Still Not Learning From History

We got off the gold standard and clearly both sides know debt doesn't matter. But I believe there will be a crash to right the ship. Like the 2007 Great Recession. And since Reagan, we've given the rich and corporations tax breaks and making cuts to social programs. Breaking unions meant ceo pay could go up 1322% when ours only went up 18%. From 1978 to now. And in those same years, union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 5%. So who's gonna stop companies from hiring illegals for sub American wages? I could go on and on about how the rich waged class warfare on us starting with getting Reagan elected. And Bush 2, he really fucked us good huh?

Last year unions just made out great. They are finally making what they are "worth" because they have a seat at the table. Perhaps it's time for a comeback for unions. We will see. Once uneducated blue collar Trump supporters realize the jobs coming back only pay $15. And the globalists like Bush, McCain and Romney will say they are doing jobs Americans won't do. They'll do em but you got to py em. And if they can make more somewhere else??"

If there are 10 million unfilled jobs how come wages aren't continuing to rise? Because the feds raised interest rates to cool down this red hot economy.
There is an economic class war going on, but only one side is fighting. The extreme wealthy are fighting and the people aren’t.

Income inequality has skyrocketed over the past few decades and both political gangs and our corrupt federal government have sided with the wealthy.

Way past time to eliminate the duopoly.
I don't like conservatives or Republicans. Not fiscally or socially.

Although when I'm with my white conservative friends they're constantly pointing out the shit I say is not very liberal. When I say racist stuff, they agree, but point out that's not very liberal.
There are different kinds of racism. Both fascists and communists are racists. Fascism is through hatred of those they perceive are less human as their tribe is. Communism is hatred of those that make it fiscally harder for their Marxist socialism to work because they are poor and drag down everyone else. If you have both, consider yourself schizophrenic.

So, you agree with communism. You hate that this country was established with basic individual freedom. So, here is what you should immediately do. Sell all you have and give it to the poor. Let me know when you have done this. See, what you liberal democrats don’t do is look at history and realize eventually all will be poor and tens of millions will, that will include you, will be starved to death. Before that, your property will be stolen from you by the government you are helping establish. All your ability to say and believe what you want will end. You will be guilty before proven guilty and innocents won’t matter. In other words, there will be no bill of rights.
Yep, we know Biden is too fucking old to be president...
…until you consider the alternative. Some people age better than others. I’ll take the guy who rides a bike over the guy that rides a golf cart, ON THE GREEN!
…until you consider the alternative. Some people age better than others. I’ll take the guy who rides a bike over the guy that rides a golf cart, ON THE GREEN!
You mean the guy who falls off his bike? Falls down going upstairs? Makes up new words? Shakes hands with ghosts? Can’t find his way off stages and has to have his wife come and get him off the stage? Caused inflation and interest rates to skyrocket? Allows terror to enter the country? Allows drugs in and 10 million illegals who are kicking kids off their playgrounds and soccer fields? Allowed Russia to attack Ukraine? Allowed Iran to attack Israel and Western countries like us? allowing Russia to send nukes into space? Allowing the destruction of the bill of rights? Stupid is as stupid does.
You mean the guy who falls off his bike? Falls down going upstairs? Makes up new words? Shakes hands with ghosts? Can’t find his way off stages and has to have his wife come and get him off the stage? Caused inflation and interest rates to skyrocket? Allows terror to enter the country? Allows drugs in and 10 million illegals who are kicking kids off their playgrounds and soccer fields? Allowed Russia to attack Ukraine? Allowed Iran to attack Israel and Western countries like us? allowing Russia to send nukes into space? Allowing the destruction of the bill of rights? Stupid is as stupid does.
How about the guy that can’t give a speech without glitching out?
How about the guy that can’t give a speech without glitching out?

Yes, the guy who had control of low inflation, low gas costs, low interest rates, protected free speech and religion, protected the Constitution and the bill of rights, who made NATO pay for their own protection, kept Russia and Iran from gaining wealth for the purpose of waging war, kept the boarder closed, started no wars and much more of a safe world. Now, with your babbling idiot Biden, all new jobs are being filled by new illegal aliens squeezing out legal workers. Same with healthcare. Squeezing out legal people from Medicaid and Medicare. Communists! Go live in Russia or China and see how you like the goals of Democrats and Biden.
We got off the gold standard and clearly both sides know debt doesn't matter. But I believe there will be a crash to right the ship. Like the 2007 Great Recession. And since Reagan, we've given the rich and corporations tax breaks and making cuts to social programs. Breaking unions meant ceo pay could go up 1322% when ours only went up 18%. From 1978 to now. And in those same years, union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 5%. So who's gonna stop companies from hiring illegals for sub American wages? I could go on and on about how the rich waged class warfare on us starting with getting Reagan elected. And Bush 2, he really fucked us good huh?

Last year unions just made out great. They are finally making what they are "worth" because they have a seat at the table. Perhaps it's time for a comeback for unions. We will see. Once uneducated blue collar Trump supporters realize the jobs coming back only pay $15. And the globalists like Bush, McCain and Romney will say they are doing jobs Americans won't do. They'll do em but you got to py em. And if they can make more somewhere else??"

If there are 10 million unfilled jobs how come wages aren't continuing to rise? Because the feds raised interest rates to cool down this red hot economy.
No, you retard, because Biden has imported MILLIONS of illegals. THEY are the reason why wages aren't rising you blithering idiot.
We got off the gold standard and clearly both sides know debt doesn't matter. But I believe there will be a crash to right the ship. Like the 2007 Great Recession. And since Reagan, we've given the rich and corporations tax breaks and making cuts to social programs. Breaking unions meant ceo pay could go up 1322% when ours only went up 18%. From 1978 to now. And in those same years, union membership went from 35% of our workforce to 5%. So who's gonna stop companies from hiring illegals for sub American wages? I could go on and on about how the rich waged class warfare on us starting with getting Reagan elected. And Bush 2, he really fucked us good huh?

Last year unions just made out great. They are finally making what they are "worth" because they have a seat at the table. Perhaps it's time for a comeback for unions. We will see. Once uneducated blue collar Trump supporters realize the jobs coming back only pay $15. And the globalists like Bush, McCain and Romney will say they are doing jobs Americans won't do. They'll do em but you got to py em. And if they can make more somewhere else??"

If there are 10 million unfilled jobs how come wages aren't continuing to rise? Because the feds raised interest rates to cool down this red hot economy.
And Biden with his unions and other dumb programs made inflation skyrocket which hurts the same middle class and destroys the poor and low wage earners. 10% inflation is a huge tax on poor and low class wage earners. Forcing minimum wages upward without raising prices will eventually and quickly cause runaway inflation. A huge tax on most of the people. Bidenomics is collapsing the U.S. from within.
And Biden with his unions and other dumb programs made inflation skyrocket which hurts the same middle class and destroys the poor and low wage earners. 10% inflation is a huge tax on poor and low class wage earners. Forcing minimum wages upward without raising prices will eventually and quickly cause runaway inflation. A huge tax on most of the people. Bidenomics is collapsing the U.S. from within.
Nope. And it's not just me saying it

GOP presidential debate: DeSantis says Trump’s spending ‘set the stage for the inflation that we have now’​

…until you consider the alternative. Some people age better than others. I’ll take the guy who rides a bike over the guy that rides a golf cart, ON THE GREEN!
Have you seen both of them on stage lately?
Warren Buffet is old but he's still sharp as a tack.
Trump lost a step or two but he could still do press conferences.
Biden is a hot mess and sinking fast. NFW he could do another 4-years.

Biden falls while bike riding.
Biden trips over sand bags on stage.
Biden falls on AF-1 stairs.
Biden bangs his head getting out of Marine-1.
Biden won't take the cognitive test (and the MSM doesn't insist he take it like they did for Trump)
Biden can't do press conferences. He is a joke, not a leader.
Nope. And it's not just me saying it

GOP presidential debate: DeSantis says Trump’s spending ‘set the stage for the inflation that we have now’​

He’s wrong. The spending was to help offset the China virus affects of the shutdown. That’s not spending. The problem began to happen when Biden and the Democrat run states kept the shutdowns going beyond the 2 weeks Trump started. Republican States opened up immediately while Democrats kept it closed. Then, Biden took over and forced schools and states to remain closed. But he found he couldn’t do that to Republicans. Then, Biden spent more money to give to struggling citizens while making bad oil policies driving up gasoline prices which drove up prices of food and all goods and services. Good thing DeSantis won’t be President. He’s a great governor. Stay there. Stupid Democrats.
Have you seen both of them on stage lately?
Warren Buffet is old but he's still sharp as a tack.
Trump lost a step or two but he could still do press conferences.
Biden is a hot mess and sinking fast. NFW he could do another 4-years.

Biden falls while bike riding.
Biden trips over sand bags on stage.
Biden falls on AF-1 stairs.
Biden bangs his head getting out of Marine-1.
Biden won't take the cognitive test (and the MSM doesn't insist he take it like they did for Trump)
Biden can't do press conferences. He is a joke, not a leader.
Biden is twice the man Trump is and that’s grading on a curve. :cool-45:
We are.

Listen stupid. We elect politicians. They know more than us. Your side is just playing politics with these issues and that's dangerous. It could change the world for the worse. If Republicans win and suddenly our best ally is Putin not England. That's bad. The evil dictators are rooting for Trump.

Except Putin endorsed Joe Biden.
Biden is twice the man Trump is and that’s grading on a curve. :cool-45:

Trump is obviously a dumb fuck but thinking senile corrupt racist genocide Joe is better, is the thinking of someone incapable of thinking.
He’s wrong. The spending was to help offset the China virus affects of the shutdown. That’s not spending. The problem began to happen when Biden and the Democrat run states kept the shutdowns going beyond the 2 weeks Trump started. Republican States opened up immediately while Democrats kept it closed. Then, Biden took over and forced schools and states to remain closed. But he found he couldn’t do that to Republicans. Then, Biden spent more money to give to struggling citizens while making bad oil policies driving up gasoline prices which drove up prices of food and all goods and services. Good thing DeSantis won’t be President. He’s a great governor. Stay there. Stupid Democrats.
You got a link showing this is what happened? Sounds like your opinion.

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