More responsible gun owners

There are approximately 235,675,000 gun owners in America (?How Many Americans Own Guns?? | Extrano's Alley, a gun blog).

There are less than a 1000 accidental deaths in the USA caused by gun misuse (Accidental Gun Death Statistics -

So of all the gun owners in America only 0.00000424313143% (approximately) of them fall into the "idiot" category of which you speak. Should all the non-idiots be punished for the idiocy of the minute few?

Now ... if we're really, truly, and honestly concerned about thwarting accidental deaths then perhaps we should focus our attention on the following causes:

1) Automobile accidents = 44,000 per year
2) Falling = 15,000 per year
3) Poisoning = 9,500 per year
4) Fire = 3,700 per year
5) Drowning = 3,500 per year
6) Choking = 3,200 per year
7) Medical malpractice = 3000 per year
8) Guns = 1150 per year
9) Getting hit by car = 1100 per year
10) Electrocution = 500 per year

Top 10 Causes of Accidental Death

So ... going to your doctor for treatment is more dangerous than a gun.

Stop trying to take everyone's right to self protection away based on a handful of fluke accidents.

There goes accidental deaths.
FASTSTATS - Injuries

All firearm deaths
Number of deaths: 31,672
Push that up to 32,672 when you add murders.

The question is, why would you want something that has absolutely no advantage to society but causes so much death?

The OP isn't about ALL GUN DEATHS. It's about an accidental death. Stick to your own topic -- would ya? Guns have many advantages. I've enjoyed them for years. Target shooting, hunting, home protection, self protection, etc.
FYI,these items that have no advantage to society have fed a LOT of homeless and needy people.

from: American hunters donate 2.6 million pounds of meat

"The NRA’s Hunter Services Department, which has provided the Hunters for the Hungry Information Clearinghouse for hunters seeking local places to donate game meat, recently engaged in a research project: just how much did hunters donate across the country last year?

After gathering totals from local organizations all over the U.S., they've come up with a figure: 2,602,863 pounds of meat, or 10,389,912 meals. These totals include deer, elk, antelope, moose, pheasants, and waterfowl.

The Hunters for the Hungry Information Clearinghouse puts interested individuals in touch with programs in their area and fosters public awareness through education, fundraising and publicity. In addition, the staff of the NRA Hunter Services Department works in the field with state governmental agencies conducting evisceration and meat processing preparation of whitetail deer that are distributed to area food banks, soup kitchens, homeless shelters and needy families."

The overwhelming majority of hunters use a firearm to hunt.
So are responsible gun owners.

Then have an obligatory training course, psychological tests and a long cooling off period before a person is allowed to own a gun.
I'm sure responsible gun owners, if they're against idiots having guns, will agree with this.

60+ MILLION unborn American infants have been killed by American women since 1973.

How about having an "obligatory" training course, psychological tests, and a long cooling off period before a female is allowed to have UNPROTECTED SEX?

I'm sure even the adults who support INFANTICIDE, er, "reproductive rights", will agree with this.

This is as idiotic as the notion of an obligatory training course, psychological tests, and a long cooling off period before a person is allowed to own a gun, if not more so – and just as illegal.

An embryo/fetus is not an ‘infant,’ not entitled to Constitutional protections, where abortion is not ‘murder,’ seeking to deny a woman her right to privacy based on such ignorance and nonsense is as much a violation of citizens’ civil liberties as placing unwarranted restrictions on gun ownership simply because others act in an irresponsible manner.

Abortion and gun tragedies are mere symptoms of much more serious problems, where addressing only the symptoms is not only futile, it’s also un-Constitutional.
Swell. Let's expand on that. Every year, thousands of children are either injured or killed through cycling accidents. This is exactly why bikes should be kept away from the general public.

Trying to get them started? Next it'll be lawn darts ...

Our idea of "protection" when I was a kid was a tank top and cut-offs on a bike. Shoes were over-protective parents. We'd build flimsy ramps and jump shitcans. You land in the last can, you know your distance.

We'd get up and do it again just to make sure that was our distance and not a fluke.

Not today. Let's sue Schwinn, the shitcan maker, and call my parents unfit for letting me ride my bike barefoot.

But it wasn't ME. It was the bike, the cans and the flimsy board.:cuckoo:

I miss the good old days:

Lawn darts

Woodburning sets

Playing "war" with our plastic guns

No seatbelts in the back seat of the family station wagon

Riding in the back of pickup trucks

Bicycle helmets not invented yet

No cell phones

No i-Pads

No i-Tunes

No i-Pods

No computers

No video games

The chrome was thick, and the women were straight

You remember Twiggy too?
Trying to get them started? Next it'll be lawn darts ...

Our idea of "protection" when I was a kid was a tank top and cut-offs on a bike. Shoes were over-protective parents. We'd build flimsy ramps and jump shitcans. You land in the last can, you know your distance.

We'd get up and do it again just to make sure that was our distance and not a fluke.

Not today. Let's sue Schwinn, the shitcan maker, and call my parents unfit for letting me ride my bike barefoot.

But it wasn't ME. It was the bike, the cans and the flimsy board.:cuckoo:

I miss the good old days:

Lawn darts

Woodburning sets

Playing "war" with our plastic guns

No seatbelts in the back seat of the family station wagon

Riding in the back of pickup trucks

Bicycle helmets not invented yet

No cell phones

No i-Pads

No i-Tunes

No i-Pods

No computers

No video games

The chrome was thick, and the women were straight

You remember Twiggy too?

Twiggy needed a sandwich. She was a little thin.

We are all VICTIMS of our own technology.

Kids don't need to use their imaginations anymore, like we used to do when I was a kid.

Today, kids just let computer-generated situations replace their imaginations.

Today, kids don't play outside. They have 1,000 TV channels, the internet, and life-like video games that keep them glued to a chair all day and night.

Today, kids don't learn social skills, kids don't EARN privileges, kids don't learn manners, and kids have an entitlement mentality.

What a screwed up country we have created.
I miss the good old days:

Lawn darts

Woodburning sets

Playing "war" with our plastic guns

No seatbelts in the back seat of the family station wagon

Riding in the back of pickup trucks

Bicycle helmets not invented yet

No cell phones

No i-Pads

No i-Tunes

No i-Pods

No computers

No video games

The chrome was thick, and the women were straight

You remember Twiggy too?

Twiggy needed a sandwich. She was a little thin.

We are all VICTIMS of our own technology.

Kids don't need to use their imaginations anymore, like we used to do when I was a kid.

Today, kids just let computer-generated situations replace their imaginations.

Today, kids don't play outside. They have 1,000 TV channels, the internet, and life-like video games that keep them glued to a chair all day and night.

Today, kids don't learn social skills, kids don't EARN privileges, kids don't learn manners, and kids have an entitlement mentality.

What a screwed up country we have created.


Did the aliens do anal probing on you?

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