Mountain climbers scale President Trump's border wall in under one minute, Coulter goes bezerk!

That’s cool, so only illegals who are expert mountain climbers will get in. I’m fine with that.
I haven't seen Coulter go bezerk in years. What does little 90 lb Ann Coulter have to do with anything these days? The "Wall" isn't freaking Mt. Everest, the wall is intended as a symbol and a deterrent for everyone but the most determined illegals. What's not to like?
I haven't seen Coulter go bezerk in years. What does little 90 lb An coulter have to do with anything these days. The "Wall" isn't freaking Mt. Everest, the wall is intended as a symbol and a deterrent for everyone but the most determined illegals. What's not to like?
Leftards are desperate.
The video I just watched did NOT show the juggler actually getting to the top of the wall.
Some people can scale skyscrapers too. 'French Spider-Man' climbs Frankfurt skyscraper – video

So what? When will leftists get working brains? I'll say it again: Walls are deterrents, not insurmountable obstacles.

Let's see someone scale a wall when the Border Patrol and their police dogs and taser guns form a welcoming committee for them on the US side.
Let's see a pregnant woman and children climb that wall. Lets see a drug mule scale the wall with a fifty pound backpack filled with that white powder.
Let's see how fast anyone can scale that wall because anyone climbing the border wall will set off red alerts and draw the attention of Border Patrol units instantly.

If one out of a hundred manage to scale a border wall and somehow escape into the desert that makes the wall 99% effective and well worth our investment in securing the border.

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