Most Mormons are not far right tardos


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
Here is a wonderful example that is true even 76 years later about how Mormon Nation thinks about government.

"Some persons have peculiar notions about our government, its activities, services and costs. They look upon the cost of government as a burden upon society. Taxes are considered an evil and something to be avoided (or even evaded) if possible.

In reality, the expense of government is no more of a burden than the cost of telephone, transportation or Postal Service. For example, if a business concern should purchase a truck for delivery service, that would be a legitimate expense. But if the same business is asked to pay a gasoline tax to help construct and maintain a hard surface road over which the truck is to operate, that would probably be regarded as a burden, because it is a governmental function.

Likewise the typical taxpayer considers his payments for fire insurance an ordinary expense. But he "knows" that his payments in the form of taxes to keep a trained and well-equipped fire department to protect his home and property are not an expense, but a burden. Similarly, the cost of his summer cottage or his country club is not a burden, though the cost of public parks is a burden; the education of his daughter at a private musical conservatory is merely an expense, but payments through taxes for their education and public schools is a burden.

In spite of this inexplicable attitude toward taxes and government, people continue to press for more governmental services. The question is not one of expense, if we really want the service; it is merely a question of who can render the service best at the least cost. If the government can build our roads, provide public parks and educate our children more effectively and more efficiently than we could do it ourselves, then the people are justified in shifting such functions from private service to public or governmental service.

Some of the more recent fields of governmental intervention are along the lines of economic and social welfare. Considerable labor legislation, including minimum wage laws, compensation and insurance laws, eight hour day laws, child labor laws, and laws requiring factory and mine sanitation have been enacted in recent years.

Public health is being promoted through clinics, hospitals, publicity and medical supervision. Community recreation is provided through public parks and supervised playgrounds. Pure food laws regulate what we eat and drink.

In many respects the government has become an agency of social reform."

- Priesthood and Church Welfare; A Study Course for the Quorums of the Melchizedek Priesthood for the year 1939 - prepared under the direction of the Council of the Twelve, pages 105-107
However all bed wetters are libtards like you fakey.

Man, I've seen some bait threads in my lifetime; but have to give you credit jake, this one tops em all.
Man, I've seen some bait threads in my lifetime; but have to give you credit jake, this one tops em all.
Here is tyroneweaver's inner self

Man, I've seen some bait threads in my lifetime; but have to give you credit jake, this one tops em all.

Not really. It's no more impressive that any of this fool's other attempts at anti-Mormon baiting. JakeStarkey seems to fancy himself a master of that art, but he is not; at least not in the way that he thinks he is.
I think highly of most Mormons, who are fine people.

Making fools of the blaylocks is easy and enjoyable to do.

Just don't be like Bob Blaylock.
I think highly of most Mormons, who are fine people.

Making fools of the blaylocks is easy and enjoyable to do.

Just don't be like Bob Blaylock.
Meanwhile you condemn a Christian church for not supporting ACTIVE continued sinning. Go figure.
I condemn the church for not supporting its baptized and priesthood youth who live in LGBT households. Despicable.
I think highly of most Mormons, who are fine people.

Making fools of the blaylocks is easy and enjoyable to do.

Just don't be like Bob Blaylock.
Meanwhile you condemn a Christian church for not supporting ACTIVE continued sinning. Go figure.
I condemn the church for not supporting its baptized and priesthood youth who live in LGBT households. Despicable.
Once again for the slow and stupid..... A married couple that is gay is PRACTICING Sin, even Jesus would condemn them. Their children are faced with two conflicting sources of authority, their parents which have chosen to practice sin and the Church. It is NOT in the children's interest to create that friction and that problem. Until they are free of their Parents control they can not be placed in the position of choosing whom to believe.That you would inflict that on children proves what a dumb ass you are. As for the priesthood that is left to the local Bishop and his advisers to rule on.
Cult members can be any political persuasion right or left. Right now the cults with the most political influence are the tea tards, we need to keep their religion out of government like the founders intended.
The Mormon church punishes children, baptized and priesthood holders alike, for the actions of their LGBT parents in whose homes they live.

The church punishes children. And God will repay.
Op-ed: Dear Mormon leaders: Know the truth about homosexuality
By Sam Wolfe
First Published Nov 21 2015 06:21PM •

To Mormon leaders:

As a child, I attended weekly Sunday school bearing a secret, knowing that it was unsafe to tell anyone. I heard only negativity about gay people. Such lessons sank deep: being gay is a "perversion," so I was a perversion.

No visible LGBTQ people existed in my world. Being discovered could mean death — like Matthew Shepard, who a Mormon-raised boy crucified, hanging him to bleed to death on a desolate Wyoming fence one bitter night.

My teenage body became emaciated through fasting and prayer upon dark Pacific seas while an airman fighting what you said was my dragon to slay. For years, I pled for fortitude to overcome what you taught was a temptation. Later, I served two years as a missionary managing to hide my homosexuality for fear of being sent home in disgrace.

At Brigham Young University, I tried conversion therapy in the counseling center modeled from Joseph Nicolosi. His theories deceived many: homosexuality is a developmental disorder surmountable through "therapy" to reach one's "full heterosexual potential." Earlier aversion therapy at BYU hooked boys' penises to heinous contraptions while inducing vomiting when aroused to cure a disease that does not exist.

One night, a brother from the conversion-therapy group planned to leap off a cliff in Provo Canyon to release the pain of your false teachings. We saved him. Yet untold others are lost — including Stuart, whose blood stains the steps of a Mormon chapel, his final plea, a senseless sacrifice, for greater understanding.

Members embraced me when I came out during testimony meeting asking whether there is a place for us. But leadership swiftly convened a court. That stormy night in a room without air-conditioning, 17 men held an appalling trial with false witnesses. By 2 a.m., the stake president pronounced excommunication for "apostasy"— a severing from the church of my pioneer ancestors and eternal damnation — because I showed up at church as a self-affirming gay person.

My story is not unique. More than 500,000 Mormons are LGBTQ.
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