MOSCOW: Trains anti Trump US radicals-CNN's Putin/Trump link debunked


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

NEW YORK – A story reported this week by INFOWARS gives President Trump a tremendous advantage in dealing with Vladimir Putin and Russia.

The story also exposes the “Fake News” behind the narrative advanced by Hillary Clinton that Putin supplied Wikileaks with emails Russia hacked from John Podesta’s emails.

The violent anti-Trump protests and disruptive demonstrations aimed at shutting down Trump rallies during the 2016 presidential campaign and the Trump inaugural on January 20, 2017, were covertly organized by several U.S.-based Marxist-Leninist groups whose top operatives have ties to Russia through Putin’s “Anti-Globalist Movement” headquartered in Moscow.

This has been thoroughly documented by New Zealand-based activist ................................
Moscow Trains Anti-Trump US Radicals – CNN’s Putin/Trump Link Debunked

Just as we have our libtards so does Russia when the world is brainwashed from that little One world order/UN/Soros control freaks no wonder the world doesn't know it's ass from a hole in the ground.
Darn, my tinfoil hat is at the cleaners and I just can't seem to pick up the sanity of the OP. It's all coming in rattling like insanity.
Reported by infowars. Its just made up bullshit. Quit posting conspiracy gossip trash please.
Putin is the only reliable leader (and actually the only true leader) an honest patriot like Trump can deal with.

The majority of other 'leaders' have been Soros/Obama puppets and will be replaced by their countries as soon as new elections start. That's why they are trying to make their people to believe Trump and Putin are threats to the world order. There is some truth to that though: those two are threats to Globalists' world order.
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