More Snow, Frigid Temperatures.A Nation Held Hostage Thanks To Global Freezing.

So when a tree falls in a forest, and makes a sound, is that Global Warming?
I would like to know what country is melting as we speak from an average temperature of 105.
I really feel sorry for the remaining 342 polar bears who are presently living on floating sheets of ice near the canadian border.
:lalala:. So what will be the excuses coming from the activists this week? A "Global Warming Pause", for the next two months, then come April the Global Warming will start up again, right?. Why can't Obama and Kerry make their declarations of Global Warming this month in Boston? If you respond to this post, please give us your local weather and your ten day forecast, especially if you live in the rust best & northeast. Hey! isn't there another Global Warming Nor' Easter coming our way this weekend? Guess Al Gore wont be around to witness it, probably headed off to either Miami or one of those subtropical islands nearby. :muahaha:

I don't know why you are so unconcerned....don't you realize how bad global warming about six weeks the temperature is going to rise about 40 degrees.............40 degrees........and you aren't worried.........and it happens every year............we are doomed.....doomed I say......
It doesn't matter what the weather does or doesn't do from this point forward. The die has been cast, the claims have been staked. Climate Change is a cottage industry of the Left and they mean to capitalize on it one way or the other... at the cost of tens of trillions of dollars and tens of millions of jobs.

Ya, ignoring our impact on climate makes more sense. Far better to keep peoples jobs, let em make money, and prosper. That they die in extreme weather eventually is a minor detail.

"Consequences, schmonsequences, long as I'm rich."
- Daffy Duck
"Our impact on the environment"? As if anyone knows what the environment would be like had humans never existed.

Is that the baseline? Is that the environment for which we should strive? If you're that concerned about the "environment" then why don't you propose immediate mass extinction of the human race? Because we sure as hell have no proof that ceasing the use of hydrocarbons will return us to that baseline. Cultist alarmist Brotch. :slap:
The mere fact that the AGW agenda is pushed by the left should be enough for objective people to cast doubt. That is simple logic.

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