Most Obamacare Facebook, Twitter Comments Fake...IS There Anything Real About Obama?


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
It was found that 60% of the Obamacare positive comments were coming from the same people and 70% of the Twitter were coming from the same people, the Washing Times analytic team asked the Organizing for Acton if they were being paid. They declined to answer! :)

Obamacare Facebook page comments mostly from small group of supporters from Organizing for Action.

Americans began heading anew this weekend to President Obama’s official Obamacare Facebook page to gather information on the new round of health care enrollment, share their experiences shopping for insurance on the federal exchange and voice their opinions on the president’s signature domestic achievement.

However, what some would view as a robust marketplace of ideas is actually controlled by just a few, an analysis of the Web page shows.

Sixty percent of the site’s 226,838 comments generated from September 2012 to early last month can be attributed to fewer than 100 unique profiles, according to an analysis completed by The Washington Times with assistance from an outside data analytics team. Many of those profiles belong to just one person who created multiple aliases or personas to widen her influence and multiply her voice.

The official Obamacare page is controlled by Organizing for Action, the president’s former political action committee and now a nonprofit group. It has more than 771,000 Facebook “likes” and is updated every day with a new link promoting the policy.

The more likes, links, content and comments generated off the site move it higher in the list of Google searches, meaning the very few who are posting on the site obsessively are able to drive it as a top return in another person’s Google search — no matter the ideological tilt of the comments.

Organizing for Action declined to comment to The Times when asked whether it hired paid commentators to post on the site during high-traffic days or tried to spur online conversation through volunteers.

Organizing for Action also handles the president’s Twitter feed. This summer, it was found that nearly half of the president’s 43 million followers at the time appeared to be fake, according to researchers at Barracuda, a computer security company in Campbell, California. Organizing for Action also declined to comment at that time.

Read more: Obamacare Facebook page comments mostly from small group of supporters - Washington Times

Barack Obama is political king of the fake Twitter followers, with more than 19.5 MILLION online fans who don't really exist
Barack Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake Twitter followers Daily Mail Online
Read more:Barack Obama has 19.5 MILLION fake Twitter followers Daily Mail Online

As we found out from Gruber, everything is for show...fooling the people is the name of the game. Especially when it comes to Obamacare. Probably everything else when it comes to Obama.
Obama lies, cheats and has no regard for others when he lies and it hurts them. He is without conscience, And that is scary. Very scary... He wanted a Signature Legislation and he didn't care who got hurt for it. "You can keep your insurance and doctor" He knew that was a lie. Sure, that hurt many personally and financially. but it was worth it...for him.

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