Moronic US foreign policy

Moronic US foreign policy at it again

The Jewish Press US to Send 400 Soldiers to Train 8216 Moderate 8217 Rebels

US to Send 400 Soldiers to Train ‘Moderate’ Rebels
Now all the U.S. Army has to do is figure which rebel is a fighter and a member of ISIS or Al Qaeda.

On behalf of ISIS, I would like to thank the US of Arse for the training and weapons.
Really, when will the daft bastards learn?

I never understood the US' way of doing things when none of it ever works until I changed how I thought about the US. The USA is not the guys in white hats riding to the recuse then screwing everything up making it even worse. Instead, they're the Empire from Star Wars trying to rule the galaxy while putting up a front of being the good guys. When you view the US through a Star Wars lens, it all makes sense suddenly. Only shortfall to this view is our enemies aren't the Rebels or good guys either. Doesn't seem to be any good guys yet, just bad guys feeding upon themselves. So rather than continue to wave the flag playing favorites, when they're all crap, I quit and follwed decades old advice: tune in, turn on, and drop out.

Have fun storming the castle. :)

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