The Most Obvious Political Gaslighting Effort in Modern History

Hmm...., And how would you change the electoral system to be fair, equitable and along the lines of the Constitution?

You'd have to change the constitution.

To be fair and equitable, Proportional Representation.

Get rid of the presidency as an important position, have Congress elected by PR, have the executive as part of Congress.

The Constitution is creaking to the point where it's going to destroy the US. It's going to change at some point, either because the people who win the next civil war change it to whatever they want, or because the people acted sensibly and changed it.

Note: The Founding Fathers included a way of changing the Constitution because they knew it wouldn't stand the test of time. And it's failing right now.
Sorry. Republicans own this problem lock, stock, and barrel.
Spin it anyway you'd like.
So when Biden said the following:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " September 2019

Illegals didn't pay any attention to anything else Biden said except his telling them to
"surge to the border"!
and this is the result...

BidenVSTrumpillegals copy.png

Biden is such a goddamn liar. Pathetic trying to steal credit from Trump.
Then all the horrible human rights violations concerning the vaccines that Trump fast tracked into production were completely Biden's doings. Vaccine passports, mandatory vaccinations regardless...and a corrupt FDA with Faucci lying to the public as real researchers everywhere groaned and did face palms.

Human rights violations, corruption of DOJ, open borders, and runaway inflation....all Biden.
It all starts with getting rid of gerrymandering
Are you referring to what Democrats created and now regret gerrymadering because it's used against them?

The borders been an issue for every president. Including Trump. Yall pretend like it was secure. It wasn’t. Look at the pre COVID numbers. Massive surging at the birder under Trump.

Biden is def not strong on the border. But he definitely is not responsible for everything happening. A small part yes. All of it… no.

The Gaslighting is going on both sides. But what’s new.
Nancy Pelosi and the Neo-Marxist Democrat majority in Congress fought against Trump for every dollar he invested in building the wall.

Nancy Pelosi and the Neo-Marxist Democrat majority in Congress fought against Trump for every dollar he invested in building the wall.

Correct. They were and still are very much against building trumps wall. There’s much more to border security than a wall you know that, right?
Nancy Pelosi and the Neo-Marxist Democrat majority in Congress fought against Trump for every dollar he invested in building the wall.

Most of all America is losing or lost it's capability to protect it's self in case of war/attack
With that attitude, of course there isn't.

Everyone acts like you can't change the electoral system.

Mostly it's because I think a lot of people who are involved in politics, like people who come on here, actually ENJOY the retard mess that is US politics. They don't want change.

And why would baby boomers and Gen-X have to go before that happens?

Germany managed to change their system, in fact everyone with PR changed their system at some point. It can be done. It just requires someone to manipulate the people enough.

What does "gaslighting" mean in a political sense?
The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s., starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman.
The Democrat Neo-Marxists have used "Gaslighting" as a tactic of psychological manipulation making people question their own memory, perception and sanity. It is often used in politics to present false information as true or deny factual information, with the intent of controlling the narrative and maintaining power.
Prime examples Trump colluded with Putin, or "51 former intel agents claim 'Hunter Laptop' is Russian disinformation" as prime examples of Democrat and Quisling Media "Gaslighting".
This is A.A. to World War I Edward Bernays for Wilson, and WWII propaganda by Josef Goebbels for Hitler and his Nazi Party.

See: Connecttions of Bernays and Goebbels propaganda

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So when Biden said the following:
"I would, in fact, make sure that there is, we immediate surge to the border, " September 2019

Illegals didn't pay any attention to anything else Biden said except his telling them to
"surge to the border"!
and this is the result...
View attachment 968687
View attachment 968688

View attachment 968689

"surge to the border" meant a deployment of resources to the border, of course distorted by propagandists to support their goofy "open borders" narrative.

trump does not want to stop the refugees, trump wants to use this as an issue while his golf courses are freshly mown and groomed as cheaply as possible. . . maybe throughout his presidency for life.
"surge to the border" meant a deployment of resources to the border, of course distorted by propagandists to support their goofy "open borders" narrative.

trump does not want to stop the refugees, trump wants to use this as an issue while his golf courses are freshly mown and groomed as cheaply as possible. . . maybe throughout his presidency for life.
Oh really... tell that to the nearly 7.2M illegals entered the US under Biden admin, an amount greater ...
Who ignored everything else Biden says and use that as an excuse to illegally enter killing people, starving people. "But Biden told us to surge to the border"!!!

Oh really... tell that to the nearly 7.2M illegals entered the US under Biden admin, an amount greater ...
Who ignored everything else Biden says and use that as an excuse to illegally enter killing people, starving people. "But Biden told us to surge to the border"!!!

mr biden, and mr mayokas are following our law, to the letter.

if not, they would already be impeached.

any thought that trump's "closed the border" is laughable.

taxpayer gave him enough money to build the great wall of china. where is that wall?

maga gave bannon enough money to build the west bank wall. where is it?
The expression, which derives from the title of the 1944 film Gaslight, became popular in the mid-2010s., starring Charles Boyer and Ingrid Bergman.
The Democrat Neo-Marxists have used "Gaslighting" as a tactic of psychological manipulation making people question their own memory, perception and sanity. It is often used in politics to present false information as true or deny factual information, with the intent of controlling the narrative and maintaining power.
Prime examples Trump colluded with Putin, or "51 former intel agents claim 'Hunter Laptop' is Russian disinformation" as prime examples of Democrat and Quisling Media "Gaslighting".
This is A.A. to World War I Edward Bernays for Wilson, and WWII propaganda by Josef Goebbels for Hitler and his Nazi Party.

See: Connecttions of Bernays and Goebbels propaganda


Are you suggesting Republicans don't do this?

Like how they tell us nobody should do an impeachment that is pointless, like the one they did to Clinton?

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