Most Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries That Nobody Can Explain


Senior Member
Feb 13, 2020
For centuries, archaeologists have made discoveries that have left us amazed and confounded. Such discoveries are also a great chance to see the centuries of old objects. Here are 5 of the Most Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries ever made.

Antikythera Mechanism This artifact is over 2,000 years old and was found in a Greek treasure ship, but the weird part is how it works. It contains gears and symbols in the bronze and almost looks like a modern-day analog clock. It’s been confirmed that it is an astronomical calendar, but why and how it was made by the ancient Greeks, as well as why no similar devices have been found is still a mystery.

Diquis Spheres
Also known as the stone spheres of Costa Rica, Diquis Spheres are believed to be carved around the turn of the millennium. Several speculations surround the spheres and what they may have been used for. But until now no one is completely sure what the strange spheres are designed for.

The Longyou Caves, China
The Longyou Caves are a series of artificially carved caves which date back more than 2,000 years. The caves are one of the largest structures ever excavated by human hands. First discovered in 1992, 24 caves have been found to date, one of which has been developed as a tourist attraction. However, there is no historical record of their construction that involved the removal of more than millions cubic meters of rock.
For centuries, archaeologists have made discoveries that have left us amazed and confounded. Such discoveries are also a great chance to see the centuries of old objects. Here are 5 of the Most Mysterious Archaeological Discoveries ever made.

Antikythera Mechanism This artifact is over 2,000 years old and was found in a Greek treasure ship, but the weird part is how it works. It contains gears and symbols in the bronze and almost looks like a modern-day analog clock. It’s been confirmed that it is an astronomical calendar, but why and how it was made by the ancient Greeks, as well as why no similar devices have been found is still a mystery.

Diquis Spheres
Also known as the stone spheres of Costa Rica, Diquis Spheres are believed to be carved around the turn of the millennium. Several speculations surround the spheres and what they may have been used for. But until now no one is completely sure what the strange spheres are designed for.

The Longyou Caves, China
The Longyou Caves are a series of artificially carved caves which date back more than 2,000 years. The caves are one of the largest structures ever excavated by human hands. First discovered in 1992, 24 caves have been found to date, one of which has been developed as a tourist attraction. However, there is no historical record of their construction that involved the removal of more than millions cubic meters of rock.

And just think, in 2,000 years, they will find clues of buried cities and all kinds of strange things under the sands that imply there was once a flourishing human civilization on Earth but they will have no idea where it all went! No one would ever believe it was all done away by a tiny germ too small to even be seen by the eye too weak to make 80% of the people even sick!


It was done in instead by inept government overreach preying on human fear.
I'm always amazed by Eratosthenes of Cyrene (in Ancient Egypt). Nearly 300 years before the Common Era, Eratosthenes was able to determine the circumference of The Earth, to a high degree of accuracy, with nothing but sticks, shadows, feet, and some pretty cool math.

The Ancients were no less intelligent than people today. They developed complex mathematics, metallurgy, architecture, and other sciences with no access to modern technology.

If the Greek Civilization had not collapsed, there is every reason to believe that the scientific advancements of The Ancients would have continued and we could have been 1,000 years further technologically than we are today.

Humans could have already gone to the stars.
I watch the History Channel.
Ancient civilizations are obviously too simple to do such things. Must have been ancient aliens
E. T. Lives!
I'm always amazed by Eratosthenes of Cyrene (in Ancient Egypt). Nearly 300 years before the Common Era, Eratosthenes was able to determine the circumference of The Earth, to a high degree of accuracy, with nothing but sticks, shadows, feet, and some pretty cool math.

The Ancients were no less intelligent than people today. They developed complex mathematics, metallurgy, architecture, and other sciences with no access to modern technology.

If the Greek Civilization had not collapsed, there is every reason to believe that the scientific advancements of The Ancients would have continued and we could have been 1,000 years further technologically than we are today.

Humans could have already gone to the stars.
Yes, he was a polymath who also calculated the tilt of the Earth and the distance to the sun and moon, using mathematics and trigonometric measurements.

His father was Al Gore who invented everything else.

A British museum curator has built a working replica of a 2,000-year-old Greek machine that has been called the world's first computer.
A dictionary-size assemblage of 37 interlocking dials crafted with the precision and complexity of a 19th-century Swiss clock, the Antikythera mechanism was used for modeling and predicting the movements of the heavenly bodies as well as the dates and locations of upcoming Olympic games.
The original 81 shards of the Antikythera were recovered from under the sea (near the Greek island of Antikythera) in 1902, rusted and clumped together in a nearly indecipherable mass. Scientists dated it to 150 B.C. Such craftsmanship wouldn't be seen for another 1,000 years — but its purpose was a mystery for decades.
There is much we don’t know about our ancient past. Some civilizations are much older and sophisticated then the experts want to admit. A good example is Gobekli Tepe, which may be over 12,000 years old.
Beautiful and interesting video!!
The Antikytera Mechanism is so fascinating! :adoreheart:
I don't know what happened to us but it looks like our ancestors were smarter than us :(
We tend to underestimate the power of slave labor and/or religious idolatry in ancient civilizations. Ancient carved junk can be found all over the world.

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