Mother sticks sex toy in 2 year old son's anus, needs surgery

Progressive Liberal judges are THE WORST OFFENDERS when it comes to punishment for paedophiles and rapists. I've heard of cases where these rapists are let off with probation. Bill O' Reilly did quite a few reports on Liberal Judges who refuse to come down hard on these child sex perverts.

On the other hand, I read an article last year of a judge in Georgia who gave a 1st time charged paedophile 7 life time sentences for raping a young boy in his county. This year I checked the number of rapes in that particular city and it was zero - same for child abuse offenders - zero. I believe we have to take back our court systems and get these liberal judges off the bench. Expose them for what they are and drive them out. - Jeremiah
Maybe the mother just thought she was a public school teacher. Kids that age are supposed to get instruction into the mechanics of gay sex. According to obama advisor John Holdren, by high school boys should be ready for fisting.
Progressives are trying to push again that pedophelia is a "sexual orientation"

Many experts now view pedophilia as a sexual orientation [Google+ hangout] -

All those experts are progressives?

I didn't see that in the article.

We know you're excited to see pedophilia legalized one day but it will never happen. No matter how much you wish for it.

That used to be said about a guy sticking his dick up another guy's ass......... look how much society has "progressed", this country has a president that not only has no problem with it, he participates.......Reggie Love.......
We need zero tolerance laws for over-the-top abuse like this.
The child obviously would have been in great pain and no doubt screaming while this inhuman monster forced the object deep enough to require surgery.
I would have absolutely no problem with sentencing her to life in hard labor.
Well according to the study, she's not a hetero, she's a pedophile.

Separate but equal, according to the homo lobby when they made their assertions that sexuality is something one is born with, and therefore sacrosanct.
You can't rehabilitate a child molester.

You can't take away their desire to harm, but some of them can lead normal lives and not harm another child. Once they cross the line, though, that's pretty much it, and their chance of offending again skyrockets.

This sick cow, pathetic excuse for a mother, should be thrown in prison and see how she likes it to have something shoved up her anus so she can feel just like her son did.

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