Most overrated coach in the NFL right now is


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014

His teams have missed the playoffs far too much for him to be considered a great coach. How does a true great coach miss the playoffs 2 seasons in a row? And he has missed the playoffs 4 times in the last 5 years. Since he has been coaching in the NFL he had missed the playoffs 9 times since 1995 which led to his firing in Jacksonville. So yeah he won 2 SB's but what does all that really mean when he can't get his team back to the playoffs?

When we people start to realize he is overrated as a coach? Will it take him to miss the playoffs again this season which would be 5 times in the last 6 years? Or do you get a lifetime pass once you win the SB?
That is a long time. What do you think of Jeff Fisher? He seems above average but not great. Perhaps on the national level he is not revered as much as he is here.
That is a long time. What do you think of Jeff Fisher? He seems above average but not great. Perhaps on the national level he is not revered as much as he is here.

I think Andy Reid is better than Fisher too due to him missing the playoffs so many times
Two Super Bowl wins and you are considered overrated.

Most overrated Head coach, Jason Garrett, if he was with any other team he'd be gone, however he works for the most overrated General Manager.

Rex Ryan is an other overrated coach.
Two Super Bowl wins and you are considered overrated.

Most overrated Head coach, Jason Garrett, if he was with any other team he'd be gone, however he works for the most overrated General Manager.

Rex Ryan is an other overrated coach.

Why would Jason Garrett be overrated and never won anything? he stinks

His teams have missed the playoffs far too much for him to be considered a great coach. How does a true great coach miss the playoffs 2 seasons in a row? And he has missed the playoffs 4 times in the last 5 years. Since he has been coaching in the NFL he had missed the playoffs 9 times since 1995 which led to his firing in Jacksonville. So yeah he won 2 SB's but what does all that really mean when he can't get his team back to the playoffs?

When we people start to realize he is overrated as a coach? Will it take him to miss the playoffs again this season which would be 5 times in the last 6 years? Or do you get a lifetime pass once you win the SB?
actually the honor of the most overrated coach in the NFL right now would belong to Belecheat.ESPN and the mainstream sports always kiss his ass because if they dont,they arent granted locker room interviews by him.privately they dont think much of a belecheat but publicly they have to kiss his ass to get interviews from and the players and call him the greatest coach ever or he wont allow them to interview them.

thats why you never hear them report the truth that my talk radio here does that before he became the coach of the patriots and tom brady resurrected his career from the toliet,before tom brady came along and saved his career,he was a miserable failure at cleveland.he didnt accomplish jack shit there.see my local talk radio they dont kiss his ass and are objective about that poiting out those facts cause they dont care about getting interviews with belecheat. Oh and lets not forget he came in second in a players poll as the most overrated coach in the NFL a year ago or

sure he had a winning season with matt cassel one year,but so did todd haley with the chiefs,does that mean todd haley is a good coach as well? no. when you got players like randy moss to throw to who at that time hadnt fizzled out yet and was still being compared to jerry rice,when you have players like that to throw to and a good offenseive line that he had at the time,that takes a ot of pressure off a quarterback.

Belecheat keeps winning every year because he has brady,one of the top 5 best quarterbacks ever who he didnt even think was good enough to be a starter his second season.only put him in there when he had no choice because of an injury to bledsoe.

Look who coughlin has to work with as his quarterback.Happy feet panicking Eli Manning who now throws the ball up to get rid of it because he is now afraid to take a hit. Doesnt matter who the coach is,Vince Lombardi couldnt do anything with a quarterback like that who refuses to take a hit for the team.

Belecheat takes the cake and many players agree.:biggrin:
as you can see he finished second in the poll behind rex

Rex Ryan of New York Jets voted most overrated coach - ESPN New York

Belecheat is the one who SHOULD have finished in first way ahead of Ryan though.Ryan at LEAST got his team to two AFC title games with a lame duck quarterback has been named mark sanchez.Now thats quite a coaching job.
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That is a long time. What do you think of Jeff Fisher? He seems above average but not great. Perhaps on the national level he is not revered as much as he is here.

Jeff Fisher has become a liability.He has lost it.he has gotten senial,thats why the titans let him go.anybody who goes and hires mr conservative brian SHITTENHEIMER as their offensive coordinater has been smoking something.:biggrin: He finally got fired by the jets because the fans demanded it once chantting at a game FIRE SHOTTY,FIRE SHOTTY.

He kept his job there for years despite three different coachs not because the coachs there wanted him as their offensive coordinater,but because he had special connections.The General manager of that team when he was there used to work for the chiefs and thats how he got the job in the first place.

The owner then got wise and fired that GM.shortly after tat,the next year after he had been fired,since Shittenheimer no longer had him in his corner anymore,the new GM fired him.

Had it been any other team he would have been fired a long time ago.Fisher is going to get the ax this year thank god..they will have another losing season with the loss of Bradford for the entire season. and the new coach wont want to keep shittenheimer.He will bring in his own man because Brian wont have the GM he had in new york who protected his butt for so long to protect him anymore to survice a new

His teams have missed the playoffs far too much for him to be considered a great coach. How does a true great coach miss the playoffs 2 seasons in a row? And he has missed the playoffs 4 times in the last 5 years. Since he has been coaching in the NFL he had missed the playoffs 9 times since 1995 which led to his firing in Jacksonville. So yeah he won 2 SB's but what does all that really mean when he can't get his team back to the playoffs?

When we people start to realize he is overrated as a coach? Will it take him to miss the playoffs again this season which would be 5 times in the last 6 years? Or do you get a lifetime pass once you win the SB?
actually the honor of the most overrated coach in the NFL right now would belong to Belecheat.ESPN and the mainstream sports always kiss his ass because if they dont,they arent granted locker room interviews by him.privately they dont think much of a belecheat but publicly they have to kiss his ass to get interviews from and the players and call him the greatest coach ever or he wont allow them to interview them.

thats why you never hear them report the truth that my talk radio here does that before he became the coach of the patriots and tom brady resurrected his career from the toliet,before tom brady came along and saved his career,he was a miserable failure at cleveland.he didnt accomplish jack shit there.see my local talk radio they dont kiss his ass and are objective about that poiting out those facts cause they dont care about getting interviews with belecheat. Oh and lets not forget he came in second in a players poll as the most overrated coach in the NFL a year ago or

sure he had a winning season with matt cassel one year,but so did todd haley with the chiefs,does that mean todd haley is a good coach as well? no. when you got players like randy moss to throw to who at that time hadnt fizzled out yet and was still being compared to jerry rice,when you have players like that to throw to and a good offenseive line that he had at the time,that takes a ot of pressure off a quarterback.

Belecheat keeps winning every year because he has brady,one of the top 5 best quarterbacks ever who he didnt even think was good enough to be a starter his second season.only put him in there when he had no choice because of an injury to bledsoe.

Look who coughlin has to work with as his quarterback.Happy feet panicking Eli Manning who now throws the ball up to get rid of it because he is now afraid to take a hit. Doesnt matter who the coach is,Vince Lombardi couldnt do anything with a quarterback like that who refuses to take a hit for the team.

Belecheat takes the cake and many players agree.:biggrin:
as you can see he finished second in the poll behind rex

Rex Ryan of New York Jets voted most overrated coach - ESPN New York

Belecheat is the one who SHOULD have finished in first way ahead of Ryan though.Ryan at LEAST got his team to two AFC title games with a lame duck quarterback has been named mark sanchez.Now thats quite a coaching job.

Yeah I would have liked to see him win another SB after spygate
his coaching actually cost them from winning the last superbowl.the pats had stopped the Giants at like the 10 yeard line on 3rd and long but they had too many men on the field so the giants got the ball back and a first down and got a touchdown out of it which turned out to be costly.Thats all coaching right there.that falls squarly on Belechecks shoulders,thats HIS responsibility.

If he can keep having winning seasons when tom brady retires with the quarterback they drafted this year,I'll admit THEN he is a good coach but like i said,come on he was a total failure at cleveland when he didnt have tom brady.Coughlin at least succeeded getting to the NFC tilte game with another quarterback at one time.
players must have an irrational hatred over rex ryan.again he at LEAST went to two AFC title games with a lame duck journeyman quarterback.
his coaching actually cost them from winning the last superbowl.the pats had stopped the Giants at like the 10 yeard line on 3rd and long but they had too many men on the field so the giants got the ball back and a first down and got a touchdown out of it which turned out to be costly.Thats all coaching right there.that falls squarly on Belechecks shoulders,thats HIS responsibility.

If he can keep having winning seasons when tom brady retires with the quarterback they drafted this year,I'll admit THEN he is a good coach but like i said,come on he was a total failure at cleveland when he didnt have tom brady.Coughlin at least succeeded getting to the NFC tilte game with another quarterback at one time.

who did Coughlin get to the NFC title game with besides Eli????
Tom Brunnel when he was the jaguars coach in 1997 with the playoff loss being to The patriots in new england.he lost to the legend Bill Parcells who IMO is right up there with vince Lombardi as the greatest coach ever so no shame in that.
Coughlin is a future HOF coach

No other coach gets you as much bang for the buck
Coughlin is a future HOF coach

No other coach gets you as much bang for the buck
damn straight.Its not HIS fault he has a quarterback who all of a sudden isnt willing to take a hit from a defensive lineman and is just throwing it up in the air resulting in INT'S to get rid of it because he is afraid now.

Eli manning is the problem not tom coughlin.its so easy to do the easy thing and blame the head coach and fire him instead of the quarterback which is what robert kraft did with pete carrol and is now regretting it big time now realising it that it was Bledsoe he should have fired back tnen not carrol,that bledsoe was losing games for him,not the head coach.This owner is smart enough to realise that Coughlin is not the problem.
Coughlin is a future HOF coach

No other coach gets you as much bang for the buck
damn straight.Its not HIS fault he has a quarterback who all of a sudden isnt willing to take a hit from a defensive lineman and is just throwing it up in the air resulting in INT'S to get rid of it because he is afraid now.

Eli manning is the problem not tom coughlin.its so easy to do the easy thing and blame the head coach and fire him instead of the quarterback which is what robert kraft did with pete carrol and is now regretting it big time now realising it that it was Bledsoe he should have fired back tnen not carrol,that bledsoe was losing games for him,not the head coach.This owner is smart enough to realise that Coughlin is not the problem.

Well as a coach if he sees Eli playing scared then he is supposed to bench him
Coughlin is a future HOF coach

No other coach gets you as much bang for the buck
damn straight.Its not HIS fault he has a quarterback who all of a sudden isnt willing to take a hit from a defensive lineman and is just throwing it up in the air resulting in INT'S to get rid of it because he is afraid now.

Eli manning is the problem not tom coughlin.its so easy to do the easy thing and blame the head coach and fire him instead of the quarterback which is what robert kraft did with pete carrol and is now regretting it big time now realising it that it was Bledsoe he should have fired back tnen not carrol,that bledsoe was losing games for him,not the head coach.This owner is smart enough to realise that Coughlin is not the problem.

Well as a coach if he sees Eli playing scared then he is supposed to bench him
My guess is he doesnt have the power to do that.That he is being told and ordered to play him by the owner and general to remember in the NFL,coachs dont have final say all the time on who gets to be their starting quarterback.if this was college football,I guarantee you Coughlin would have benched him sometime last year.

thats what pisses me off about the NFL is politics always come into play because of money.because of that the best players at their posistions a lot of times dont get to start.its not right but thats how it is.

Not every coach gets to be like bill parcells who was given complete control on who he wanted to play.thats why he left the patriots for the jets was he wanted more control and he got it.

Parcells he was one of those rare coachs where he didnt care HOW much you made,if you were stinking up the joint,he got rid of you.He had that power to do that with the jets that was why he benched o'donnel during a playoff game that one year despite the several millions he had signed a 5 year contract to the previous year.

The jets gave him the okay to do as he chose knowing they would have to still pay o'donnel several millions after that while not playing for them because they gave parcells the power to play who he chose despite how much money they made.That was why he was always so successful wherever he went because he didnt give a crap how much a player made.If they werent producing he got rid of them. Very few coachs now ever have that luxary.they have to play with what they got.

Not every coach gets to have the luxary that parcells had.we dont know all the details.because of politics,i wouldnt be surprised if he has been ordered to play him and if he benchs him,he'll lose his job.coachs never come out and say that but thats the case a lot of times. got to remember manning was i believe the number one pick or close to that in the draft.

He is making millions upon millions of money so he cant just bench him cause he wants to.not in the NFL.again its not right but thats how it is.they invested heavily in him and they dont want to dump him now. its too bad for giants fans but they're going to be stuck with him until he decides to do the right thing and step down.

If he has ANOTHER bad year,then ownership needs to release him plain and simple.
Coughlin is a future HOF coach

No other coach gets you as much bang for the buck
damn straight.Its not HIS fault he has a quarterback who all of a sudden isnt willing to take a hit from a defensive lineman and is just throwing it up in the air resulting in INT'S to get rid of it because he is afraid now.

Eli manning is the problem not tom coughlin.its so easy to do the easy thing and blame the head coach and fire him instead of the quarterback which is what robert kraft did with pete carrol and is now regretting it big time now realising it that it was Bledsoe he should have fired back tnen not carrol,that bledsoe was losing games for him,not the head coach.This owner is smart enough to realise that Coughlin is not the problem.

Well as a coach if he sees Eli playing scared then he is supposed to bench him
My guess is he doesnt have the power to do that.That he is being told and ordered to play him by the owner and general to remember in the NFL,coachs dont have final say all the time on who gets to be their starting quarterback.if this was college football,I guarantee you Coughlin would have benched him sometime last year.

thats what pisses me off about the NFL is politics always come into play because of money.because of that the best players at their posistions a lot of times dont get to start.its not right but thats how it is.

Not every coach gets to be like bill parcells who was given complete control on who he wanted to play.thats why he left the patriots for the jets was he wanted more control and he got it.

Parcells he was one of those rare coachs where he didnt care HOW much you made,if you were stinking up the joint,he got rid of you.He had that power to do that with the jets that was why he benched o'donnel during a playoff game that one year despite the several millions he had signed a 5 year contract to the previous year.

The jets gave him the okay to do as he chose knowing they would have to still pay o'donnel several millions after that while not playing for them because they gave parcells the power to play who he chose despite how much money they made.That was why he was always so successful wherever he went because he didnt give a crap how much a player made.If they werent producing he got rid of them. Very few coachs now ever have that luxary.they have to play with what they got.

Not every coach gets to have the luxary that parcells had.we dont know all the details.because of politics,i wouldnt be surprised if he has been ordered to play him and if he benchs him,he'll lose his job.coachs never come out and say that but thats the case a lot of times. got to remember manning was i believe the number one pick or close to that in the draft.

He is making millions upon millions of money so he cant just bench him cause he wants to.not in the NFL.again its not right but thats how it is.they invested heavily in him and they dont want to dump him now. its too bad for giants fans but they're going to be stuck with him until he decides to do the right thing and step down.

If he has ANOTHER bad year,then ownership needs to release him plain and simple.

Well if that's the case then his hands are tied

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