Mother Jones: Total of mass public shootings in U.S. in 2015 = 4.

Yea I do, and I also see it as fudging the numbers to make it seem worse than it is. 8 of the 9 people wounded that night were released from the hospital that same night. They weren't wounded that severely, as most gunshot victims aren't. They had grazing wounds or ricochet wounds. Quit catastrophizing everything.

I know this because it happened 500 feet from where I used to work. My coworker knew one of the people shot. This is a tight community.
well, then maybe the author of this very thread should NOT have put in as you call deceiving, ''mass SHOOTINGS'' in the title of this thread and should have put ''mass murders'' in his title, eh?

so take it up with him, if you want the subject title for this particular thread to mean something not mentioned.... ;)
Or you could admit that you have no idea what you're talking about and posted a source you thought backed you up but indeed backed up the OP instead? LOL
Or you could admit that you have no idea what you're talking about and posted a source you thought backed you up but indeed backed up the OP instead? LOL
i did misread what the map was for initially, I have no problem admitting to that, now that I know I made a mistake.

BUT, this thread title SPECIFICALLY MENTIONS 4 mass SHOOTINGs in 2015, NOT mass murders, so my PBS map, is relevant...

And I don't think people being shot and wounded is any thing to be taken lightly just because they didn't die...the shooter attempted murder, just didn't succeed.

It's harder on those wounded that lived, than those that many or all cases depending on ones view of death or afterlife...
Well why should I take it seriously? A nutjob broke several laws and shot at people. The fact is the gun had nothing to do with it. I just bought a Ford F250. If I wanted I could kill far more children than were killed in that school shooting by simply driving my truck through the school grounds at recess or lunchtime. I don't need a gun. If I want to kill, I'll kill. Good thing I have no desire to hurt anyone.

If I was going to take it seriously I would make guns easier to obtain for law abiding citizens. Or, even better, require all citizens to obtain a gun permit that they would obtain by taking a gun class and learning how to shoot properly.

You want to stop the shooter by taking the guns from the people who would stop him. I want to stop the shooter by arming people who could stop him. Which makes more sense?
Well why should I take it seriously? A nutjob broke several laws and shot at people. The fact is the gun had nothing to do with it. I just bought a Ford F250. If I wanted I could kill far more children than were killed in that school shooting by simply driving my truck through the school grounds at recess or lunchtime. I don't need a gun. If I want to kill, I'll kill. Good thing I have no desire to hurt anyone.
Well, I haven't tried to make that argument in this thread so you are barking up the wrong tree.

But please note, it would not be a 'gun murder', if the gun had no relevance to the murder....the gun was a key part of the murder, otherwise it would be murder by running over with an automobile, as in your example above... ;)

I don't want to take anyone's guns away,(not mine, not yours)

except the guns ending up in the hands of criminals... I'd like to see the illegal gun market, wither on the vine and think we should concentrate on that....
And how do you go about doing that? The guy who shot up our theater bought the gun legally and possessed it legally. So you're going to have to go after legal gun ownership to make a difference.

The school shooter stole the guns from his mother who bought them legally and possessed them legally. Again, how are you going to stop this?

You say you want to stop it, please list, in detail, the steps you would take. Just saying "take it seriously" is empty and meaningless. Lets hear specifics. How are you going to stop legally owned firearms from being used by nutjobs who go out of their mind one day and use a legally owned gun to commit a crime?
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And how do you go about doing that? The guy who shot up our theater bought the gun legally and possessed it legally. So you're going to have to go after legal gun ownership to make a difference.
like what was mentioned in the op, the kind of public shooting you are talking about is not where most of the gun murders take place, there were 8000 plus gun murders last year, I believe I just read.... that's an awful lot, 8000 too many, but if we can even get it down to half of that, it would be an incredible feat.

As far as ideas on how to do this, 2aguy had some good ideas just a few posts back....that could help reduce the number of illegal guns out there...more involved in stronger penalties/sentences for Straw purchases for felons...
No no, I don't care about illegally owned guns. There are already laws on the books for those that criminals will ignore. How are you going to stop the Grand shooting and the Newtown killings?
No no, I don't care about illegally owned guns. There are already laws on the books for those that criminals will ignore. How are you going to stop the Grand shooting and the Newtown killings?
If I had stayed at a Holiday Inn express last night, I might know the answer to that question, but I didn't, and nothing comes to mind.
There have been 204 mass shootings — and 204 days — in 2015 so far

just through july, 204 MASS SHOOTINGS, define as 4 or more killed in the same shooting incident

Don't you mean 4 or more SHOT

4 or more KILLED..... the stats above are HOGWASH by 'M.J.

According to the Tracker’s data, which defines a mass shooting as an incident in which at least four people are killed, there were 372 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2015, killing 475 and wounding 1,870.

2015: The year of mass shootings | PBS NewsHour
Well then by definition you are talking about mass murders not mass shootings
There have been 204 mass shootings — and 204 days — in 2015 so far

just through july, 204 MASS SHOOTINGS, define as 4 or more killed in the same shooting incident

Don't you mean 4 or more SHOT

4 or more KILLED..... the stats above are HOGWASH by 'M.J.

According to the Tracker’s data, which defines a mass shooting as an incident in which at least four people are killed, there were 372 mass shootings in the U.S. in 2015, killing 475 and wounding 1,870.

2015: The year of mass shootings | PBS NewsHour
Well then by definition you are talking about mass murders not mass shootings
Yes, I misunderstood my link used Skull.

This is the real problem, black on black crime, obviously the criminal gene is just in their DNA, which is another reason why whites shouldn't degrade themselves by mixing DNA with them.

Of course, an open debate about black on black crime would be "racist" and my goodness, those crime figures from the notorious Ultra Right-Wing and racist bastion of San Francisco :eek-52: :rolleyes-41:

San Franciscans, what a group of racists!
I'm a White male who was married to a Black Woman who is more Conservative than myself. Stating it's a DNA problem instead of a failure in the family unit and Liberal policies is retarded. You sound like an old school Democrat I hope you don't consider yourself a Republican.

No I'm not a Democrat. I'm Ultra Right-Wing darling.

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