More reasons why this is purely partisan


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
The Latest: Schiff says no-shows more proof of obstruction

Where was this dipshit when Lerner didnt testify? Holder? Kagan's Obamacare conflict of interest? Obama's political director over the political strategy and outreach "scandel?"

They dont give a shit about presidents using exec privilege over investigations. They dont care about presidents abusing their powers.
It's pure partisanship.
Stop voting for these assholes!
The Latest: Schiff says no-shows more proof of obstruction

Where was this dipshit when Lerner didnt testify? Holder? Kagan's Obamacare conflict of interest? Obama's political director over the political strategy and outreach "scandel?"

They dont give a shit about presidents using exec privilege over investigations. They dont care about presidents abusing their powers.
It's pure partisanship.
Stop voting for these assholes!

Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
Chafetz always whined in his books that congress had no power to require testimony.
So the dems are finding out that's true.
Just look at all of the "Contempt of Congress" medals Holder has.
The Latest: Schiff says no-shows more proof of obstruction

Where was this dipshit when Lerner didnt testify? Holder? Kagan's Obamacare conflict of interest? Obama's political director over the political strategy and outreach "scandel?"

They dont give a shit about presidents using exec privilege over investigations. They dont care about presidents abusing their powers.
It's pure partisanship.
Stop voting for these assholes!

Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
Why defend loser politicians?
The OP is a lie
Point it out then, big shot.

Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
The Latest: Schiff says no-shows more proof of obstruction

Where was this dipshit when Lerner didnt testify? Holder? Kagan's Obamacare conflict of interest? Obama's political director over the political strategy and outreach "scandel?"

They dont give a shit about presidents using exec privilege over investigations. They dont care about presidents abusing their powers.
It's pure partisanship.
Stop voting for these assholes!

Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
Why defend loser politicians?

Why lie about what happen? Holder showed up several times and testified and turned over thousand of pages of requested documents. Lerner showed up and gave them a big Fuck You to their face.

That's okay though it's being expedited through the Courts.
The Latest: Schiff says no-shows more proof of obstruction

Where was this dipshit when Lerner didnt testify? Holder? Kagan's Obamacare conflict of interest? Obama's political director over the political strategy and outreach "scandel?"

They dont give a shit about presidents using exec privilege over investigations. They dont care about presidents abusing their powers.
It's pure partisanship.
Stop voting for these assholes!

Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
Why defend loser politicians?

Why lie about what happen? Holder showed up several times and testified and turned over thousand of pages of requested documents. Lerner showed up and gave them a big Fuck You to their face.

That's okay though it's being expedited through the Courts.
You defend the govt pleading the fifth? :lol:
F and F was a 7 year battle. Holder got held in contempt.
Stop with your bullshit spin.
It takes a huge statist to defend the govt pleading the fifth.
Like, could you bow any lower?
The Latest: Schiff says no-shows more proof of obstruction

Where was this dipshit when Lerner didnt testify? Holder? Kagan's Obamacare conflict of interest? Obama's political director over the political strategy and outreach "scandel?"

They dont give a shit about presidents using exec privilege over investigations. They dont care about presidents abusing their powers.
It's pure partisanship.
Stop voting for these assholes!

Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
Why defend loser politicians?

Why lie about what happen? Holder showed up several times and testified and turned over thousand of pages of requested documents. Lerner showed up and gave them a big Fuck You to their face.

That's okay though it's being expedited through the Courts.
You defend the govt pleading the fifth? :lol:
F and F was a 7 year battle. Holder got held in contempt.
Stop with your bullshit spin.

What was she ever charged with? Using an improper selection criteria for selecting applications to verify based on political sounding names? When part of the requirement of these so called non profits was to not be political? Well I take that back a little. That's what the whole IRS mess threatened to expose, the cash cow both parties enjoy. Under the law as written those non profit are not permitted to engage in politics, bus someone change the rule to allow up to half of there activity to be political. That's how CU allows dark, untraceable money into American politics. Neither party wants to change that so the dog and pony show danced around it.

No matter how much Holder turned over, the Republican always asked for more. They never found anything to prove any of their wild conspiracy however.
It takes a huge statist to defend the govt pleading the fifth.
Like, could you bow any lower?

How is stating history defending anyone? She showed up didn't she? I oppose the non-profit status for the political Super-pacs because they allow anonymous donations.
The Latest: Schiff says no-shows more proof of obstruction

Where was this dipshit when Lerner didnt testify? Holder? Kagan's Obamacare conflict of interest? Obama's political director over the political strategy and outreach "scandel?"

They dont give a shit about presidents using exec privilege over investigations. They dont care about presidents abusing their powers.
It's pure partisanship.
Stop voting for these assholes!

Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
Why defend loser politicians?

Why lie about what happen? Holder showed up several times and testified and turned over thousand of pages of requested documents. Lerner showed up and gave them a big Fuck You to their face.

That's okay though it's being expedited through the Courts.
You defend the govt pleading the fifth? :lol:
F and F was a 7 year battle. Holder got held in contempt.
Stop with your bullshit spin.

What was she ever charged with? Using an improper selection criteria for selecting applications to verify based on political sounding names? When part of the requirement of these so called non profits was to not be political? Well I take that back a little. That's what the whole IRS mess threatened to expose, the cash cow both parties enjoy. Under the law as written those non profit are not permitted to engage in politics, bus someone change the rule to allow up to half of there activity to be political. That's how CU allows dark, untraceable money into American politics. Neither party wants to change that so the dog and pony show danced around it.

No matter how much Holder turned over, the Republican always asked for more. They never found anything to prove any of their wild conspiracy however.
Now the goal posts are moved.
It takes a huge statist to defend the govt pleading the fifth.
Like, could you bow any lower?

How is stating history defending anyone? She showed up didn't she? I oppose the non-profit status for the political Super-pacs because they allow anonymous donations.
The government plead the fifth and you basically praised it. Plead the fifth over congressional testimony investigating her abusing her power....
Imagine how you would act if trumps goons plead the fifth. Are you Adam schiff?
It takes a huge statist to defend the govt pleading the fifth.
Like, could you bow any lower?

How is stating history defending anyone? She showed up didn't she? I oppose the non-profit status for the political Super-pacs because they allow anonymous donations.
The government plead the fifth and you basically praised it. Plead the fifth over congressional testimony investigating her abusing her power....
Imagine how you would act if trumps goons plead the fifth. Are you Adam schiff?

Lois Lerner plead the 5th. She was targeted by the Republicans and was not going to get trapped into committing perjury.

Trumpybear'd put himself at risk by opening his mouth under oath and everybody knows it.
Lerner appeared before Congress and plead the 5th. Holder testified to Congress many times. He refused to hand over some documents and was taken to court where I believe it was resolved. There was never a blanket policy for any members of that administration to not testify or ignore lawful subpoenas. In the end Congress will get most of what it has supoenaed.
Why defend loser politicians?

Why lie about what happen? Holder showed up several times and testified and turned over thousand of pages of requested documents. Lerner showed up and gave them a big Fuck You to their face.

That's okay though it's being expedited through the Courts.
You defend the govt pleading the fifth? :lol:
F and F was a 7 year battle. Holder got held in contempt.
Stop with your bullshit spin.

What was she ever charged with? Using an improper selection criteria for selecting applications to verify based on political sounding names? When part of the requirement of these so called non profits was to not be political? Well I take that back a little. That's what the whole IRS mess threatened to expose, the cash cow both parties enjoy. Under the law as written those non profit are not permitted to engage in politics, bus someone change the rule to allow up to half of there activity to be political. That's how CU allows dark, untraceable money into American politics. Neither party wants to change that so the dog and pony show danced around it.

No matter how much Holder turned over, the Republican always asked for more. They never found anything to prove any of their wild conspiracy however.
Now the goal posts are moved.

You brought up Lerner and Holder.
It takes a huge statist to defend the govt pleading the fifth.
Like, could you bow any lower?

How is stating history defending anyone? She showed up didn't she? I oppose the non-profit status for the political Super-pacs because they allow anonymous donations.
The government plead the fifth and you basically praised it. Plead the fifth over congressional testimony investigating her abusing her power....
Imagine how you would act if trumps goons plead the fifth. Are you Adam schiff?

Lois Lerner plead the 5th. She was targeted by the Republicans and was not going to get trapped into committing perjury.

Trumpybear'd put himself at risk by opening his mouth under oath and everybody knows it.
She targeted conservatives. There is no question about it. The govt abused its powers and then the govt plead the fifth. And you support it. That's shameful.
The OP was about people being brought in for questioning.
If you cant stick to the topic, I am done with your hackery.
Why defend loser politicians?

Why lie about what happen? Holder showed up several times and testified and turned over thousand of pages of requested documents. Lerner showed up and gave them a big Fuck You to their face.

That's okay though it's being expedited through the Courts.
You defend the govt pleading the fifth? :lol:
F and F was a 7 year battle. Holder got held in contempt.
Stop with your bullshit spin.

What was she ever charged with? Using an improper selection criteria for selecting applications to verify based on political sounding names? When part of the requirement of these so called non profits was to not be political? Well I take that back a little. That's what the whole IRS mess threatened to expose, the cash cow both parties enjoy. Under the law as written those non profit are not permitted to engage in politics, bus someone change the rule to allow up to half of there activity to be political. That's how CU allows dark, untraceable money into American politics. Neither party wants to change that so the dog and pony show danced around it.

No matter how much Holder turned over, the Republican always asked for more. They never found anything to prove any of their wild conspiracy however.
Now the goal posts are moved.

You brought up Lerner and Holder.
Yes I brought then up as examples to how schiff is a partisan hack.
Are you deliberately being obtuse?
Lois Lerner plead the 5th. She was targeted by the Republicans and was not going to get trapped into committing perjury.

Um, I think you meant to say that her department targeting Conservative groups, which they did. Partisan hacks in the IRS.
Why lie about what happen? Holder showed up several times and testified and turned over thousand of pages of requested documents. Lerner showed up and gave them a big Fuck You to their face.

That's okay though it's being expedited through the Courts.
You defend the govt pleading the fifth? :lol:
F and F was a 7 year battle. Holder got held in contempt.
Stop with your bullshit spin.

What was she ever charged with? Using an improper selection criteria for selecting applications to verify based on political sounding names? When part of the requirement of these so called non profits was to not be political? Well I take that back a little. That's what the whole IRS mess threatened to expose, the cash cow both parties enjoy. Under the law as written those non profit are not permitted to engage in politics, bus someone change the rule to allow up to half of there activity to be political. That's how CU allows dark, untraceable money into American politics. Neither party wants to change that so the dog and pony show danced around it.

No matter how much Holder turned over, the Republican always asked for more. They never found anything to prove any of their wild conspiracy however.
Now the goal posts are moved.

You brought up Lerner and Holder.
Yes I brought then up as examples to how schiff is a partisan hack.
Are you deliberately being obtuse?

You accused me of defending loser politicians. Lerner was not a politician. Furthermore, you seem to think that because Holder didn't submit all the requested documents the Republicans demanded, this President can claim some kind of blanket immunity and no cooperation at all with the House investigations whatsoever.

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