More reasons why this is purely partisan

Lois Lerner plead the 5th. She was targeted by the Republicans and was not going to get trapped into committing perjury.

Um, I think you meant to say that her department targeting Conservative groups, which they did. Partisan hacks in the IRS.

She was the one who came up with the verification selection criteria. Usually the Government pencil pushers (now known as the "Duh-Heap" State) have a great time defining the selection process for verifying a sample of applicants for any Government benefits. There were no rules defined for selecting a sample for verification of these type of non-profit organizations. Her criteria was focused based on politically sounding names, which makes sense if you were trying to ferret out super-pacs who were doing nothing but politics. She should have chosen a random sample. So what was her crime again? Not following non existent rules?

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