More Rush...why the left is envious...

"They ... resent the very existence of a program that’s been wildly successful for 24 years and spawned a powerful conservative talk industry which reaches an overall weekly audience of more than 40 million and which more than 1 in 8 Americans describe as “very credible

Limbaugh’s critics seem unable to accept the fact that many of their fellow citizens actually appreciate the opportunity to listen to his opinions on a regular basis, so rather than persuade those poor benighted souls to listen to something else, they mean to take away the broadcast that they enjoy."

"Rather than continuing to compete in the open marketplace, lefties merely yearn to shut down the other side with sponsor boycotts."

"The logic seems to suggest that since we’re suffering at the moment then at least we can make you suffer too; we may not be able to help the poor but we can certainly hurt the rich.
"This reflects the similarly resentful attitude toward powerful voices in radio. There, the left argues that since we can’t get our own messages out to millions of enthusiastic fans, then the least we can do is to stop Limbaugh and colleagues from imparting their dangerous messages to an immense and eager audience. At this point, the critics of the conservative talk medium seem far more concerned with shutting up right-wing voices than with raising left-wing voices as a constructive alternative."

Rush Limbaugh: Why the Left Is Envious - The Daily Beast

There's nothing to envy if you've got a public credibility rating of 12.5%.

If 100 percent of progressive death cultists hate you, then you're doing something right.

The fact that the mere mention of his name produces hysteria in the lefty masses means he's AOK. Anything that can draw leftist hatred and bigotry out into the light of day is a good thing...and that's the purpose Rush serves. For some reason, you loons are incapable of restraining all your most disgusting impulses upon the mere mention of his name.

It's hilarious. It's like showing a crucifix to nosferatu.
"They ... resent the very existence of a program that’s been wildly successful for 24 years and spawned a powerful conservative talk industry which reaches an overall weekly audience of more than 40 million and which more than 1 in 8 Americans describe as “very credible

Limbaugh’s critics seem unable to accept the fact that many of their fellow citizens actually appreciate the opportunity to listen to his opinions on a regular basis, so rather than persuade those poor benighted souls to listen to something else, they mean to take away the broadcast that they enjoy."

"Rather than continuing to compete in the open marketplace, lefties merely yearn to shut down the other side with sponsor boycotts."

"The logic seems to suggest that since we’re suffering at the moment then at least we can make you suffer too; we may not be able to help the poor but we can certainly hurt the rich.
"This reflects the similarly resentful attitude toward powerful voices in radio. There, the left argues that since we can’t get our own messages out to millions of enthusiastic fans, then the least we can do is to stop Limbaugh and colleagues from imparting their dangerous messages to an immense and eager audience. At this point, the critics of the conservative talk medium seem far more concerned with shutting up right-wing voices than with raising left-wing voices as a constructive alternative."

Rush Limbaugh: Why the Left Is Envious - The Daily Beast

There's nothing to envy if you've got a public credibility rating of 12.5%.

If 100 percent of progressive death cultists hate you, then you're doing something right.

The fact that the mere mention of his name produces hysteria in the lefty masses means he's AOK. Anything that can draw leftist hatred and bigotry out into the light of day is a good thing...and that's the purpose Rush serves. For some reason, you loons are incapable of restraining all your most disgusting impulses upon the mere mention of his name.

It's hilarious. It's like showing a crucifix to nosferatu.

The mention of Rush's name sends Republican poiticians cowering

It's hilarious. It's like showing a crucifix to nosferatu

Boo hoo indeed. That's why they left comes stampeding into ANY thread with Rush or Limbaugh or any combination of the two on the thread title. He gets under their skin like no other. They accuse him of all sorts of things he never said when you put his commentary into its full context, and even the NY Times takes his words out of context in an effort to diminish him. And just the same, his popularity and credibility hang in there well enough to keep him at the very top of the game. For a quarter century now and counting.

They can't stand it. And that's why I love it. :)
I'm sure if you strain really hard, you can come up with something original, liewinger.

Scratch that. I'm sure the slavering slows down neural impulses.
In other words, liberals can't attack Limbaugh lest they be labeled as 'envious'.

And yet, Limbaugh can attack liberals 3 hours a day 5 days a week, and somehow, that's legitimate and commendable...

very funny, idiots.

There aren't any Liberals. They are false-flag artists, agents provocateurs. They purposely say and do disgusting things to provide red meat for Jabba the Hutt Limbaugh to rant about. Common sense should tell you that people in power have enough of it to create and control their own fake opposition. This wasn't even in done in 1984, which is why the 1% let it be published.
Unless you think the 1.4 mill that Rachel maddow claimed (and which has since dropped) at her peak last election, and Rush' 40 million are comparable?

Limbaugh gets 14 million listeners a week, not 40.

All Things Considered on NPR gets 11.8. Morning Edition gets 12.3.
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3 hateful words for our friends on the left.....


carry on :)


By the way, the Bush family fortune started the same way. Grandpa Prescott Bush was very handsome but unsuccessful. The daughter of a multi-millionaire saw him at a function once and told Herbert Walker, "Daddy, buy me that one!"
"They ... resent the very existence of a program that’s been wildly successful for 24 years and spawned a powerful conservative talk industry which reaches an overall weekly audience of more than 40 million and which more than 1 in 8 Americans describe as “very credible.”

Limbaugh’s critics seem unable to accept the fact that many of their fellow citizens actually appreciate the opportunity to listen to his opinions on a regular basis, so rather than persuade those poor benighted souls to listen to something else, they mean to take away the broadcast that they enjoy."

"Rather than continuing to compete in the open marketplace, lefties merely yearn to shut down the other side with sponsor boycotts."

"The logic seems to suggest that since we’re suffering at the moment then at least we can make you suffer too; we may not be able to help the poor but we can certainly hurt the rich.
"This reflects the similarly resentful attitude toward powerful voices in radio. There, the left argues that since we can’t get our own messages out to millions of enthusiastic fans, then the least we can do is to stop Limbaugh and colleagues from imparting their dangerous messages to an immense and eager audience. At this point, the critics of the conservative talk medium seem far more concerned with shutting up right-wing voices than with raising left-wing voices as a constructive alternative."

Rush Limbaugh: Why the Left Is Envious - The Daily Beast

There's nothing to envy if you've got a public credibility rating of 12.5%.

If 100 percent of progressive death cultists hate you, then you're doing something right.

The fact that the mere mention of his name produces hysteria in the lefty masses means he's AOK. Anything that can draw leftist hatred and bigotry out into the light of day is a good thing...and that's the purpose Rush serves. For some reason, you loons are incapable of restraining all your most disgusting impulses upon the mere mention of his name.

It's hilarious. It's like showing a crucifix to nosferatu.

I don't know what you're talking about. For one, I've never met a single person who expresses anything remotely resembling hysteria, or hatred toward Rush.

Personally, I think he comes across as a buffoon, and I never listen to him. But he does have a good scam going because he acknowledges he's an entertainer. Frankly, I don't think he really gives a damn about conservative causes except as a vehicle to enrich himself (which he's definitely doing) since his involvement in politics only seems tangential when it comes to the issues themselves and seems meant primarily as a form of personal self-aggrandizement whenever he appears somewhere. I just don't take him seriously. But I admit that conservatives are afraid to cross him because he can rally people either for or against a particular conservative who crosses him publicly. I find that kind of pathetic, but it sure would be good for his ego.

Rush's relationship to the issues themselves reminds me of what pet rocks was to the long term prospects of capital investment. The point is that Rush may seem influential, but he's just a longer term version of a flash in the pan. I mean, you don't hear about anyone buying Rush CDs of his old shows or anything like that, do you? Of course not. But the Beatles still sell CDs, and people still watch reruns of Leave it to Beaver because they have longstanding popularity. What that means is this: When Rush is finally off the air one day, he'll be yesterday's news no later than tomorrow.
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When they go on his show? Rush does NOT have guests on his show. And those who disagree with him get a whole lot more time than those who agree when they call into the radio show, and if they are in any way civil, they are treated very very well.
When they go on his show? Rush does NOT have guests on his show. And those who disagree with him get a whole lot more time than those who agree when they call into the radio show, and if they are in any way civil, they are treated very very well.
YES your MessiahRushie DOES!!!!!

It figures the idiot defending him knows nothing about his show!!!! He just had Cruz on as a guest during the shutdown!

And he screens out anyone who disagrees with him, unless they can outsmart his screener. In that case he cuts them off. He does, however, occasionally have fake callers pretend to disagree with him.
When they go on his show? Rush does NOT have guests on his show. And those who disagree with him get a whole lot more time than those who agree when they call into the radio show, and if they are in any way civil, they are treated very very well.
YES your MessiahRushie DOES!!!!!

It figures the idiot defending him knows nothing about his show!!!! He just had Cruz on as a guest during the shutdown!

And he screens out anyone who disagrees with him, unless they can outsmart his screener. In that case he cuts them off. He does, however, occasionally have fake callers pretend to disagree with him.

THIS is a LIE EDITH...and YOU know it. Liberals are moved to the front of the line by policy.


Rush Riffs on CNN Reporter’s ‘Leaf Blower’ Tweet

"Hearing the roar of the federal government coming to life. Our WH crew tells us NPS employees are back w[ith] their leaf blowers."

10.17.2013 |Truth Revolt


“I look around, and I find all kinds of things to laugh at in this. For example, Jim Acosta, CNN. He went to work today, and he was so excited!

He was so excited that the government's not shut down anymore. He was so excited. Here's what he tweeted, and I'm not making this up. This is word-for-word, is a verbatim quote for a CNN info guy. This is Jim Acosta. He's a senior White House correspondent.

"Hearing the roar of the federal government coming to life. Our WH crew tells us NPS employees are back w[ith] their leaf blowers."

Aw. Be still my beating heart! All is right with the world.

A CNN info guy is rejuvenated, life is worth living again because the federal government has come back to life, as typified by leaf blowers being used by the National Park Service. Right. They're probably aiming them at World War II vets as they try now to get into the World War II Memorial. They probably turn off the leaf blowers when the illegal aliens show up to protest the World War II vets.

Can you imagine, folks? This guy's dead serious. Can you imagine that kind of life?

Rush Riffs on CNN Reporter?s ?Leaf Blower? Tweet | Truth Revolt

ROLMAO, koshergrl, I told you I'd get them wee weed up and drawn to da flame...:smiliehug:
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When they go on his show? Rush does NOT have guests on his show. And those who disagree with him get a whole lot more time than those who agree when they call into the radio show, and if they are in any way civil, they are treated very very well.
YES your MessiahRushie DOES!!!!!

It figures the idiot defending him knows nothing about his show!!!! He just had Cruz on as a guest during the shutdown!

And he screens out anyone who disagrees with him, unless they can outsmart his screener. In that case he cuts them off. He does, however, occasionally have fake callers pretend to disagree with him.

THIS is a LIE EDITH...and YOU know it. Liberals are moved to the front of the line by policy.

A perfect example of a DittoTard stupid enough to believe a pathological liar.

There is no way the coward can debate someone like me in the arena of ideas, and he knows it, which is why the two times I got through to his screener I was screened out rather than moved to the front. Your MessiahRushie is a premeditated liar because he knows suckers like you are stupid enough to believe him. As you well know, there is nothing he won't lie about, from the "Limburger Theorem" that he plagiarized from Noah Rothman but claims he invented, to the term "Generation Text" the liar claims he coined.

June 18, 2013
RUSH: "Generation Text" (My coinage.)


The term generation text was created by a psychologist from New Jersey, Dr. Michael Osit, who published a book in 2008 called "Generation Text".
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"They ... resent the very existence of a program that’s been wildly successful for 24 years and spawned a powerful conservative talk industry which reaches an overall weekly audience of more than 40 million and which more than 1 in 8 Americans describe as “very credible

Limbaugh’s critics seem unable to accept the fact that many of their fellow citizens actually appreciate the opportunity to listen to his opinions on a regular basis, so rather than persuade those poor benighted souls to listen to something else, they mean to take away the broadcast that they enjoy."

"Rather than continuing to compete in the open marketplace, lefties merely yearn to shut down the other side with sponsor boycotts."

"The logic seems to suggest that since we’re suffering at the moment then at least we can make you suffer too; we may not be able to help the poor but we can certainly hurt the rich.
"This reflects the similarly resentful attitude toward powerful voices in radio. There, the left argues that since we can’t get our own messages out to millions of enthusiastic fans, then the least we can do is to stop Limbaugh and colleagues from imparting their dangerous messages to an immense and eager audience. At this point, the critics of the conservative talk medium seem far more concerned with shutting up right-wing voices than with raising left-wing voices as a constructive alternative."

Rush Limbaugh: Why the Left Is Envious - The Daily Beast
I've been able to listen to Pumpkin-head a lot this year and quite frankly, I just don't get it. The guy makes these gross generalizations, he jumps to irrational conclusions, many times he doesn't explain his reasoning behind a claim and anyone who knows their shit and are not intimidated by his big mouth, he cuts off pretty quick.

He say's a lot of weird shit that has no basis in fact.
Limbaugh preaches to the choir. His audience ensures that he will earn enough to push for tax cuts and do whatever is necessary to preserve the tax cuts that he already benefits from. Sure that sounds cynical but he has no motivation to support those less fortunate than himself obtain affordable healthcare because he is concerned that it might raise his taxes. Therein lies the core of his appeal. He is selfish and he uses fearmongering to incite his audience into believing that the ACA will also raise their taxes.

Does Limbaugh have a right to do this? You betcha and I will be the first in line to staunchly defend his right to express himself. Doesn't mean that I agree with what he says but his right to speak is sacrosanct.

Limbaugh's influence is limited and will decline as the voting demographic continues to evolve. His misogyny, homophobia and racism will be unacceptable to the younger and more diverse voters. They don't use the radio as a source of information and if they were to listen to Limbaugh they have the means to instantly fact check his assertions.

Finally the claim that the "left is envious" because they lack someone like Limbaugh is only valid if one needs a single "voice of the party". The diversity of the left means that there will probably always be a chorus of voices harmonizing on the common goal of what is best for the American people and this nation. Even better there will also be voices of dissent to keep the chorus "honest" in those goals.

So yes, Limbaugh is successful at what he does but there is no envy on the left because there is no need for a single counterpart.

Boo hoo indeed. That's why they left comes stampeding into ANY thread with Rush or Limbaugh or any combination of the two on the thread title. He gets under their skin like no other. They accuse him of all sorts of things he never said when you put his commentary into its full context, and even the NY Times takes his words out of context in an effort to diminish him. And just the same, his popularity and credibility hang in there well enough to keep him at the very top of the game. For a quarter century now and counting.

They can't stand it. And that's why I love it. :)

It's nice to have dreams, Foxy.

People will gawk at an overturned tractor trailer too. Doesn't mean they're "envious" of it and it doesn't mean the accident "gets under their skin".

It's not Rush that's the entertainment; it's fantasies of desperation like this.

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