming.
You are not addressing my post. You are not addressing the fact Trump said he had a replacement and has not produced it.

You are the one spamming with red herrings. Address the question.

Why has Trump not produced his replacement plan, and why are you just sitting there letting him get away with that?

Do you LIKE record high insurance bills? Do you LIKE record high medical costs?

What a pathetic cuck you are, tossing out red herrings to avoid facing the facts!
You are pointless troll. Trump cannot replace it without congress.
They certainly can't replace Obamacare with Trump's replacement, now can they.

And why is that?

Because he lied about having one.

And you sit there and take it, cuck!

Wait a minute, how are taxpayers charged for the President golfing on his own freaking property? Secret Service is in place no matter what so you can't consider than an extra expense. Are lefties worried about gas prices? Trump gets more work done on the golf course than Hussein did on his eight year non stop apology tour. How about the time Hussein took an entourage of several 747's loaded with campaign donors to freaking Norway for the ludicrous reason of lobbying for the Olympics to be held in the crime capital of the U.S., Barry's adopted home town of Chicago?

You see, while you say he gets more done, I'd like to see him actually get more done. The things not getting done on the golf course are nominating his positions in the government that need filled, and pushing the legislation he said he'd push in his first 100 days. He's over 100 days behind on his campaign promises and there's no action there.

That's the issue I have, right now we have a Republican congress with a Republican president. It's not going to get any easier going forward to get some real lasting legislation made to help the US. And we've got nothing to show for it so far. Anyone can make executive orders, just like anyone can roll back the previous presidents ones. We've seen that a few months ago and 8 years before that.

To make a real difference you need legislation. Like Trump himself said "“We have a president that can't get anything done so he just keeps signing executive orders all over the place. He doesn't talk to anybody. He goes out and signs executive orders. In theory you're supposed to the old fashioned way, get everybody into a room and get something people agree on.” And then he signs 50% more than Obama in the same time period. That's not the same actions as the man promised.

That's what I'd rather have him doing. Uniting the party and getting lasting legislation written. Not dividing them on twitter.
That's true. There are a shitload of empty positions Trump still hasn't filled. And the tards think that is Congress's fault when in fact Trump hasn't even nominated or named people to those positions.

The Chumps will never blame Trump for his total incompetence.

It would mean they have to admit to themselves they were hoaxed.

Can anyone tell me why this bastard is allowed to troll nonstop? Everyday?

Calling you out on your hypocrisy is not trolling.

Establishment Republicans and Liberals blocked trump, your homey conservatives included. Want to blame someone blame yourself, you twit.
What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
Everything Trump tries to do.

You mean trump is such a bad leader he can't even get his own party on board?
No, I mean obstructionists that do want want a smaller government, and do not want to place Americans first, and do not want to stop illegals, that do not believe in the BoR's, that do not want to see Americans succeed.

So trump is such a bad leader he can't even get his own party on board.
or the establishment pukes are so bad, that President Trump was elected by more moderates and republicans because he is trying to drain the swamp. You are such a dumbass, I am almost embarrassed that you are in America. Great job of public education making you a poster child of stupidity. That is for sure.
We could have hired Hillary to keep ObamaCare around.

Trump was hired to replace it.

You've been hoaxed.

And whining that it's "The Establisment's" fault is such a pathetic cop-out. Reagan got massive tax cuts and tax reform with a Democratic House.

Trump is a loser and a coward and a liar.

Just look at his face. Watch his face. He knows he is full of shit.

Seems that you want to stir up trouble, by constantly harping on YOUR president? Do you want problems to happen in the US. Were US citizens told not to criticize your homey Obama because if we did we must be racists? Seem that if you are so hell bent on being dissatisfied with YOUR president, then FUCKING LEAVE. God you are like a little whiney bitch on her period. Grow up or get out. Fucking punk...

"B-b-b-b-but Obama!"

I asked a simple question, and you have been triggered by it.

Where is Trump's replacement plan he said he had?

Why are you just sitting there and taking it up the ass from him, cuck?

Who are you going to give the finger to when you get your record high insurance bills?

Maybe you should go to the mirror.

Why should there have to be a replacement plan when the Democrats "KNEW" that with the stupid liberal voters, Obamacare was flawed at the beginning and it is supposed to fail, so single payer could be in place, when Hillary became president. Oh yeah, the bitch lost, and now Obummerare is going to fail. March the sorry ass Democrats out to those that will lose their healthcare, and let the angry mob of US citizens deal with those who stole their healthcare away. Just cant get more stupid than a liberal or g5.000, the worthless fucks.
What did "The Stablishment" block, exactly?

Why did you never ask to see Trump's plan? The Emperor Has No Clothes

Where is it?
Everything Trump tries to do.

You mean trump is such a bad leader he can't even get his own party on board?
No, I mean obstructionists that do want want a smaller government, and do not want to place Americans first, and do not want to stop illegals, that do not believe in the BoR's, that do not want to see Americans succeed.

So trump is such a bad leader he can't even get his own party on board.
or the establishment pukes are so bad, that President Trump was elected by more moderates and republicans because he is trying to drain the swamp. You are such a dumbass, I am almost embarrassed that you are in America. Great job of public education making you a poster child of stupidity. That is for sure.

Wow he feeds you poop and you ask for more. Now that is embarassing.
Remember all the whining about Obama's trips and what they were costing the American taxpayer?

Not one topic has been started by all those whiners to complain about Trump's trips. Not one.

By this point in his Presidency, Obama spent 15 days outside of DC. So far, Trump has traveled 41 times to go golfing at his properties at taxpayer expense.

Trump's weekend trips have already cost us $55 million. Obama's EIGHT YEAR TOTAL was $96 million.

Exclusive: Secret Service depletes funds to pay agents because of Trump's frequent travel, large family

The Secret Service can no longer pay hundreds of agents it needs to carry out an expanded protective mission – in large part due to the sheer size of President Trump's family and efforts necessary to secure their multiple residences up and down the East Coast.

Secret Service Director Randolph "Tex" Alles, in an interview with USA TODAY, said more than 1,000 agents have already hit the federally mandated caps for salary and overtime allowances that were meant to last the entire year.

It's Okay When Trump Does It!™

Well, how else can you keep in such good shape while serving the nation.....LOL

Everything Trump tries to do.

You mean trump is such a bad leader he can't even get his own party on board?
No, I mean obstructionists that do want want a smaller government, and do not want to place Americans first, and do not want to stop illegals, that do not believe in the BoR's, that do not want to see Americans succeed.

So trump is such a bad leader he can't even get his own party on board.
or the establishment pukes are so bad, that President Trump was elected by more moderates and republicans because he is trying to drain the swamp. You are such a dumbass, I am almost embarrassed that you are in America. Great job of public education making you a poster child of stupidity. That is for sure.

Wow he feeds you poop and you ask for more. Now that is embarassing.
Nothing is as embarrassing as the media fed liberals who don pussy costumes, attack old people and cry for more socialism, while they riot loot and burn, calling it a protest.
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