Let's remember what the country was actually like under Trump

Well-founded charges of corruption, nepotism, and collusion with foreign adversaries

Trump, early on, fired his own national security and FBI directors.

the highest number in history of staff and cabinet turnover at 85%. A combination of people getting fired or quitting because Trump was incompetent or they refused to do something iillegal.

Without the inclusion of the pandemic factors, the economy grew at a pace of 2.6%. With the pandemic factored in, it drops to 1.4%. Under Obama, the average growth of the economy was 2.3%. Under Biden, it is 3.4%.

The inflation issue actually began to rise in Trump's final year which means if he remained president, we would still have the bad inflation issue we have now.

The unemployment rate was higher under Trump.

Trump blow up the deficit. 8 trillion in total was added to the debt in 4 years.

Trump's tariffs did nothing at all.

The stock market is doing better now.

He sucked up to enemy dictators like Putin and Un.

It's a lie there was no war under Trump. Troops in Afghanistan were fighting through out.

Fascist Muslim bans, family separations,

January 6th.

He was the only president in history besides Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than what the economy started with.

He pretended the pandemic would magically stop in the early days. This despite the fact that the death toll in America alone is well over 2 million people.

Non-intellectually honest person claiming Trump's four year total of 1.9 million is somehow worse than Biden's 2.2 million average per year!

I definitely see why you need to hire someone to do this for you.

Ask your hired guys which is better.

494,000 average per year under Trump...

Or 2,160,000 average per year under Biden.

If they says 2.16 MILLION is better than 494,000 fire them immediately and demand your bosses money back.

Do you even understand that those 2.16 million were not new people, but returning people who had been laid off, fired. or just quit in fear, from the lefts pandemic hoax?
Trump put three conservatives on the Supreme Court. That accomplishment will have you folks squealing for decades.
Any conservative could have done that. What did Trump actually do?
Well-founded charges of corruption, nepotism, and collusion with foreign adversaries

Trump, early on, fired his own national security and FBI directors.

the highest number in history of staff and cabinet turnover at 85%. A combination of people getting fired or quitting because Trump was incompetent or they refused to do something iillegal.

Without the inclusion of the pandemic factors, the economy grew at a pace of 2.6%. With the pandemic factored in, it drops to 1.4%. Under Obama, the average growth of the economy was 2.3%. Under Biden, it is 3.4%.

The inflation issue actually began to rise in Trump's final year which means if he remained president, we would still have the bad inflation issue we have now.

The unemployment rate was higher under Trump.

Trump blow up the deficit. 8 trillion in total was added to the debt in 4 years.

Trump's tariffs did nothing at all.

The stock market is doing better now.

He sucked up to enemy dictators like Putin and Un.

It's a lie there was no war under Trump. Troops in Afghanistan were fighting through out.

Fascist Muslim bans, family separations,

January 6th.

He was the only president in history besides Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than what the economy started with.

He pretended the pandemic would magically stop in the early days. This despite the fact that the death toll in America alone is well over 2 million people.

You have pissed away any and all credibility that you may have once had.

Learn to use your own words and not just parrot your echo chamber.
Do you even understand that those 2.16 million were not new people, but returning people who had been laid off, fired. or just quit in fear, from the lefts pandemic

These are immigration encounters by border patrol, not employment numbers.
Well-founded charges of corruption, nepotism, and collusion with foreign adversaries

Trump, early on, fired his own national security and FBI directors.

the highest number in history of staff and cabinet turnover at 85%. A combination of people getting fired or quitting because Trump was incompetent or they refused to do something iillegal.

Without the inclusion of the pandemic factors, the economy grew at a pace of 2.6%. With the pandemic factored in, it drops to 1.4%. Under Obama, the average growth of the economy was 2.3%. Under Biden, it is 3.4%.

The inflation issue actually began to rise in Trump's final year which means if he remained president, we would still have the bad inflation issue we have now.

The unemployment rate was higher under Trump.

Trump blow up the deficit. 8 trillion in total was added to the debt in 4 years.

Trump's tariffs did nothing at all.

The stock market is doing better now.

He sucked up to enemy dictators like Putin and Un.

It's a lie there was no war under Trump. Troops in Afghanistan were fighting through out.

Fascist Muslim bans, family separations,

January 6th.

He was the only president in history besides Hoover to leave office with fewer jobs than what the economy started with.

He pretended the pandemic would magically stop in the early days. This despite the fact that the death toll in America alone is well over 2 million people.

The disaster that was the Trump administration is pretty well documented.

What has been likely forgotten is just how disgusting the GOP was BEFORE the blob oozed onto the scene. They seem tame by today’s standards because in the past, it was the rank and file who were bat-shit-crazy. Today, it’s the candidates and elected officials who are setting the standards for nutty behavior, the loss of decorum, etc...

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