Moscow empire can offering millions of Europeans and Americans 10 hectares of land each, no senx ivan, a good try . the Hans AND MUSLIMS TAKE IT


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
Moscow empire can offering millions of Europeans and Americans 10 hectares of land each, no senx ivan, a good try . the Hans AND MUSLIMS TAKE IT

Moscow empire can offering millions of Europeans and Americans 10 hectares of land each, no senx ivan, a good try . the Hans AND MUSLIMS TAKE IT

I don't speak or read Russian.

Apparently, Russia is one of the sanest countries in the world, they tolerate all of the woke shit going on in the west. Ask Edward Snowden who moved there.
I don't speak or read Russian.

Apparently, Russia is one of the sanest countries in the world, they tolerate all of the woke shit going on in the west. Ask Edward Snowden who moved there.
Muscovy SUCKS

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
I don't speak or read Russian.

Apparently, Russia is one of the sanest countries in the world, they tolerate all of the woke shit going on in the west. Ask Edward Snowden who moved there.

The bottom line: Putin has drastically accelerated Russia's decline to the point of chaos in the near future.

Moscow empire can offering millions of Europeans and Americans 10 hectares of land each, no senx ivan, a good try . the Hans AND MUSLIMS TAKE IT

Thiers already American cowboys and Chinese farmers there

Russia crossed my mind years ago while I was planning to leave Gotham

Central or S.America to

I bet ya a lot of westerners who see the writing on the wall may consider taking them up on that offer.. especially western Europeans ,Aussies ,and new zelanders ,

Didn't they already offer white south Africans a similar deal a couple years ago ...I think so

Meanwhile in Nazi Ukraine many government officials resigned over corruption ?

Demockwacy yea!
Oh I decided to stay n wot not I wanna be around when this whole shit show collapses

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Yeah, family was the main reason why I stayed too. Though, I am not an American and I wanted to move in the opposite direction than yours.

So, you think that a civil war is coming into the US? I know that this stance is quite popular among the Americans. Though, I think it is far-fetched. Looking from afar.

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